The Truth or Dare Job, Part Nine, Leverage (vamp!Nate verse), PG-13

May 05, 2011 16:00

Fandom: Leverage (Vamp!Nate verse)
Title: The Truth or Dare Job, Part Nine (Index to Vamp!Nate: Index)
Pairings/Characters: Eliot/Hardison
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 835
Summary: Eliot takes Nate's advice and takes Hardison out to dinner...but isn't exactly sure what he's supposed to be doing.

A/Ns & Summary: Nine chapter of a 25 chapter arc, for my angst_bingo card, found here. For the prompt "strippers".

“You want to explain this to me?” Hardison asked as Eliot parked the car. He’d been hyped up since Eliot called him and told him to get dressed up.

“Explain what?” Eliot asked, opening the door of his truck.

“What do you mean, what?” Hardison’s head bobbed as he said it, frowning at the sign over the door of the joint. “This. What are we doing?”

Eliot frowned and gestured at the door with his thumb. “Food. I’m hungry. Figured you’d be hungry after spending all day…doing whatever it was you were doing at the office.”

Hardison started to nod slowly, but switched to shaking his head. “Here?”

“Yeah, here, they serve a good steak. You like steak, right?” Eliot headed for the door, expecting Hardison to follow.

“Yeah, I like steak.” Hardison said, his tone still wary.

Eliot led him inside, grinning at the hostess who stood at a podium in front of plush velvet curtains. “Miss Marla, you’re looking wonderful.”

“Mr. Havers, it’s been a while. Give me a moment and we’ll prepare your usual table.”

“Havers?” Hardison breathed when she had disappeared behind the curtains.

Eliot nodded. “Jacob Havers. It’s an old alias. One that has a gold card and a reputation for tipping well.”

Marla returned, holding the curtain for them. Eliot led the way to a booth with a view of the stage. He grinned at Marla as she handed them menus and he slid into the booth. “Bunny will be your personal server this evening.”

“Thank you Marla.” Eliot winked at her and she blushed as she walked away.

Eliot let his eyes wander the menu, though he already knew what he was getting. A hand slid up his thigh, and judging from the high pitched noise Hardison made, Bunny had introduced herself to him the same way.

“Good evening, gentlemen. I’m Bunny. How may I service you this evening?”

Hardison kicked him under the table and scooted further into the booth to escape Bunny’s hand. Eliot chuckled. “Hey darling, bring me a cold beer and that porterhouse, still bloody and twitching.”

“You got it, baby. What about you, lover?”

Hardison squeaked out something that sounded like it might be an order and Eliot grabbed the menu away from him. “He’ll have the same, but a little less bloody on the meat.”

When she had walked away, Eliot back handed Hardison’s shoulder. “Smooth, Hardison. What is wrong with you?”

Hardison’s eyes were big. “Maybe you forgot Nate…the vampire…the possessive vampire…who will smell this place on us?”

“You need to relax.” Eliot said, sitting back as the beers were delivered and music started playing. “This was his idea.”

“His…Nate told you to…” Three girls came out on stage, dancing. Hardison’s voice trailed off as they started removing articles of clothing. “Strippers?”

Eliot smirked at the squeak in his voice. He dropped one hand under the table, letting it fall on Hardison’s thigh. He stiffened up, but didn’t say anything as the girls danced and stripped.

“Nate…told you…strippers?” Hardison stammered out eventually, though he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away.

Eliot sipped at his beer. “He said we should spend some time together. That I should take you someplace nice.”

“This is nice?” The music ended, and the girls sashayed off the stage to applause.

“I like it.”

Hardison turned to him, frowning again. “But…you…and Nate…and me…”

Eliot chuckled. “Just because I’m with Nate don’t mean I’m gay, Hardison. I still like women.”

“So, it’s just a vampire thing?” Hardison asked.

Bunny came back with their steaks and Eliot took a minute to thank her and cut into his before answering with a bit of a shrug. “Never really thought about it much. I like sex. Sex with Nate is good…and there’s the possessive streak, so I’ve been pretty focused since we got together.”

“And now?”

Hardison was staring at him, he could feel it. He ate a few bites of his steak and swallowed a few big gulps of his beer. He was starting to wonder if this was the wrong way to have tried to do this. Whatever it was he was trying to do.

“And now, we have you.” Eliot said, trying to make it casual.

Hardison was quiet then, focused on eating. Music started again and more dancers appeared and Eliot tried to relax. This was supposed to be time for them to bond, for Eliot to calm Hardison’s fear of what he’d become.

Eliot cleaned his plate and sent Bunny scampering after refills on the beers, sitting back in the booth. Hardison was still fidgety, even a little jumpy. Eliot could smell the fear, but there was arousal too. He leaned back, an arm across the back of the booth, behind Hardison without touching him.

Hardison’s eyes skirted along the dancers on stage, then slipped back to Eliot. “You good?” Eliot asked as the stage emptied again, though he didn’t look at Hardison.

“Yeah, man. Good.”

Eliot nodded. “Finish your beer. I’ll take you home.”

series: truth, character: eliot, fandom: leverage, series: vamp!nate, character: hardison

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