Gladiator 8, Supernatural RPS, NC-17

Oct 14, 2008 23:00

Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Title: Gladiator 8 ( all of Courtesan can be found here)
Pairing/Characters: JDM/Jared, OMC, mention of Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2653
Summary: Total AU. Jared faces the king, and dinner in front of the court. The king issues a challenge.

A/Ns & Warnings: Violence. Second to last chapter. Sex.

Art, from apieceofcake...

Jared hissed as Astin poured water over him and scrubbed at his dirt and blood caked skin with a rough cloth. "Leave some skin behind."

"Sorry." Astin ducked his head and bent closer to his task, working to make Jared presentable.

"That won't due. I've ordered you a bath." Jeffrey's voice sounded from the door way. "Come."

Jared stood, favoring his right leg that had bent funny under him at one point during the battle. "I want to see how Malicus is."

"Breathing, or he was ten minutes ago. We don't have time."

Jeffrey walked away and Jared knew better than to keep him waiting. He hurried after him with Astin on his heels, out of the coliseum and into the palace proper, up to Jeffrey's suite. "In there. I'll send the boy in with your clothing." Astin stopped when Jeffrey's hand descended on his shoulder.

Jared stepped into the steam filled room. A servant was pouring more water into the tub. He nodded in greeting and withdrew. Jared had only ever sat in a tub with Jensen. He drew a deep breath. It was a reminder of all that was on the line. He stripped out of his shorts and boots and sank into the hot water.

It stung against scrapes and wounds. Jared pulled at the bandages on his side and dumped them on the side of the tub. He sighed and let himself relax a little. He was free. It wasn't real in his head yet. All his life he had hoped only to live well, and die with honor. Until he met Jensen he had never given thought to freedom.

All that remained was defeating Fallon. Provided Fallon would even rise to the challenge. Jared reached for the soap to begin cleaning the grime and blood from his body. First he had to face the king, and find his voice to deliver his challenge to the prince.

The door opened and Astin slipped inside, hanging a tunic of Jeffrey's favorite red with the Morgan crest emblazoned across it on a hook near the door. "Lord Jeffrey bids me hurry you. He wishes to speak to you before you go down to dinner."

Jared offered up the soap as Astin approached, letting him clean Jared's back while Jared cleaned his face. It seemed an odd thing, when even that first night with Jensen he'd had little more than a basin of water in his cell to prepare with.

Jared stood and stepped out of the tub, taking the towel Astin offered him. "Do I really have to wear that thing?"

Astin grinned as he went to get it. "I imagine you do. At least for tonight."

"When this is all over, I plan to wear absolutely nothing for a month. At least."

"Your courtesan will appreciate that." Astin looked away and Jared frowned at him. Something in his town told him the boy was upset.

"I take it you don't approve?"

"It is none of my concern."

Jared tended to agree, but he was fond of the boy. "Tell me anyway."

"I guess…I'm a little jealous."

Jared struggled with the tunic, but eventually got it on and over his shoulders. "Jealous?"

Astin was pouting. "I won't ever see you again."

Jared blinked at him, not sure he understood. "You will do wonderfully, Astin. You've learned a lot in just this short time."

Astin rolled his eyes and sighed in exasperation. "Maybe I don't want to be a gladiator."

The boy had said as much before, but it wasn't really like they had choices in the matter. It had been decided when he was born. "Astin, you know there is nothing we can do about that."

"You could." Astin's voice had gone soft, his face turned away. "If you win…if they offer you anything. You could ask for me."

Suddenly Jared understood. He exhaled slowly. Astin had mistaken Jared's gentleness and affection with love. "Astin, I--"

"Jared, are you ready yet?" Jeffrey called from the next room, cutting Jared off.

Jared closed his eyes and reached for the door. "I am." He stepped out of the room, Astin behind him, bringing his boots.

"Put those away. I had slippers brought for him." Jeffrey pointed to a pair of court slippers on the chair. Astin grabbed them, dropping to one knee to help Jared put them on. "That will be all. I need a few minutes alone with Jared."

"As you wish, my Lord." Astin didn't look at him, just turned away, disappearing out the door.

Jeffrey exhaled slowly. "You did it, Jared. I thought for a few minutes Malicus would get the better of you."

"So did I, honestly." Jared replied. "He fought well."

"And you fought better." Jeffrey stepped in close. "Even now, you are a free man. No longer a gladiator."

"I suppose this is where you coach me on how to behave tonight?"

Jeffrey shook his head. "No, just mind your manners. I wanted you to know that I believe the king has taken the bait. He will offer you a challenge against Fallon."

Jared didn't believe what he was hearing. "The princess had told me you were cunning my Lord, but this? I believed I would have to challenge him myself."

Jeffrey grinned. "I've been working him toward this for years, Jared. I can not wait to see him on his ass in front of the entire coliseum." Jeffrey brushed his tunic flat over his shoulders. "Do not appear overly eager, consider the challenge and do not ask for Jensen, not until you have won. It would not do for Fallon to have an opportunity to cause him harm."

Jared nodded. "Of course." This game playing and politicking was nearing an end. He only had to get through this dinner, and beat Fallon.

"You do remember the things Kallin taught you? You have practiced?"

Jared sighed and cracked his neck. "Yes, every night, once the others are asleep."

"Good. Fallon will be surprised." There was a light knock and the same servant that had filled Jared's bath poked his head in.

"It is time, my Lord."

"Well then, let's not keep the king waiting."

The Grand Hall was without a doubt the biggest room Jared had ever seen. The king sat on his throne, on a raised platform looking down on the rest of the room, beside a woman Jared presumed was the queen. He had never seen her.

To his right was a long table where Jared could see Fallon and Lucia and others he had seen in the king's box at the arena. He could only assume they too were royalty. He knew Fallon and Lucia had brothers. To the king's left was another table. Several gladiators sat among Lords. At the head of that table were two empty places.

Jeffrey led him up the long center aisle, stopping well before he reached the dais. Jeffrey bowed deeply, and Jared sank to one knee behind him as a booming voice announced him.

"Your Majesties, His Lordship, Jeffrey Morgan."

The king stood, holding out his hand to the queen who took it, standing beside him. He led her to the top of the stairs. "Rise Lord Jeffrey, you are welcome in our court. Present to us our champion."

Jeffrey's hand fell on Jared's head as he rose. "Your Majesties, it is my great honor to bring before you the gladiator Jared, of the House of Morgan, who today bested all others in the arena, bringing glory to your house on this most auspicious day."

"It is not every day a king turns fifty, I'll grant you that." The king laughed at himself, then waved a hand. "Come, come…Jared, rise."

Jared stood, his eyes lifting first to Jeffrey, then to the king. "Your Majesty, I am honored."

"Today, young man, it is you who honors us. Your victory today was most impressive, and with it you have earned a thing most gladiators never dream of. You are free. You need never fight another battle."

Jared bowed as the crowded room whispered around him. He couldn't make out the words, but people were clearly talking.

"However…" The king held up his hand for silence and slowly got it. "I am hoping you might indulge me."

"Your Majesty need only ask." Jared held his breath, his eyes skipping to Fallon and back again before he could get caught looking.

"I have been witness to a little wager, and wonder if you might be persuaded to enter the arena one last time."

Jared licked his lips and let out the air he was holding in. Not too fast. Not too eager. "Who might I face, your Majesty?"

The king smiled, looking now to Fallon. He gestured and Fallon stood slowly. The room buzzed with excitement. "Lord Jeffrey and Prince Fallon have been arguing about whether or not a gladiator, like yourself, could best a soldier trained to fight and lead on the field of battle. I myself would like to see this challenge play out."

"You would have me fight your own son?"

"What say you, Jared? Do you have one more fight in you?"

Jared turned to look at Fallon more fully, making show of checking him over. "Are you not concerned that he might be hurt, Your Majesty?"

"Fallon knows the risks, and has agreed to the challenge."

Jared's eyes went back to the king. "And what are the terms?"

The king smiled, obviously sensing victory. "Should you beat him, you may have anything your heart desires, within reason, of course."

"But if he should beat me, what will it cost me?"

The king didn't seem to have an answer for that. He looked at his son. "He has nothing I desire, Father."

Beside him, Lucia stood, her hand touching Fallon's lightly. "Might I suggest that defeat itself is a high price in such a situation, Father? Jared has yet to be defeated by anyone."

The king smiled and clapped his hands with glee. "Yes, yes…it will cost you nothing, Jared. And if you win…you can have anything you desire that is within my power to give."

Jared looked to Jeffrey, but his face was closed and guarded. He took a deep breath before turning back to the king. "I accept."

"Splendid. Now, come. The place of honor awaits you and your Lord. Come dine with us. Tonight you will sleep in the palace as a free man, and tomorrow, you will face Fallon in the coliseum."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Jared bowed deeply and followed when Jeffrey led him to the table. He hid his shaking hands under the table as the king called for food to be served. It was set. He was vaguely aware that Jeffrey was talking to him, but he didn't hear anything but the noise in his own head.


He blinked and looked up. "I'm sorry."

Jeffrey grinned, hiding it behind his napkin wiping at his face. "Well played. We'll withdraw as early as we can tonight. You will need your rest."

Jared nodded and concentrated on eating, his eyes darting around them from time to time. He could feel eyes watching him and it made him uncomfortable. The food was incredible, rich and delicious and far too much. He ate well on venison and apples, roasted pork and cakes that tasted of almonds. His plate alone was enough food for three gladiators on most days.

He knew better than to gorge himself, not with a fight to come. When he was pleasantly full, he pushed the plate away. Jeffrey seemed to take it as his signal to find them a quiet escape. A few minutes passed, then Jeffrey touched his elbow. "Come."

Jeffrey took him back to his suite, sending the servant boy off and locking the door behind him. "I was pleased tonight, Jared."

"Thank you my Lord."

Now that it was over, Jared was itching to call it a night, sleep well and rise ready for the fight of his life.

"I have no hold over you…" Jeffrey's voice was uncharacteristically uncertain.

"My Lord?" Jared lifted his hand from the door to the servant's room.

Jeffrey smiled at him. "We have known one another a long time, Jared."

Jared nodded. He had been a boy when they first met. "Yes, we have."

"I have used my Lordship of you to take what I desired of you."

Jared licked his lips and nodded slowly. "As was your right."

"Tonight, you no longer belong to me. I have no hold on you." Jeffrey's eyes met his. "And yet, I find I still desire you."

"What are you asking me, my Lord?"

Jeffrey pulled a hand over his face. "I desire company, Jared." He held that hand out to Jared. "Come to my bed."

Jared looked at the hand, then up at Jeffrey. "Bed, my Lord?"

Jeffrey inhaled slowly. "You may, of course, refuse, and I would understand. I have never been gentle with you."

Jared stepped closer. "A gladiator does not need gentleness from his lord."

"I have never kissed you." Jeffrey's hand was on his face, titling his head. "Only used you."

"I am no courtesan." Jared murmured, his lips stilling as Jeffrey's touched his. "But I will come to your bed, if it pleases you." He owed the nobleman much more than a single night of pleasure could ever repay.

Jeffrey smiled against Jared's lips, drawing him into the bedroom, his hands pulling at Jared's tunic, dragging it up over his body to leave him naked. Jared's big hands fumbled a little with Jeffrey's more elaborate clothing, but eventually it fell to the floor and Jeffrey was pulling him to the bed.

They had never had gentle, nor ever really a bed. Jeffrey always came to him, in his cell or the training tent. Jared slid onto the cool sheets, Jeffrey laying hot over him, his hands positioning Jared, opening him with fingers that seemed thick and eager.

It had been months since anyone other than Jeffrey had been inside him, and weeks since the last time Jeffrey had been there. Jeffrey's cock was hard, pressed up into the crack of Jared's ass, rubbing there while Jeffrey groaned.

When he rose up and guided his cock into Jared, they moaned together. Jared moved his knees, trying to make it easier, open himself up more for the thrust and burn. The bed rocked as Jeffrey worked his way in, then pulled out slow and easy.

Jared fisted the pillow beneath his head, biting his lip as Jeffrey lay across him. "I'm going to miss you, Jared." Jeffrey whispered, his voice so soft Jared wasn't certain he'd heard him. Then his hips moved and his pace quickened. Jared's cock filled with heat as Jeffrey's cock slipped in and out of him.

He worked a hand under him, holding his cock and letting Jeffrey's momentum fuck it in and out of his hand. He closed his eyes, remembering that last morning with Jensen. Jared had asked the courtesan to come inside him. He had never known the kind of pleasure that Jensen had given him that day.

Jeffrey's body tensed and his come flooded inside him. Jared pulled on his own cock and came too, filling his hand. Jeffrey fell to the bed beside him, stopping Jared when he would have gotten up to go to the other room. "Sleep, Jared. It is a far better bed."

"As you wish, my Lord." Jared reached for the tunic he had dropped, wiping his hand clean before laying down beside Jeffrey. This too was something they had never done. This was something Jared had only ever had with Jensen.

He closed his eyes and listened as his heart stilled. Somewhere in this palace, Jensen slept. Perhaps Fallon was with him. Let the prince enjoy his company. It would be the last time.
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