i fail. kthanks. also: Movie Review: Eclipse

Jul 08, 2010 17:36

I took my driving test today and FAILED. Boo. It's cause I blew through a stop sign, and parked too far away from the curb. Even though I've never done any of those things prior to the test. Uggh. My paralell and 90 degree parking went just fine though!!

And now, for a movie review.


We're gonna do this in list form.

The Good:
-Jacob! You are so smexy!
-KStew's acting has improved signifigantly! Well done her. When not acting in a scene with RPatz, she's pretty good!
-Victoria was suuuper hot. I honestly found myself rooting for her more than Edward, because she was v. badass, and also was doing what she did for love. Was it sad that she was evil? Yeah. But still.
-Did I mention all the times we saw Jacob with his shirt off? More please.
-Jacob&Bella making out. It was pretty hot, guys. Not gonna lie. I ship it like the Titanic.
-A new Florence and the Machine song! Even if the song played during a  super awkward makeout scene, it was still great!
-We smuggled cake into the theatre. It was delicious.

The Bad:
-basically every scene with Edward ever. This movie would have been greatly improved by the removal of Edward Cullen. A tale of a girl who's main friends are vampires who ends up falling for a werewolf? I'd see it!
-No good "that's what she said" lines
-It felt really long
-Why did the vampires turn into stone? I don't understand this.
- Wasn't Jasper's face supposed to have a big ol' scar down it? Where did the scar go?
-Again, Edward Cullen. RPatz, you aren't terrible, you are just terrible in this.
I actually woke up in the middle of the night last night, panicking because Bella didn't end up with Jacob. (Well, mostly because I had a driving test. But the ship war was in there too!) I was surprisingly disappointed that my couple didn't work. Because I totally shipped Edward/Bella in the book! Probably because Edward wasn't as much of a creeper.

Now, we wait. For dinner. For a week to pass so I can take the drivers test again. For my shift to be over so I can go home and SLEEP.

Can has hug, plz?

Also: RPatz is signed up to play the main guy in the movie adaption for Water for Elephants? I didn't even realize they were making a movie out of that book! huh.

i suck at driving, fail, movies, review, twilight

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