100 truths

Feb 16, 2009 03:20

It's making the rounds, and since Heather did it, I will do it too. so we can be just the same.

1. Last beverage→ water
2. Last phone call→ Mikal
3. Last text message→ Mikal
4. Last song you listened to→ Dear Prudence - Across the Universe OST
5. Last time you cried→ Saturday night, while watching P.S. I love You

6. Dated someone twice → no
7. Been cheated on? →no
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? → yes
9. Lost someone special?→ yes (ikey!!)
10. Been depressed?→ yes
11. Been drunk? → yes

12. blue
13. green
14. red

15. Made new friends → yes
16. Fallen out of love → um....
17. Laughed until you cried → yes
18. Met someone who changed you→ i like to think so
19. Found out who your true friends were→ yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you→ hahaha, yes. bitch.
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list→ nope. not on the lips at least.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life --> almost all of them
23. How many kids do you want to have→zero (but if i do, they will be girls, and there names will be elizabeth and brigid)
24. Do you have any pets → yep! Amie!!
25. Do you want to change your name→ naw, i have rather gotten used to Ariel kirst
26. What did you do for your last b-day: on my birthday? wine with the girls in my apartment
28. What were you doing at midnight last night→ sleeping
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for → going home to see my family and friends! (and the new harry potter movie...)
30. Last time you saw your father→ New Years Day
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about you life ---> I wish I had confidence enough to snag myself a signifigent other. Being single gets lonely
32. What are you listening to right now → Eruption - steve wood (greece: secrets from the past OST)
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → rather frequently, since i left.
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? → the lack of communication i have with home
36. Whats your real name → Ariel Kirst. Elaine was added after the birth certificate was made.
37. Relationship Status → totally freaking single. But with a wifey and a hubby!
38. Zodiac sign: Taurus
39. Male or female→ Female
40. Elementary school→ Pike Lake Elementary
41. Middle School → Highview Middle School
42. High school → Irondale High School
43. Hair color → brown. very boring brown.
45.Height- 5'5''
46. Do you have a crush on someone? → not really? nothing except residual feelings from old flames.
47. What do you like about yourself? → I am a very very nice person.
48. Piercings → nope
49. Tattoos → not yet!!
50. Righty or lefty → Right

51. First surgery → wisdom teeth out
52. First piercing -  none
53. First tattoo- Nope again
54. First best friend - Besides Heather? Emily soemthingsomething from Little Voyagers
55. First sport you joined → gymnastics. kindergarden.
56. First pet → Ben Ben and BJ. cats.
57. First vacation remembered-- Llambs resort on the North Shore
58. First concert: um, you mean besides the mass of school music concerts? The Spice Girls
59. First crush→ Christopher. He was in kindergarden with me.
60. First alcohol drink- mudslide at applebees. well, thats the first one that was actually MINE. i had sips of my parents over the years.

61. Eating --> nothing, but i had frosted flakes for breakfast about a half hour ago
63. I'm about to → probably watch more How I Met Your Mother until class starts
64. Listening to → Mai - Josh Groban
65. Waiting for → class

66. Want kids? not at this point, no
67. Want to get married? yes
68. Careers in mind?  LIBRARIAN!!

69. Lips or eyes → eyes
70. Hugs or kisses → depends on the person
71. Shorter or taller → well, taller than me, but not really tall.
72. Older or Younger → older
73. Romantic or spontaneous → both
74. Nice stomach or nice arms → arms
75. Tattoos or piercings- tattoos
76. Sensitive or loud → sensetive, but still fun.
77. Hook-up or relationship - relationship. always.
78. Trouble maker or hesitant→ a healthy mix of both. i will be hesitant enough for the both of us.

79. Kissed a stranger → no
80. Drank hard liquor → yes
81. Lost glasses/contacts → all the time when i was younger
82. Sex on first date → no
83. Broken someone's heart → yes, though to be fair, it was one date, so her heart really shouldn't have been broken in teh first place.
84. Had your own heart broken → yes. fucker.
85. Been arrested? nope.
86. Turned someone down → yes
87. Cried when someone died → like a baby.
88. Liked a friend that is a girl? → yep

89. Yourself → occasionally. more nowadays.
90. Miracles → yes
91. Love at first sight → um... sometimes?
92. Heaven → yes
93. Santa Claus → YES!!!
94. Kissing on the first date? → if the moment is right
95. Angels → yes

96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → my sister!
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → in an unofficial dating capacity? yes. but the two people was "dating" were also dating each other, so everyone knew.
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? → more than anything
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? → my sister.
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? → on livejournal ^^

I won't tag anyone, but do it anyway! It's fun! Miss you all. P.S. I really want pasta.


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