fandom meme. because fangirls are love.

Jun 26, 2008 18:42

Name: Ariel
Age: 21
Fandoms: oh lord... Doctor Who, Firefly, Harry Potter, BSG, Farscape, Stargate SG1/Atlantis, X-files, Xena
Characters you will love//defend no matter what anyone thinks: Mulder/Scully, Doctor/Rose, Mal/Inara, Kara/Lee, Sam/Jack, Aeryn/John. and Sirius/Lupin. Sorry Kate.
Ships that make you squee: um... all of the above? when DON'T i squee?
If you could resurrect one canceled show, which one would it be?: FIREFLY!!!!!
there is no contest.
A book or book series you think everyone should read: Mediator series by Meg Cabot. Unless you haven't read Harry Potter. And then for God's sake, start reading!!
Locked or Public Journal?: public
Anything else?: Cheese is good.

And in other news, I work 8 hours a day for the next 6 days. Excluding Monday.
Further proof that there is no God.

meme, fandom

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