A Year in Review

Oct 28, 2006 15:08

As a Pagan, I tend to view the year as stretching from November 1st to October 31st. As such, this seems an appropriate time to look at this last year and what my writing has been like. There has been a lot of porn. There has been fan fiction and original fiction and stuff that defies description.

There have been 176 entries in either amara_m or phantisma that can be counted as writing, whether stories, parts of stories or essays.

Thirty-eight percent have been Supernatural Fics (No surprise there), almost twenty-three percent have been Stargate SG-1 fics (again with little surprise. Just shy of sixteen percent were Buffy/Angel fics, 15 percent were original writings.

So...that's a lot of writing...a lot of words...and by now means was there any lack of complete insanity. This doesn't count stuff I've started and haven't finished, or anything that wasn't posted in one or the other of these journals, and there's a fair bit of that too.

So...what and where is all of this brilliance you ask?

Are you sure you want to know?

Original Works
Like Blood From Stone

This is likely to grow to a novel eventually, what follows are snippets of the story as they’ve come to me, not necessarily in order:

Mason And K’Rai
Mason and Corral
A Private Moment
Tumbling Down
You never follow
Bugs and Explosions
Don’t be Obstinate"
Safe Passage
Tomorrow then
In The Beginning
Is it Time?
Readers and Seers
Promise me

Market Street Moll

This is going to be my NaNoWriMo project this year…Moll came to me out of nowhere…

She hates herself


Maiden, Mother, Crone…Becoming Whole


Angel the Series / Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Angel: Death by Chocolate

Angel/Cordelia: Meet Me in the Alley, NC-17, het

Angel/Giles: Closer to Oblivion, R (implied sexual situations, insinuation of BDSM)

Angel/Wes : A Foot Thing, NC-17, slash

Angel/Wes: Breakfast in Bed, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four, NC-17 (dark, bondage, non-con)

Angel/Wes: Midnight at the Lost and Found, PG (schloompy)

Angel/Wes: Fallen Angel, Parts 1 & 2, Parts 3 & 4, Parts 5 & 6, Parts 7 & 8, Parts 9 & 10, Parts 11 & 12, Parts 13 & 14, and finally Saying Goodbye, Overall ranges from PG-13 to NC-17 (sex, violence, hurt/comfort)

Angel/Wes/Buffy: A Slayer Born, Part One, Part Two , Part Three. Ranges from PG-13 to NC-17

Angel, Wesley, Spike: My Heroes Have Always Been Demons, PG

Buffy: What Have I Done?, PG (angst)

Dawn/Spike: Right Here, PG-14

Spike/Xander: Two Can Play, NC-17

Warren/Willow: Maybe I Did, NC-17

Xander: Pieces, PG

Xander/Dawn: Rules of Engagement, PG

Xander, Dawn, Willow, Buffy, Spike: Shades of Gray, for the Dark!Xander Ficathon, PG-13 (implied violence)


River: Untitled Drabble

River/Kaylee, Jayne: Untitled Ficlet, requested by wandereringray, NC-17

Harry Potter
Harry, Hermoine/Ron: Falling, as requested by siliconshaman, PG

Snape/OFC/OFC: Happy Birthday, requested by jennimoo, NC-17

Stargate SG-1
Daniel x 3: Sleep Well, Dr. Jackson", Ripple Effect Fic, seriously wrong and way, way NC-17

Daniel: Leaving, far future fic, G

Daniel, Implied Daniel/Share: A Letter to My Wife, G

Daniel, Implied Daniel/Share: A Letter to My Wife, 2, G

Daniel: The Nine Lives of Daniel Jackson, PG

Daniel/Cameron: Dinner in Bed, Food!Porn, NC-17

Daniel/Vala: No Words, NC-17, het

Daniel, Vala: Shared Comfort, PG

General: Bad Day, PG-13 (violence, implied torture)

General: Daddy’s Little Girl, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, and Part Seven, PG-13

General: Prior’s Blood Part One,

General: Cheeky Monkey, G

General: Goodbye, PG

These actually form a sort of continuing Story Arc, listed in the right order to read them:
Jack/Daniel: Trust, PG-13 (torture)
Jack/Daniel: Staying Alive, PG-13 (torture)
Jack/Daniel: Enigma, G
Jack/Daniel: Stay, PG-13
Jack/Daniel: Kissing, PG-13
Jack/Daniel: A Taste of Daniel, PG-13
Jack/Daniel: The Truth of It, NC-17
Jack/Daniel: Sated Silence, PG-13
Jack/Daniel: Lunch, R
Jack/Daniel: Contentment, PG
Jack/Daniel: Lost, R (torture)
Jack/Daniel: Found, R (violence)

Jack/Daniel: Reccess, NC-17

Jack/Daniel: Jack Gets What he Wants, NC-17

Jack/Daniel: Two Guys Having Food, follow on to “Jack Gets What he Wants", NC-17

Jack/Sara: Never Could Say Goodbye", G

Sam: Retreat, G

Sam/Cameron: Let it Burn, for het_fic, NC-17

Sam/Vala, implied Sam/Daniel, Sam/Cameron, Sam/Jack: The Rumor Mill, R
Sam/Daniel/Cameron, Sam/Vala; Stories People Tell, NC-17Sam/Daniel/Cameron, Sam/Vala: Rumor Has It, NC-17


Dean/Ghostly FC: She…It…, requested by dawnie1970, Dean/Female Ghost, NC-17

Dean: Untitled Drabble, for supernatural100, G

Dean: Sleep…Or Something Like It, G

Dean: No Sleep for the Wicked, PG-13

Dean: Who Needs It, for supernatural100, fluff, PG

Dean, Sam: Agony, for supernatural100, Character Death, PG-13

Dean, Sam, John, OC: Ages 12 (Dean), 13 (Dean), 14 (Dean), 15 (Dean), 16 (Dean), 17 (Dean), 18 (Dean), 14 (Sam), Dark, angsty Verse, PG

Sam: Five Smells Sam Winchester Knows G

Sam/Dean: Forgotten Pleasures, NC-17

Sam/Dean: December, NC-17

Sam/Dean/OMC: Fallen Angels Verse One Way to Fall, Keep Falling, A Hard Fall, Twenty Eight Days

Sam, Dean, John, Sam/OMC, Implied Sam/Dean: The Good Son Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Very Dark Wincest Verse, torture, rape, NC-17

Sam, Dean, John, implied Sam/Dean, implied Sam/OMC: Where it Hurts Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Very Dark Wincest Verse, torture, rape, NC-17

Sam/Dan, Memories of Sam/OMC, John: Dreaming in Stereo Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Take 1, Part Six, Take 2, Very Dark Wincest Verse, Character Death, torture, memory of rape, NC-17

Sam/Dean, John: Five Times Dad almost caught Sam & Dean having Sex (Set in the Very Dark Wncest Verse), NC-17

Sam/Dean: My Brother’s Keeper Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen, Part Nineteen, Part Twenty

Sam/Dean: Points The Balancing Point, The Breaking Point, The Turning Point

Sam/Dean: Library Sex, Hand!Porn, NC-17

Sam/Dean (co-written with plutogirl10 Golden, Bondage, Whipping, NC-17

Sam/Dean (co-written with plutogirl10 Carnival Rides, Public Sex, 3Some, D/S, NC-17

Sam/Dean (co-written with plutogirl10 Boys and Their Toys, Sex Toys, D/S, NC-17

Wee!Sam, Wee!Dean: Beautiful Boys, for spn_halloween, PG


Stargate SG-1/Firefly: One Night, as originally requested by wandereringray, Implied Daniel/Kaylee, Implied Jack/Sam, Implied Teal’c/Jayne, PG-13

Buffy/Supernatural: Blame it On the Rain Buffy/Sam/Dean, NC-17

Harry Potter/Stargate Atlantis: Obasi, for the ucp_ficathon, Ron/Ronon , NC-17

Harry Potter/Smallville: Worlds Collide, for ucp_ficathon, Lex/Lucius Malfoy, NC-17

Firefly/Stargate SG-1: Not Bad At All, for ucp_ficathon, Daniel/Kaylee, R

Tru Callings/Supernatural: More Than Nice, for het_fic, Tru/Sam, NC-17

Smallville/Stargate SG-1: Personal Superhero, for hoshi_reed, Clark/Lois (implied), Chloe/Vala, Clark/Daniel, PG

Supernatural/Stargate SG-1: Nocturnal Protector , Sam/Sam, NC-17

Random other Stuff

Gay Angel Sex Temptation (Lead Me Not) as requested by tylik, NC-17, slash

Real People Slash (RPS): J3 (Jared/Jensen/Jeff) Untitled Smut, NC-17

year in review

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