Because none of us have nothing better to do...right?
ellipsisblack issued a challenge a while ago to write Supernatural fic based on fairy tales and nursery rhymes. So far, she's gotten some pretty intriguing responses...from dark and angsty to silly (that would be mine...go figure!)...
She and I chatted about some other things that would make good challenges...and being the person that I am...and not to mention obsessive! I issue forth the following challenge:
I would like to see Fic from pretty much any fandom (though Supernatural will truly own this challenge, I'm quite certain) based on the works (poetry or fiction) of Mr. Edgar Allan Poe.
In order to fascillitate and/or enable those of you who might consider rising to this challenge, I offer the following link:
An Online List of Poe's Work No word count limits. Just Poe-y goodness. For me. Because you love me...or something....
*pokes friends list* I'm talking to you here. Are you paying attention?