The Truth or Dare Jobe, Part Nineteen, Leverage (Vamp!Nate verse), PG-13

May 29, 2011 11:32

Fandom: Leverage (Vamp!Nate verse)
Title: The Truth or Dare Job, Part Nineteen (Index to Vamp!Nate: Index)
Pairings/Characters: Eliot, Hardison, Chaos
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 597
Summary: Eliot finds Hardison and Chaos.

A/Ns & Warning: Eighteenth chapter of a 25 chapter arc, for my angst_bingo card, found here. For the prompt "Zombie".

Eliot paused in a dark corridor and shifted back to his human form, rummaging in the shadows for where his bag had gone when he'd tossed it to handle the men he'd run into.

He pulled his clothes on, trying to wipe at least some of the blood off of him as he dressed. He'd shed enough blood that it had confused him. He'd lost the scent he'd been following, so he took the opportunity to stop and get his bearings.

He closed his eyes and breathed slowly to calm his racing heart. Somewhere in this building were Hardison, Nate and Ryna. They were counting on him.

Eliot opened his eyes and eased to the end of the corridor, peering around the corner. The hallway stretched out to his left and right, but there was a vaguely familiar scent to his right, over the smell of blood. He stepped over the still twitching body of the last man he'd dropped and headed that way.

Far enough from the blood, the smell was stronger. Hardison. He followed it cautiously, his eyes open for more trouble. He had no idea what was going on here, but when he found out who was behind all of this, who had touched his daughter and his friends…he stopped and cocked his head, listening to voices from the next hallway.

"I don't care what he is, find him and bring him to me."

He knew that voice.


At least that explained what this was about. He should have known Avonski would find him. Too long in one place, hell he was all but fucking domestic anymore. And of all the people Eliot had wronged in the past, Avonski maybe had the biggest claim to revenge. What Eliot had taken from him…

"Get that damn hacker to start closing sections down. Drive him toward the hot box. And find that girl!"

Ryna. Eliot turned the corner, sniffing the air for signs of his daughter. Instead he smelled fear. A lot of fear…and Hardison. Growling, Eliot followed the scent, ducking into a side corridor as two men with guns came out of a set of double doors.

He bit down on the urge to gut them both and let them pass, then went to the doors to listen. He could hear Hardison inside, mumbling to himself, fingers clacking loudly against a keyboard.

He eased into the room. Hardison wasn't alone. "Hardison." Eliot growled the name low as he moved closer. Hardison turned, sighing in relief.

"What took you so long?"

Eliot looked from Hardison to the man next to him and back. "I was on foot. Who's this?"

Hardison shook his head. "This here, is Chaos."

"Chaos?" Eliot was frowning. Chaos appeared to be in a daze, his eyes open, unblinking.

"He's a hacker. He got us all here."

"What's wrong with him?"

"Poisoned. He was out cold until about an hour ago. Then he woke up and started mumbling about fevers and spiders or something. Then he went all zombie-brain and has been sitting there like that for the last half hour."

Eliot waved a hand in front of the man's face. "Poison?"

Hardison was still afraid. "Yeah…and whatever it is, it's in me too. Avonski was using it to keep Chaos honest."

"What about Nate and Ryna?"

Hardison shook his head, his fingers flying on the keyboard. "I lost track. Look, they were here." He brought up a picture on one of the screens. "They got ambushed. Nate fought, Ryna ran. They went in opposite directions, but the cameras can't find them."

series: truth, character: eliot, fandom: leverage, series: vamp!nate, character: hardison

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