Lucky, Criminal Minds (AU), NC-17

Aug 30, 2010 16:45

Fandom: Criminal Minds
Title: Lucky
Character: Spencer Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 823
Summary: In a complete AU, Spencer breaks down and has his mother committed much earlier, relegating himself to foster care and finding himself in a bad place when he becomes the target of a man who likes young men.

A/Ns & Warnings: Written for angst_bingo, prompt " ( Read more... )

series: lucky, fandom: criminal minds, angstbingo, character: spencer

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Comments 4

lillian13 August 30 2010, 23:51:21 UTC
Ouch. (In many senses of the word...)

I would like to see more of this, to see where Spencer winds up.


phantisma August 31 2010, 01:09:26 UTC
There is much more, already posted. There will probably be more eventually as well.


ice_ziggee August 31 2010, 18:01:29 UTC
Ohhh, Spencer *snuggles close*

*whimpers* I was right to be scared, your angst is so heartbreaking....


aelfsiden January 25 2011, 07:42:09 UTC
This was awesome. I've been going through your stuff over the past few days - I read you a while back, mostly your JDM/J2 stuff and your Broken!Verse - but I found a few things this time that made me dig further and I've found all types of things. Some really awesome Leverage stuff and some Leverage/Justified fic that I'd love to see more of. Man, I never thought Eliot/Raylan would hit every damned one of my hot buttons but that just totally did it for me. *fans self*

Now I need to go in search of more of this story. I'm reading your very, very dark Cado in Nusquam right now and loving it, but I just needed a little something else for a break and I saw Spencer and since I love Reid I thought I'd check it out.

I'm actually trying to work up the balls to friend you so I can get access to your RPS fic again but I'm so squirrelly lately that I'd probably cry if you said you wouldn't friend back so we'll see if I work those up. LOL - anyway, off to find more Reid angst.


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