Goodbye, old girl.

Mar 21, 2009 12:30

Series finale of Battlestar Galactica = watched.

-WTF happened to Kara?!? Was she a ghost? What was she? I didn't get this part at all. Also, I was rather sad her and Lee didn't end up having lots of babies and growing old together. But I maintain that they still loved each other at the end.
-I was doing really well until about half way through, and then thenI pretty much cried straight through. That scene with Roslin - God.
-This guy I know told me he thought Kara was an angel, sort of like head!Six and head!Gaius. And that she actually died in Maelstrom. I guess i can see that. 
-I liked the opera house bit, thought that was cleverly planned.
-I am definitely going to have to wait a bit before I can start re-watching i
-I was so sure more people were going to die. Like, Roslin was obvious. Boomer I figured would kick it. But Kara "disappearing" I didn't expect. I figured they would kill off half the cast, and I would be in a fetal position by the end. But it had a happy, hopeful ending for the characters we saw.
-Sam's final comment to Kara, "see you on the other side", was that an allusion to her being ghosty?
-Not too sure how much I like the "we are all descended from BSG characters" thing. Or the not so subtle allusions they made to our modern AI and how they could turn into cylons. I did however like Gaius and Six strolling down the street, looking badass.


Update: I decided not to get the dress. Its too expensive. I'm gonna hit up Pennys though and see if they have something else.


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