The coldest morning of my life.

Jan 21, 2009 11:03

This morning, I woke up at 3:45 am, walked to campus, and was standing in line outside the quad by 5 am. And for what? To get into an English seminar.
Registration didn't start until 9. I waited for 4 hours in the cold. And it was REALLY cold. I wasn't prepared at all for the cold. Nearly froze my legs off in the process. Couldn't sit down, because the concrete was too cold and my butt was freezing.
I didn't make it into the Jane Austen seminar. Nor did I Make it into the Children's Lit seminar (which were my top two choices.)

I made it into a Modern Irish Literature course with a focus on the Fiction of Violence. So it sounds really cool! But I was still a bit bummed that I waited in line for that long and didn't get the Austen one. Curses.
It was by and far the most unorganized registration process I have ever seen. You fail, NUIG English department!! You faiiiiiiil.

Came back, took a nap, had to DRAG myself out of bed to go back to school to my Modernism/Postmodernism lit course (Heart of Darkness! Woot!) and then Mikal and I went grocery shopping. And we got TONS of groceries. We're set for a while at least.

Right now, I am sitting on my bed, reading Ransom My Heart by Meg Cabot (and Mia Thermopolis) in PDF form, but I should really be reading Lolita, because it's due next week. Screw you, school reading. You're dumb.

The film society is showing Chinatown tonight, but I might just stay in with my warm covers and my good book and read. We'll see.
Miss you!

class, meg cabot, books

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