The Truth or Dare Job, Part Eleven, Leverage (vamp!Nate verse), PG-13

May 07, 2011 07:31

Fandom: Leverage (Vamp!Nate verse)
Title: The Truth or Dare Job, Part Eleven(Index to Vamp!Nate: Index)
Pairings/Characters: Hardison
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 527
Summary: The hacker gets hacked when an old friend comes back for revenge.

A/Ns & Summary: Eleventh chapter of a 25 chapter arc, for my angst_bingo card, found here. For the prompt "Truth or Dare".

"Do you want to play a game?"

Hardison frowned as the words filtered into his head. He closed the apartment door and dropped his bag, turning to his computer set up, where the voice was pouring from his speakers.

He sat down and brought up his main display, shaking his head. "That ain't right."

In fact, something was very wrong. "Oh no you didn't." His fingers flew at the keys, but he was getting hacked faster than he could block it. "Who the hell…"

Sparks flew from one of his monitors and Hardison jumped back as a familiar face filled his screens. "Chaos…"

A bobble headed image shook a finger at him. "Now, now, don't get angry. We're going to have some fun."

"Fun? I'll show you fun." Hardison reached under his desk for his wireless keyboard and started to try to hack his way back in.

"I wouldn't do that. You don't know the rules."

Hardison looked up at the screen, then around the room. Chaos had to be watching him, and not just through the network.

"You won't find them in time to stop this, so don't try. The game of the hour is truth or dare. You pick, truth…you admit I'm better than you and give me what I want. Dare, you try to hack your way into your system."

"Better than me? On what planet?" Hardison muttered, his fingers flying. He was just about through one of the back doors into the system when a gate came crashing down and shut him out.

"Nice try, thanks for playing."

The monitor to his left lit up, filled with an image of Eliot in his truck, the camera obviously mounted somewhere on the dashboard. The middle screen lit up, Ryna and Nate at what looked like an ice cream shop.

Hardison froze. "What? What are you doing?"

"Now, which one will it be? Hmmmm…."

On his left, Hardison could see Eliot cursing, hitting the steering wheel. He leaned toward the camera, turning the key, then smashing the dashboard. "Eliot…" He moved away from the camera, then suddenly the camera shook and went out.

"What did you do?" Hardison scowled at the bobble headed Chaos on his screen.

"Don't worry, he isn't dead. Yet. Bet he isn't happy though. Shall we try this again?"

Hardison's hands itched at the keyboard while his mind raced over what to try next.

"Truth or Dare, Hardison? What will it be?"

Hardison fumbled in a pocket for his phone, blindly dialing Nate’s number without pulling it from his pocket and no clue if the call went through. “Chaos, I don’t know what you think-“

“I think you should pay attention and play the game, Hardison. Truth or Dare? Tell me what I want to hear or risk the life of one of your friends?”

Hardison’s eyes watched as Nate and Ryna sat at one of the little tables at the shop, Ryna clearly talking more than eating. “You wouldn’t hurt a little girl.”

“No? You willing to bet her life on that?”

Hardison bit his lip. “What is it you want?”

“Admit I’m better. In person. Address incoming. You have twenty minutes.”

series: truth, fandom: leverage, series: vamp!nate, character: hardison

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