The Truth or Dare Job, Part Fourteen, Leverage (vamp!Nate verse), PG-13

May 11, 2011 06:11

Fandom: Leverage (Vamp!Nate verse)
Title: The Truth or Dare Job, Part Fourteen (Index to Vamp!Nate: Index)
Pairings/Characters: Hardison
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 609
Summary: Hardison goes to the address Chaos gave him, not sure yet how he's going to save Nate & Ryna, but knowing he has to try.

A/Ns & Summary: Fourteenth chapter of a 25 chapter arc, for my angst_bingo card, found here. For the prompt "disabled".

Hardison was not surprised to find his phone dead before he’d even reached the address Chaos had given him. At least he’d gotten the address to Eliot before the phone had been disabled by whatever jamming device Chaos was using.

He didn’t have to knock, the door opened as he got to it. He was greeted by a flat panel display in front of him and a corridor to his right and left. Behind him the door slammed closed.

The panel came to life, the same damn bobblehead filling the center of the screen. “Truth or Dare, Right or Left, choose one and someone dies. Choose the other and someone still dies. What’s it going to be?”

“Enough games, man. I’m here.”

The bobblehead was replaced by a waging finger, then two windows showing two doors. “Door number one or door number two?”

“Tell me what it is you want.”

“I want you to pick one.”

It was a trap, he knew that. No matter which he picked, Chaos was going to hurt someone. “The little girl or Nate Ford, Hardison? One or Two? Truth or Dare?”

“Fine. Ryna. One.”

The window on the left showed a door opening, inside that door he could just make out two figures, one tall and one short. Two men clouded the image, pulling the shorter of the two out.

“The girl is safe for the moment. Take the corridor to your left.”

He didn’t like this, but what choice did he have? Until Eliot got there to back him up, he had to play the game, keep Chaos talking so he could figure out the plan.

Hardison made his way down the dark corridor, half expecting goons to leap out at him. The game playing was wearing on him, but that was the point of it, he supposed.

He came to a dead end and rolled his eyes. “Really?”

Unsurprisingly, a heavy door rolled closed behind him, trapping him in a square that was little more than four feet across.

“And this is where you drop the tech I know you’re carrying.” Chaos’ voice filled the space. “Lose the phone, the laptop, the tablet, the back up phone in the shoe and your ear piece. It’s all worthless anyway. The only connection to anything outside this building is in my command center. Everything else for a full city block is disabled.”

“Paranoid much?” Hardison murmured as he dropped his bag.

“No, I’m careful. I’ve spent the last year planning this. I’m not going to have you screw it up with your baling wire tech.”

“A year, huh? And you want me to admit you’re better than me? I’ve hacked security systems no one else has dreamed of cracking with a laptop and a smart phone.” He knew better than to poke the hornet’s nest, especially when Chaos still held all the cards, but he couldn’t resist the dig.

“Child’s play. You done?”

“Yeah, I’m done.” Hardison said as he dropped the back up phone he’d hidden in his sock.

“Good. Step through the door, hands on your head.”

A panel of the wall to his left opened and Hardison stepped through into a command center like something he would expect a government agency to own. In the center of it was Chaos. “Sweet, isn’t it?”

Hardison let his eyes sweep the monitors and consoles, keyboards and servers. “You could launch a space shuttle from this room.”

Chaos laughed. “Or disable one.” He stood, shrugging. “Well, not a space shuttle. Just a really big plane.” He waved toward the second chair. “And not so much disable as…ground. For a specific window of time.”

series: truth, fandom: leverage, series: vamp!nate, character: hardison

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