The Glee movie, my heart breaking, and oh look! I'm in love with Simon Pegg!

Aug 13, 2011 12:52

First news first: I can't go to Glee nights on Tuesdays. Because I have class.
That sound you just heard? That was my heart, snapping in two. And then being stepped on.

On a happier note, Max and I went out for drinks last night and then saw Glee in 3D. Which really shouldn't have been in 3D.
-Darren! Was awesome. Especially his ugly coral colored pants. And the part where he stopped being Blaine and started being Darren and talked about Britney with her giant bear hands.

-I wish they would have put more of the skits in there! like, any of them! Because they seemed adorable, but they left them out completely. Honestly, I would have just nixed the Gleek stories and kept the skits. They would have been more interesting.

-(Here's the part where I get mean.) I didn't like the Gleek stories. Here's why.
1) The short cheerleader. Okay, she was cute. Yeah, she had dwarfism. But they focused on her getting asked to prom and then winning. Probably because she was popular? She wasn't a social outcast AT ALL. And a normal sized guy asked her to prom. Brilliant. Could the fact that doing so meant he got to star in an international movie have anything to do with it? Maybe, maybe not. I remain skeptical.

2) The girl with Aspergers. I'm really glad you found something to connect to, sweetie, really, I do. But you realize that Britney Pears is just a fictional character, right? That when you talked to her, held her hand, cried, it was just an actress? An awesome actress, but just an actress. Also, I really like your hair. Tres cute.

3)The gay kid. His journal got passed around and was accidentally outed to his school in 8th grade. Boo friggin whoo. I'm sure it was embarressing. But did you get beat up? Did you get expelled? Did your parents cast you out? Did you lose all your friends? Did you get killed?!? No. You did not. I was not impressed with the kid they chose. Maybe they were going for the "you're gay, but still have a happy story we can share with the audience" thing.

-The Britney Spears dance. HELLO! What was this movie rated? Because I'm pretty sure that spiked it. A lot. Don't get me wrong. Watching Britney swish around the stage was pretty hot (and yes, her boobs did look good in 3D), but the backup dancers were wearing bondage outfits! Appropriate for a movie where kids will be watching? Probably not.

-The Little Warbler! OMG! I think my ovaries just burst! So adorable! I would totally procreate if I could have a kid like that.

-Glee should never do Queen. Except Fat Bottom Girls, which was rather good. But someone to love? No! Not even Darren's awesome coral pants could make up for that!

-Gweneth Paltrow. No. Just no. She was awkward on stage, and no stage presence, and was 6 minutes I would rather see go to something else. Like Klaine moments. Lets go get some tacos? What? I assume she was the Spanish teacher. I actually don't remember since her character was so insignificant in my mind.

-Chris Colfer (Kurt) is so damn good on stage. Seriously. I may have a tiny bit of a crush on him now. In a "you're-gay-and-please-be-my-best-friend" sort of way. Also, he didn't interact with Darren at all! Not once! Whyyyy!?

-I am generally against Glee doing the Beatles too, but Kurt singing "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" was pretty cute. Except I kept waiting for Blaine to pop out and make it a duet so they could hold hands. Didn't happen.

-Santana should be my girlfriend. Just saying.

-Was it ignore Quinn and Sam day? And Tina? (See? Even I forgot about Tina.) Because those 3 got NO SCREEN TIME WHATSOEVER. A fraction of a duet from Sam and Quinn, and a bit of Born This Way for Tina, and that's it! What the hell? Quinn's new haircut was adorable! Show it off!

-Born This Way was brilliant! Brilliant! I want one of those t-shirts. But they're $25, and I can't justify it. .... right?

-I am seriously going to miss the Warblers. Not because they sang particularly good songs, but because they were fun! And because Dalton made them interesting. At least we get to keep Blaine. (In street clothes! Yes! Does anyone else notice he tends to dress like a 1950's ice cream shop worker? He totally does.)

So now I'm excited for Glee to start September 20th, even though I have stupid class, so won't get to watch it with the girls. *heartcrush* Maybe I can talk them into walking it with me the next day? Without commercials! Fingers crossed. I just hope we get lots and lots of smexy Klaine moments. And that Santana and Brittney finally hook up. Because they're adorable.

And in other news: I'm in love with Simon Pegg. Jumped on that band wagon late. But I've been watching Spaced, which is fucking brilliant, and all of a sudden my mind went "damn, he's amazing." And also married with a little girl and a schnauzer. But still. I can dream. Go watch Spaced. It's hilarious. He's in the next 2 movies on my Netflix queue, plus I might need to watch Star Trek tonight. Because sexy men in space = always worth it.

Also, I might go shopping. Hmmm. Must see what Sister is up to.

love you!

i hate school, glee, movies, review

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