Orders, Part Two - Stargate Atlantis, NC-17

Feb 16, 2010 21:53

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Title: Orders, Part Two,
Pairing/Characters: John Sheppard/Ronon Dex, Rodney, Teyla, Lorne, Weir
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~12000
Summary: Follows episode 2.05. John Sheppard has issues, particularly involving in the repression of part of his sexuality. When Ronon Dex challenges everything John believes is good and right, including his own choices about how he lives, John's love of command and his desire to be taken forcibly collide...because in Ronon he finds the perfect combination of savage sexuality and innate obedience to orders from a senior officer...even, maybe especially, when those orders are to ravage that senior officer.

A/Ns & warnings: For the incredible eboniorchid who bought me over at help_haiti. Warnings include violence & violent sex. Light bondage.

John woke to the smell of something cooking and sat up to find Ronon squatting outside the cave with a small fire going and a fish roasting in the flames.

"Morning. Sun's up." Ronon said.

"You didn't wake me to take watch."

"From the sound of your dreams, you wouldn't have wanted me to." Ronon said with a wicked grin. "It was fine. I slept some. Got up an hour or so ago. Got some wood. Caught breakfast."

"What? With your bare hands?" John asked, impressed, and steering away from the subject of his dreams. From what he remembered they were pretty intense, and he had no idea what he might have said.

"It's a skill. Your pants are mostly dry." Ronon tossed them in to John.

"We should probably head back to the circle, see if Rodney got our message." John said as he emerged from the cave in his pants.

"Are we just gonna not talk about it?"

"Can we just let it go for now?" John asked, taking the fish Ronon handed him.

Ronon's eyes were dark, but he nodded. "Okay."

John nodded, sitting near the fire to eat.

"What if McKay can't get us back?" Ronon asked around a mouthful of fish.

"He will." John said. He had to. There was no telling where this would go if he didn't.

"The lady said something about other humans." Ronon offered. "Maybe we should find them."

John thought about that. "Maybe. Rodney first."

They ate in silence after that and John finished getting dressed while Ronon smothered the fire. "What do you think? Skirt the lake?" John asked when they had climbed off the rocks.

"Probably." Ronon agreed. They set off in silence.

Twenty minutes later it was still silent and John sighed. "Are you pissed at me?"

"What?" Ronon asked, looking at him like he was crazy.

He shook his head. "Never mind." A few more minutes of silence and John couldn't take the quiet. "I mean, it isn't that I don't want…because I do. You have no idea how much."

Ronon snorted, but kept walking, "I have a pretty good idea."

John let himself imagine that Ronon did have an idea for just a minute, then shook his head. "I doubt it. But that isn't what's important." He stopped, grabbing Ronon's shoulder. "I can't. Okay? It's a simple as that."

Ronon frowned down at him. "I don't believe you." He started walking again.


"Sex is simple. Two people want it, they have it, it's over. Simple."

"No, not in the military it isn't. Not when the two people have a relationship that they have to maintain." He growled in frustration. "Not when the two people are men."

Ronon stopped and turned on him. "Is that what this is about?"

John rolled his eyes. "It would ruin my career if anyone found out."

"Because we're both men?" Ronon asked slowly, like he was talking to a child.

"I never said it wasn't stupid." John responded, starting to walk again.

"But I'm not wrong…that look you give me."

"Let it go, Ronon." John said casually.

Ronon's hand closed over his shoulder. "I don't believe you mean that."

"I have to mean that." John responded, trying to shrug him off.

Ronon shifted closer, barely any movement, but this change in his body and space that made him seem to tower over John and John stilled. "See that right there?" Ronon asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "And if I do this?"

He grabbed John's hands at the wrists and pulled on them, stretching them out to the sides and pulling John's body in close. Everything inside him stopped, stilled under the touch, John's cock hardening, his breath catching. "Tell me what to do."

John huffed out through his nose. He clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. "Let me go."

Ronon did exactly that. Just like that. Just let go. He growled and turned on his heel. John waited a few seconds, trying to calm the raging need in his body. When he was sure he wouldn't cave in as soon as Ronon looked at him, he jogged to get caught up.

They didn't speak again until they were back in the circle where they started. There was a slick of blood across the grass from the bessor, but otherwise everything was quiet.

"You keep your eyes open, I'm going to see if our little hologram can tell us anything." John crossed to the stone where he'd found the control panel and touched it. The panel popped out and the little hologram appeared.

"Greetings, I am Anaia. How may I service you?"

"Did you send my request to be contacted?"

She tilted her head to the side. "There has been no response from beyond the barrier."

"Great. Can I send a personal message?"


John glanced up, licked his lips. "Rodney, this is Sheppard. Ronon and I got sucked in by some device that dropped us in the middle of nowhere. We need a crystal of some kind to get back. Find it. Find us."

The little head dipped in acknowledgement. "Your message has been relayed."

"Thanks. Now how about some more helpful information. Where are the other people you said lived here?"

"There are two settlements. Forty-two people live one unit south of center, forty-six live one and a half units west of center. The remaining number dwell in solitary locations."

"What do you think? South?" John asked, looking up at Ronon.

"Good as anything." Ronon agreed.

They set out south, not talking and John noticed that Ronon was keeping a good distance between them. It shouldn't irk him, but it did. The longer they were silent the more it irked him until, after a few long hours, he couldn't keep quiet.

"You're right." John offered, though he didn't slow down. "Okay? I do react. I do…want what you…" He waved a hand and shook his head. "But I made a choice a long time ago to put my career first."

"How's that working out for you?" Ronon asked, closing the distance between them a little.

"Most of the time it works just fine." John answered, glancing at him. "Then you came along."

Ronon grinned at him. "Are you saying I'm irresistible, Sheppard?"

"No." The last thing he needed was Ronon with his head all bubbled up. "Tempting, but not irresistible. I'm resisting. See me resisting?"

"I see you just fine." Ronon responded. They walked a ways in silence, then Ronon stopped, holding up his hand. "We aren't alone," he said softly, dropping into a crouch and pulling a knife from his boot.

His eyes swept the area and he lifted his chin. "Over there."

John strained to see, crouching himself and pulling his knife. Ronon crept forward and John followed. Ronon tensed and John froze in place. Ahead of them, the bushes moved and he could see one of the beasts. It lifted its snout, sniffing the air in their direction. "We need to get out of these trees." John murmured, looking around them. Trees stretched out in ever direction.

"I can handle one of them." Ronon said, shifting his weight. The bessor's eyes followed him.

"Ronon." John wanted to tell him no, but when he opened his mouth, the bessor growled and charged, not at Ronon, but at John.

He turned to face his attacker, knife held ready. It came fast, hooved feet beating against the ground. John backpedaled, looking for the best way to take the coming beast…then Ronon was shoving him away, falling on the beast with a growl. The two of them rolled, blood spraying as Ronon cut into the flesh of the beast…or the beast bit him, John couldn't tell.

Both were making noises that could have been fury or pain, both fighting with that complete abandon that comes only when both know only one of them will walk away.

Ronon roared as he got the thing on its back, sitting on its back legs as he plunged his knife into its stomach several times. When he finally stood up, blood slicked the front of him, his face was wild and John couldn't help but notice that Ronon's pants were tented.

He flushed and got to his feet, swallowing as Ronon came toward him, the smell of sweat and the animal's blood strong as John backed up, into a tree. And that shouldn't be so arousing, but the combination was heady and John was hard fast.

Ronon was breathing hard. He dropped the knife and raised both hands, grabbing John's face and holding him still as Ronon leaned in to kiss him, though it was more claiming than kissing, teeth and lips tugging his mouth open, tongue surging into his mouth as he pressed their bodies together.

John melted into the tree, letting Ronon hold him there against it. Ronon rubbed his stubbled face against John's. "Tell me what you want me to do." Ronon whispered and this time John couldn't have stopped himself if they were being watched.

"Take it." John growled, nipping at the side of Ronon's face. Ronon growled and pushed him against the tree, hard enough to make his body sting. "Hard." John added, closing his eyes. There was a rush of panic, a thrill of fear as Ronon caught the lobe of his ear in his teeth and pulled.

"Is that an order, Sheppard?"

Some voice in his head screamed at him to say no, but John just nodded and before he had finished his second bob of his head, Ronon was making this growling, mewling sound and his hands were pushing at John's clothes, opening his zipper and sticking his hand inside to stroke John's hard cock.

John clutched at Ronon's arm to keep from sliding down the tree, panting through the panic, the voices telling him this was wrong.

Ronon was not gentle, not with his hands or his mouth, and there would be marks, a fact that was only making John harder, his head reeling as Ronon's hands grabbed his hips and pulled him away from the tree, turning him and shoving him back into the bark.

He wasted little time, one hand releasing John, one finger sliding through his crack and pressing against his hole. John balked then, but only thrust himself into the tree, his cock leaking as he overcorrected and pushed himself back, taking all of Ronon's finger inside him.

"Take it." John growled when Ronon hesitated, his body trembling with the combination of sensations. His ass burned around the invasion, his face burning as well. Ronon bit at the back of his neck as he pulled his finger out and eased it back in with a second one. It wasn't enough and yet, it was more than he had ever had inside him before and John was torn between pulling away and thrusting back.

Ronon's fingers scissored open, then back, thrusting deeper and hitting something inside that suddenly made John's knees wobble, his cock spilling out uncontrolled against the tree. Ronon growled against John's skin, pulling his fingers out and pressing the thick head of his cock in.

John yelled, hitting his fist against the tree. "You ready for me?" Ronon asked, his hand fisting in John's hair and pulling his head back harshly. "Want me to take it? Take you?"

He didn't wait for a response, snapping his hips, sinking at least half of his cock into John's ass before pulling out and doing it again. It took almost five full thrusts to penetrate him completely, John's ass painfully opening to accommodate him. Ronon rutted into him with abandon, the same kind of abandon he had displayed in the fight, as though only one of them could survive and when he filled John with cock and come, John's cock spit a spattering of come as well in response.

Ronon fell against him for a long minute, breathing heavily before slowly easing out of John. He held John in place when he would have straightened up himself, his finger delving in among his come, feeling around the inside of his ass and making a satisfied noise as he finally let John up.

John looked over his shoulder at him before squatting to pull his pants up. He winced as the skin stretched and his muscles protested and Ronon caught him under the shoulder when he nearly landed on his ass.

"You okay?"

"Fine." He got his pants up and eased them over his protesting backside.

"No seriously, did I hurt you?"

John looked away as he tucked himself in. "That was kind of the point," he said. "It's what I wanted."

"Nothing tore, but you were really tight."

John zippered himself and nodded. "I know." He took two steps and Ronon stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Can we just…" He waved his hand in the direction they'd been walking.

Ronon was squinting at him. "Wait. You have had sex before…right?"

John made a face and started walking. "Yes Ronon. I've had sex before."

"With a man?"

John sighed and kept moving, despite the fact that his ass hurt and his underwear had more come in them now than they had before. "Well…no, if you must know."

Ronon stopped him again. "What?"

John shrugged him off. "I…never…it's no big thing."

"Hell of a first time." Ronon fell into step beside him, clearly not completely happy with this revelation. "I wouldn't have pushed. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Just…we can't…we can't talk about it. When we get back, I mean."

"If we get back, you mean." Ronon stopped again, grabbing his arm. "I was your first?"

"Don't let it go to your head." John said, rolling his eyes. "Right place, and all that. I don't know what I was thinking."

Ronon grinned at him. "Admit it. I am irresistible."

"No you're not." John argued. "And we're going back. Rodney's going to figure it out. Just wait and see."

The village was barely that. A handful of buildings that had all seen better days set between long fields of farm land, with a well at the center and a few scattered kids racing the setting sun toward home was all they found as they came to a stop.

John flicked his eyes over the well, then up to the central building.

"Good greetings to you," a soft voice said nearby.

John turned to find a young woman with her palms pressed together bowing slightly toward them in greeting. He mimicked the gesture. "And to you."

She glanced at Ronon, then out at the road leading in. "You have journeyed from the center?"

"Ah, yeah…we sorta…fell in."

She smiled. "I am Leinna, my great grandfather came from the center. We have not had a new visitor in many years.

"Hello Leinna, I'm John and this is Ronon."

"Welcome. You have arrived just in time for evening meal. Please, join us."

"I could eat."

"Come." She inclined her head again and gestured toward one of the buildings.

John and Ronon followed her into a room with a low ceiling and a long table lined with men and women and a couple of children. "Everyone, this is John and Ronon. They come from the center."

The man at the head of the table stood. "We have not seen new people from the center in my lifetime."

"Well, we didn't mean to. It was an accident." John said.

"Please join us." People moved and room was made at the table, chairs brought in from another room. John and Ronon sat.

"We appreciate the kindness. We were not looking forward to another night sleeping on rocks." John offered as they started passing food.

"It is our humble duty to welcome those the forefathers send to live simply among us." The man at the head of the table passed a platter of what looked like cheeses. "I am Domas."

The others introduced themselves, but honestly, John was not going to remember them all.

"What is it that brings you to Pelzing?" Domas asked once their plates were full.

"Accident." Ronon said around a mouthful. "Like he said."

John touched his thigh under the table. "We're explorers, we were having a look around an abandoned set of ruins, then suddenly found ourselves transported here."

"Ruins, you say?" Domas asked, glancing around the table.

John nodded and broke off a piece of his bread. "The walls crumbled, controls broken."

"Leinna here is among the youngest of our village. Her great-grandfather was one of three that last came from the center. They brought us stories of a great war. They came here seeking the refuge of our forefathers."

"But not the Ancestors?" John asked, watching a ripple of movement spread around him as they all made some gesture as if to ward something off.

"Our people came to this place to avoid the contamination of the ways and technologies of those you call the Ancestors, John." Domas said. "Their ideas and their desires to abandon the physical gifts, their reliance on technology, it was not what our forefathers wanted for us."

"But you use their technology to bring people here." Ronon said, dropping his meat in favor of the glass of water.

Domas made a face. "Our people made a choice to allow the technology we abhor to serve a greater purpose and those who remained behind, who clung to the Ancestors and their ways, promised that it would protect us and keep us within."

"But what about getting back out?" John asked. "I mean, we can't be the first who are not here by choice."

"Alas, you are not." Domas said sadly. "Aven there, his foremother was great with child when she came from the center, having stumbled into the great ring accidentally and forever separated from her beloved husband after that."

"She didn't try to go back?" Ronon asked.

"She tried." Aven offered. "But there is no going back. There is only acceptance of your life here."

"I don't believe that." John responded. "We have friends who are looking for us."

"Others have said that." Domas said. "None have left once they are here."

"I'm sure our guests do not wish to hear that just now, Domas." Leinna touched his hand. "Let us finish our meal and I will make up a room for them. Tomorrow can be time enough for such things."

Domas smiled. "Leinna is right. Eat friends. Tomorrow is time enough to discuss your new life."

"New life, my ass." John said as the door closed behind them. Ronon responded with both hands on his ass.

"What was that about your ass?" Ronon asked.

John hovered somewhere between leaning back against the larger man and pulling away, eventually pulling away and unzipping his vest. "Tomorrow we should head back up and see if Rodney got our message."

"We could waste a lot of time hoofing it back and forth." Ronon countered, dropping onto one of the two small beds to take his boots off.

"Are you suggesting we should just wait here?"

"Less effort." Ronon leaned back on the bed. "Same result."

John dropped his vest and jacket at the end of the bed. "And what do you propose we do while we wait?"

Ronon's grin was wicked. "Oh, I can think of a few things." His hand dropped to his groin, rubbing over his leather encased dick.

John rolled his eyes and sat on the opposite bed. "Ronon…."

"Don't tell me you haven't thought about it. I watched you squirming at dinner."

"Maybe I was squirming from the last time. Not exactly the most comfortable thing to sit with strangers while your ass leaks."

Ronon snorted. John laid down on his bed, shaking his head. Ronon followed his lead, laying back on the other bed.

"You really never had a guy do that before?" Ronon asked after a while.

John sighed and turned to look at Ronon. "It isn't allowed."

"Right. Stupid rules." Ronon turned onto his side and bunched up the flat pillow under his head. "You seemed to know what you wanted though."

"Thought about it enough." John admitted, closing his eyes. "Since I was a kid, actually." He'd never really talked about it with anyone. "There was a guy in college…I let him give me blow jobs…but only when we were both really drunk."

Ronon raised an eyebrow. "You let him?"


"Huh." Ronon rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling.

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing. Not what I expected."

John sat up and looked at him. "No? Why?"

Ronon shrugged, the movement looking odd with him laying down. "Not what you wanted from me."

"It was wrong." John stood, pacing between the beds. He shook his head as he remembered the look in Ronon's eyes, the furious heat of need that engulfed him, the way it felt when Ronon's body covered his.

He never heard Ronon move, but suddenly he was there, looming over John and pushing him into the door. "You know I'll give you what you want." Ronon said, his voice low in his ear as his hands moved up John's arms to pin his wrists against the wood. "Anything you command."

John bit back the needy whimpering moan that threatened to give away how desperately he wanted to order Ronon to ravage him, to hurt him and fill him and come inside him over and over again. "Ronon, please…" He was pretty certain he meant to say stop, but the word wouldn't come.

Ronon's thigh was up between his legs, pressing against his balls. He growled, a feral sound that felt like a claim over him, like he was warning others to stay off his fresh kill. "Please?" Ronon asked. "Tell me."

John shook his head, pushing back against the bigger man. "No." He needed to end this. He needed to take control of this.

Except that was the problem. He was in control. Ronon was completely willing to do whatever he was told.

Ronon bit at his neck. "Tell me to back off and I will."

John turned his head, offering more of his neck. Ronon licked over the muscle, then sucked at the skin. "Tell me to never mention it again, and I won't."

He was starting to breathe heavily, his cock hard inside his pants. He needed to end this. He pushed back against Ronon, getting enough space to turn, his back to the door. Ronon pushed back in almost immediately and his knee resumed it's place between John's thighs.

John opened his mouth but words didn't come. Ronon took advantage by kissing him hard, his tongue filling John's mouth, reminding him how his cock had filled his ass.

"Tell me to strip you naked and fuck you into oblivion and I'll do that too." Ronon's voice was a dirty growl of words that coiled in his ear and burned their way down his body to sink into the heated flesh of his cock.

John wasn't entirely certain he could make coherent words come out of his mouth. "Ronon."

Ronon caught his lower lip with his teeth and tugged. "Tell me to stop." Ronon whispered.

"No." John lifted his hands, pressing them to Ronon's chest.

"Tell me what to do." Ronon said softly.

John shook his head, fighting the urge to tell him that he wanted to be forced to his knees, his clothes torn, his body violated. Ronon's knee pressed up against his cock and John gasped. He opened his eyes, looking up at Ronon in need and craving. "Force." John managed to say.

Ronon's hand slid up to grab his throat. "Tell me."

"Force me." John blushed as he said it, but Ronon responded by tightening his grip just a little.

"Is that an order?" Ronon's voice was harder than usual, the edge sharp.

"Yes. Damn it." John growled back, pushing now. "But I won't make it easy."

"Good." Ronon turned them, shoving John into the room. He pulled his shirt off and stalked into arm's reach, grabbing John's shirt to haul him in to kiss. John pushed at his chest, eventually getting enough leverage to put some space between them. Ronon's teeth held to his lip and his hands managed to get his jacket unzipped.

John tasted blood when he yanked away. His cock pressed against his uniform pants and he knew it wouldn't take much to push him over the edge. Ronon surprised him with a punch across the jaw, sending John sprawling onto one of the beds.

Ronon was on top of him in a heartbeat, hands pulling and shoving at his clothes while his legs kept him pinned. John stilled until he got into John's pants, then he bucked up, nearly getting loose before Ronon grabbed one wrist and squeezed.

Panic bubbled in his stomach as leather wrapped around his wrist and John realized Ronon meant to restrain him. He fought a little harder, getting one leg free and kicking.

Ronon wasn't dissuaded, getting one hand caught in the leather belt and capturing the other. In seconds John's hands were trapped and the leather looped over the bed post, holding him in place.

It wasn't something he couldn’t get out of, but it was enough to keep his hands busy while Ronon unzipped his pants and yanked them down. He kept them on John's ankles, then pressed his legs up so that his knees were touching his chest.

Ronon did no prep work, sinking into John's ass on nothing more than the dried up come from earlier. John hissed and tossed his head against the pillow. It burned almost worse than the first time, hot and invasive and filled so tight. He pulled against the leather, only succeeding in tightening it around his wrists until it hurt.

His pants blocked his view of Ronon, making him feel almost cut off…almost like this was some random stranger. Dark hands held his hips in place, and almost animal sound grunted with each heavy thrust. The tip of his cock bobbed against his stomach as he was fucked. He panted through a wave of fear and lust that combined to chase him closer to just spilling his dick out onto his stomach. Ronon shoved in harder and John yelled as he nailed the prostate.

Come leaked from his cock, smearing against his stomach. Ronon continued to fuck him, harder and faster and John's cock just kept spilling in an unending orgasm.

Ronon slowed, stopping with his cock still inside John. He pushed on John's legs, leaning in over them to see John's face. His next three thrusts were slow withdrawals followed by sharp thrusts of his cock into John, making him whine at the extra stimulation against his prostate.

When Ronon finally came, he pressed down on John, heavy as he filled John's ass with come and he stayed that way while he caught his breath. He didn't move until John cleared his throat, and then he lifted his head to grin down at John. "Oh I'm not done yet."

He moved back, his cock slipping out of John, only to be replaced almost immediately. Two fingers delved inside him, squelching on the come inside him. Ronon pulled those two fingers out and lifted them, sticking them into John's mouth.

The taste was bitter and salty and slick. Ronon moved those fingers around until John understood and started sucking them clean. His hand pulled away and re-entered John with three fingers, rubbing around inside him and scooping out the come he'd left inside. Then he rubbed the come over John's lips, pushing inside so that he could suck them clean.

On the third invasion of John's ass, Ronon thrummed over his prostate, making his entire body seize and tighten, his stomach contracting as his cock tried valiantly to respond in some way.

Ronon continued stroking over the hot spot, grinning as John whined and struggled, his hips shaking and twitching, his cock aching. Two small drops of clear liquid escaped him and John gasped out, "Enough."

Ronon acquiesced and stood, shedding the last of his clothes before helping John by pulling his boots and pants off before loosening the belt and letting him up.

John sat slowly, his ass sore, and shed his jacket and t-shirt. "You hit me." He rubbed at his jaw as Ronon pulled down the blanket on his bed.

"You said force you." Ronon reminded, sliding into the bed.

"I did." He felt odd now, sitting here naked, watching Ronon close his eyes. He didn't think he could sleep. Not now. Not like this.

Ronon didn't seem to share his problem, his eyes closed, his breathing rhythmic. John figured he should try, so he crawled under the blanket and closed his eyes. Within minutes he was dreaming.

It was nearly a week before they saw signs of help. Ronon convinced him it would be a waste of time to run up to the circle every day. They went once on the third day, leaving very early in the morning before daylight and getting back well into the dark.

They waited with varying degrees of patience, alternating between offering to be helpful around the village, from chopping wood to other chores during the day and by night, they played more privately.

It wasn't all as ambitious or heavy as the first times, but after the third night, John was able to admit to himself that this was something he really wanted…that this wasn't something he wanted to leave behind if-when they were rescued.

They were both sweaty and cooling down, lying together in one of the small beds, Ronon curled around John's back, his cock still semi-hard between the cheeks of John's ass.

"We should talk." John said, turning to look up at him.

"Are you going to tell me how wrong this is again?" Ronon asked, his face clearly testifying that he was not going to listen to that conversation again.

"Not exactly, no." John replied, rubbing his hand over Ronon's where it lay against his chest. "But, we can't let anyone know."

"I think Leinna's already figured it out." Ronon said with a smirk.

"You know what I mean. My career would be over."

"Okay, so we keep it quiet." Ronon agreed. "We done talking?

"No." John shifted so he could look at Ronon a little more clearly. "I think we should…I want to be able to…" He sighed and shook his head. "If we're going to do this we need something…more."

Ronon squinted at him and sat up, leaning against the wall. "Like?"

John huffed. He hadn't really thought it through. "Rules. When and how and stuff like that."

"Words for go and stop?" Ronon asked with a grin.

"For starters, yeah." John agreed.


"Okay." John tugged him closer, and Ronon came easily, leaning in for John's kiss. It was insane. Wrong on so many levels. And yet, John was starting to believe it just might work.

But that was only true as long as going home was little more than a dream. The sight of the jumper overhead on the eighth day made John question himself, made him doubt himself.

The village gathered, gawking as the door of the shuttle lowered and Major Lorne and Teyla emerged.

"Colonel Sheppard, it is good to see you." Teyla said with a smile.

"You too. I was beginning to think Rodney wasn't going to figure it out."

"Doctor McKay had some difficulty with the controls." Teyla confided.

"Well, you're here now." John looked at the astonished villagers, then crossed to Domas, inclining his head. "I promise, Domas, we will remove this technology just as soon as we can, and you will never hear from us again. Your…Pelzing will be a sanctuary once again."

Ronon came out of the building they had been rooming in, his eyes skipping to John first, then Teyla and Lorne. "Took you long enough."

"Come on Ronon, let's leave these people to their peace."

Ten minutes later, they were in Atlantis, and headed for Weir's office for debriefing. Ronon sat across the room and John pretended not to feel it every time Ronon looked at him.

"I'd like you both to have Carson look you over, and then you can have a few days of down time." Elizabeth said with a soft smile. "Dismissed."

The infirmary took entirely too long, despite his protest that they were both fine. Ronon looked unusually pleased with himself as he complied with Carson's orders while John groused.

Several hours later, John opened the door to his quarters, Ronon crowding him from behind. As the door closed, John sighed.

"We can't." John shrugged Ronon's hands off. "Not every time you take your shirt off or have a passing thought about sex."

"You're not backing down are you?" Ronon asked, crossing his arms.

"No. Just…setting limits." John answered, turning to look at him.

Ronon's eyes sparkled and his grin was sly. "Not that I'm not…" John waved a hand in his direction. "I just maybe wonder how you'd respond if my order was to submit, rather than to take?"

Ronon stepped closer. "Submit how?"

His hands clenched and unclenched, his eyes meeting John's. John rose to the challenge, straightening and setting his hand on his zipper. "On your knees." The words were little more than whispers and Ronon raised his chin.

"Is that an order, Sheppard?"

"Yes, Ronon. It is."

"Okay." Ronon went to his knees, his tongue licking over his lips as John opened his fly, suddenly hard.

"Open your mouth." Ronon complied and John felt that familiar surge of power that came with command. He fisted one hand in Ronon's dreads and pushed himself into that willing mouth. Ronon sucked and licked and all too quickly John came down his throat.

Ronon sat back and smirked. "Satisfied?"

John tugged him up to his feet, nodded. He kissed Ronon then, tasting his come and the heat that was Ronon. "For now."

fandom: sga, charity, character: john, character: ronon

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