Monsters, Stargate SG1, PG-13

Aug 30, 2010 17:38

Fandom: Stargate SG1
Title: Monsters
Characters: Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 544
Summary: Jack and Daniel are beset by monsters at an exhibit on newly discovered artifiacts from a dig in Egypt.

A/Ns & Warnings: Written for angst_bingo, prompt "Supernatural: Creatures". Some violence.

"What the hell?" Jack pulled back against the wall. He could see Daniel, pinned down behind the exhibit of artifacts. Everyone has scattered, leaving just the two of them with the…well…creatures.


"Hell if I know." Daniel's strained response came back. His head peeked out, but one of the two things snapped pinchers in his direction and he ducked back again. "Could be they came out of the exhibit."

"Mummies, Daniel. We came to see mummies. Not six legged, fanged monsters."

The nearer one hissed at Jack and clattered closer, tossing things out of its way. "Watch their tails, Jack. They look like stingers."

Jack peeked out from behind the display case in time to see one of those tails slam entirely too close to Daniel for comfort. "Daniel?"

"I'm okay. Shit!" Jack saw him dart away from the tail, crashing into the exhibit of Egyptian crap.

"I've just about had enough of this shit." Jack growled. He wished he had his side arm. Hell, at this point a zat gun. Anything more than the post from the velvet ropes that was currently his only weapon. "Daniel, you all right?"

"Yeah." The response was weak and strained.

"Sit tight. I've got an idea." Which mostly meant he was going to do something stupid. If they'd come out of the exhibit, he was going to shove them back in. The room from which they'd come, sending museum employees and guests scattering to the exits, was climate controlled and secured with airtight doors. All he had to do was get them in the room.

"Piece of cake." Jack huffed and stepped out from his cover. "Hey, guys, how about we go for a run? Ready?"

They both cocked their heads at him and hesitated a split second before they were hissing and clattering after him. He took off at a run, making a circle around the other exhibits before dashing into theirs.

He wasn't sure they were going to go for it, but then they were there, crowding in after him. All he had to do then was get out. He avoided the tail that tried to knock him into the wall and the leg that tried to pin him to the floor and darted between them, finally making it back to the door. Something hit him from behind and Jack fell through the door, scrambling to get back to hit the controls to bring the heavy, airtight door down.

Daniel was on the floor, bleeding from a wound in his side, his face pale as Jack stumbled to him. "Daniel?" Jack's back and shoulder screamed where he'd been struck, but he ignored that, dropping to his knees.

Daniel groaned, his eyes fluttering open, but not really focusing. "Jack….cold…"

Jack moved aside the torn shirt covering Daniel's stomach and winced. The puncture was deep, the skin around it already black. The wound reeked. "Medic!" Jack looked up, sweat dripping in his eyes. His voice sounded strange, hollow…he could hear voices, but none of them were close enough to help.

He could feel himself falling, but he didn't feel the floor as he hit it. Cold leeched through him, numbing him. Daniel's hand fell on his and the floor seemed to vibrate before he was dragged under.

series: monsters, character: daniel, character: jack, angstbingo, fandom: sg1

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