Entertain me!

Jan 29, 2007 13:27

I have taken a vicoden. While at work. The pain has lessened,...but...now I need someone to keep me awake! Feed me music...porn...god, yes porn...I'm in the mood for hurt/comfort porn...and maybe angry porn...So...since my friend's list is so fabulous...here's what I'm gonna do...I'm gonna start something...and you guys can write me more!



So, he was angry. Like that was unusual? Dean could be angry too. Down right pissy if he wanted to be. And maybe he wanted to be. It was his ankle after all. He was the one who was laid up, laid out...on display...because Sam was angry and couldn't be bothered to give Dean his pants back.

He scowled at Sam, who ignored him. He growled and Sam turned his back to him at the little table. Fine. Just fine.

So he'd lay there naked, but for the ankle and it's constraining bandages. Fine. Not like Dean was self-conscious or anything. He'd just have to entertain himself.

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