The Truth or Dare Job, Part Sixteen, Leverage (vamp!Nate verse), PG-13

May 24, 2011 18:07

Fandom: Leverage (Vamp!Nate verse)
Title: The Truth or Dare Job, Part Sixteen (Index to Vamp!Nate: Index)
Pairings/Characters: Hardison, Chaos
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 693
Summary: Hardison discovers that all is not as it appears in the land of Chaos.

A/Ns & Summary: Sixteenth chapter of a 25 chapter arc, for my angst_bingo card, found here. For the prompt "lies".

Hardison kept one eye on the door, the other on the system in front of him. Chaos had the entire facility wired for sound and picture, and if he could just find the back door in…he spotted a weakness and went after it, praying he could get in before Chaos came back.

Something was hinky up in this business, and it went well beyond Chaos level hinky. This had the stink on it of something else, someone else.

At least Chaos had left him refreshments, if you could call flat orange soda and beef jerky refreshments. Hardison took a swig from the bottle and turned his attention to finding a way out of this.

He found access to the surveillance, slipping on earbuds he found on the console so he could listen in without the muscle on the door hearing. He scanned screens, stopping when he found Nate. He wasn't moving, stuck in the freezer where he'd been when Hardison got there.

He noted the location of the freezer and started looking for remote access to the door. It took longer than he would have liked, but after a minute of searching he found the program that controlled the locking mechanisms of all the secure rooms.

He got the door to open, just enough that it wasn't locked. Nate didn't move.

Hardison huffed and worked at isolating the audio subprogram. He glanced over his shoulder before pulling a microphone closer. "Nate. Wake up." He was fairly certain his voice was only broadcasting in that little room that had been converted to a freezer. "Nate, wake your ass up. I've opened the door. You need to find Ryna and get out."

Hardison watched as Nate's eyes moved first, then his head lifted, looking up into the camera. "Come on now, don't make me do all the work."

Nate was slow to react, and Hardison nodded to himself. "Okay, I get it. Too cold. Let me see what I can do."

He poked the security system until he found the controls for the temperature in the room. "This is the sloppiest mess I have ever seen. Okay, Nate, it should start to warm up in there. I'm gonna look for Ryna."

He found Chaos first, talking to someone in shadows in a hallway. Hardison squinted at the picture, trying to see the other person. “No, I assure you, Hardison got the address to Spencer. He’s on his way.” Chaos said.

“He better be.”

“You going to tell me what this is about?” Chaos asked, his eyes skipping up to the camera as if he knew Hardison was watching.

There was a dark chuckle. “Payback. Spencer took from me. I plan to take from him. Let me know when he arrives.”

“I did what you wanted. Give it to me.” Chaos held his hand out.

“When I have what I came for. Not before.”

Chaos turned to face the camera as Shadow Man moved away. Hardison didn’t like the look on his face.


Chaos was afraid.

“This just keeps getting better.” Chaos shook his head and moved out of camera range.

Hardison went back to scanning various camera feeds, eventually coming back to the freezer, only to find Nate was gone. That was something at least.

The door behind him opened and Hardison jumped, flipping the screens in front of him back to the windows he was supposed to be working on. Chaos was alone, his skin pale and oddly sweaty under the facial hair. “Save it. Tell me you aren’t completely worthless and hacked the security?”

Hardison frowned at him. “I-ah-“

“Tell me you didn’t drink my soda.”

“Dude, I was thirsty. You drag me out of my apartment and across town and lock me in a room, a man is going to get-“

Chaos threw the soda across the room. “You complete moron.” He whirled on Hardison and leaned in close. “He laced it with something. Now you’re poisoned too. Fuck.” Chaos rubbed a hand over his face and shook his head. “It’s starting to get bad, can’t focus. He’s going to kill all of us just to get Spencer.”

series: truth, fandom: leverage, series: vamp!nate, character: hardison

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