Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Title: The House of Morgan ( A sequel to
Gladiator and
Courtesan 2)
Pairing/Characters: implied Jeff/Jared, Jeff/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2262
Summary: Total AU. Jeffrey is a spoiled nobleman, and he's aware of that fact. He owns Jensen as courtesan and Jared as gladiator, but only in that they belong to the State and he represents the State. He's a little jealous of the growing relationship between the courtesan and the gladiator, but when outside forces begin to threaten his control, he's willing to do anything to protect them, even putting them together.
A/Ns & Warnings: Um. For starters, I really, really resisted starting this, because I know it's going to get epic...and I need another epic like I need an elephant to sit on me. wasn't letting go. So things to know: This is a cross between Feudal Japanese society and Roman society. Courtesans are chosen based on time and location of birth and physical characteristics. They are property of the state, but serve the Lords who govern the regions in which they are born. Likewise, gladiators are chosen in much the same way, but with different criteria. They are also property of the state, and serve the Lords who govern the regions where they were born. And, for totally Not Safe For Work Reference, the jewelry Jeffrey gives Jensen at the end is a cock plug, similar to this: Art, from
Jeffrey Morgan was the middle son of a fairly well placed nobleman, born to privilege and power. He was well accustomed to getting what he wanted and seldom was denied anything.
It made him spoiled, and he was very well aware of that. He was known as fair though; generous with praise and affection to those who pleased him.
One need only look at the two young men currently causing him concern to see that.
The courtesan wore the signs of Jeffrey’s generosity, physical reminders of the connection that Jeffrey had made when the courtesan was just a boy. His father had taken all five of his sons with him on an inspection of the region. Part of the inspection included visiting the towns in his jurisdiction and choosing candidates for courtesan and military training
Jeffrey had been thirteen when they rode into Jensen’s village. The boy had been five or six years old, the youngest of the three children who had been born in the month of pleasure and of age to begin training. He’d had pale green eyes and fair skin spattered with freckles. He half hid behind his mother as Jeffrey approached, his eyes guarded by long, lush lashes.
It was obvious, even at so young an age, that the boy would grow to be beautiful. Painfully so. Jeffrey had chosen him over the others, and his father had agreed. They had taken Jensen along with those from other villages. Jeffrey didn’t see him again until he took his acolyte vows.
He had been right, the boy was gorgeous. Jeffrey almost couldn’t wait for him to be promoted to novice, when he could finally have him. Jensen was destined to be a courtesan, his soft, gentle demeanor, and giving nature serving him very well, even the first time Jeffrey had him brought to his rooms.
His experience with the gladiator was not as long, nor as gentle. He found the boy while riding with his oldest brother to review the House militia before sending them to serve in the capital. Jared was easiest the tallest boy in training, so tall the traditional tunic scarcely covered his ass, a thing Jeffrey imagined didn’t serve him well at night, in a barracks full of men denied the company of soft and beautiful playthings.
Jeffrey’s brother joked that they couldn’t put him in the infantry because the enemy would see him coming for miles. Jeffrey had suggested sending him to gladiator training, because he was good to look at and the crowds would like him.
He didn’t have to wait for Jared like he had Jensen. In fact, he’d only had Jensen a month or so before he found Jared. He had the boy brought to him that night, before they told him he’d be heading to the arena. Where Jensen was all soft skin and supple grace, Jared was hard muscle and calluses, his skin darkened by the sun, and when Jeffrey touched him, he didn’t melt and open the way Jensen did. He was all resistance and stiffness, never really fighting, but never completely giving in either.
The two were perfect compliments, opposites…and he had to admit, watching them together was explosive. He’d never come so hard by himself as he did that night, watching Jensen coax the gladiator out of his hard shell, touching him in ways that Jared had never known, listening to the sounds Jared made while the courtesan seduced him.
He’d known how Jared would react. For all that he was a gladiator and used to harsh treatment and harsher sex, he was sensitive and always responded to kindness extremely. He worked hard to please Jeffrey after Jeffrey gave him small trinkets to make his transition easier. A longer tunic, a better pair of boots. It was all it had taken to spur the young warrior to greater victories.
Jared might not have won the big fight, except that he wanted to please Jeffrey. No one had expected him to, not against a champion like that. And yet he had, and when his reward was Jensen, Jeffrey knew the boy would be besotted.
He hadn’t expected Jensen to return the affection. In fact, it rather miffed him. Some might call it jealousy. If they didn’t mind spending the next few months in prison.
The flutter of activity surprised Jeff as he entered the private dining room where the family was gathered. “What’s going on?” he asked his brother David as he sat between him and his wife.
“Prince Fallon.” David answered, rolling his eyes.
Jeffrey made a face. “What about him?”
“He’s coming for the match tomorrow. Apparently this Curnurn is his personal champion.”
“I take it we’re letting him stay here?” Jeffrey asked. Beside him his wife rubbed a hand over his thigh. “Really Jeffrey, he’s not that bad.”
Jeffrey snorted. “You only say that because he’s your cousin, Cyril. He’s spoiled rotten and thinks he can run our House like it were his own.”
“You will be civil, Jeffrey.” Lord Morgan said, his voice booming. “His Highness will be staying with us for three days, starting tomorrow.
Jeffrey rolled his eyes and turned his attention to his plate. The prince was arrogant and petty and a thief of every good thing Jeffrey had ever wanted for his own. If Fallon saw it and saw that Jeffrey wanted it, the prince would find away to take it. The only reason he hadn’t stolen Cyril was because she was his cousin.
“Take a look at the roster Mistress Ella provided us. I think your boy, Jensen, is the best choice.”
Jeffrey frowned, taking the scroll a servant was handing him. “For what?”
“The prince has requested the company of a courtesan for the duration of his stay. Granted, Jensen has never had an extended engagement, but he will certainly please Fallon.”
“No.” He said it before thinking it through. He licked his lips and scanned over the other names. The list was small. “He prefers women. Jessica. Or perhaps Ailen.”
His father snorted. “He prefers talent and beauty. Neither Jessica nor Ailen are as talented as your boy.”
“Or as beautiful.” Simon added. “I concur with father.”
Jeffrey scowled. “I have already made the offer to another. Like we discussed.”
His father’s face darkened and he spoke around the food in his mouth. “You’re not suggesting that a gladiator gets preference over a prince, are you?”
Jeffrey inhaled deeply. If Fallon even laid eyes on Jensen, he would command the courtesan to court. Perfectly within his right…but Jeffrey considered Jensen his. He had to find a way to keep the two of them apart.
He chewed on his lip, considering. He was quiet as the thought percolated in his brain. His father was staring at him. Jeffrey looked up, lifting his wine glass. “I propose a wager.”
Lord Morgan’s eyebrow raised. “I’m listening.”
“I told the gladiator he could have Jensen if he wins tomorrow. Let us bet on the same match. If Jared wins, Jensen spends the time Fallon is here with Jared. Fallon never even sees him.”
“And if Jared loses, Jensen will spend the three days as Fallon’s personal attendant.”
Jeffrey licked his lips. It was a risk. Jared was still young and mostly he had been lucky. Curnurn was older, wiser. He’d been tested against many men and animals. He raised his glass. “A wager then.”
His father nodded and raised his glass. They sipped from their glasses to seal the pact. Now all Jeffrey needed was for Jared to win.
He wasn’t unknown in the barracks and cells of the arena. Jeffrey nodded greeting to warriors and trainers, the commanders who ran the fights. No one questioned his presence, even though the day was still young.
He didn’t knock at the door, only pushed it open. Jared’s eyes met his, though he didn’t rise immediately from the cot. The boy Jeffrey had chosen to apprentice with Jared was pulled tight against the big man in the cot, his naked body already more toned than it had been when Jeffrey had rescued him from a brutal commander who lived to torment the boy.
Jared woke him and the boy’s eyes grew large. He jumped from the bed, scrambling for his tunic and bowing deeply before scurrying from the room. Jared got up much slower, and with less concern for his modesty.
“I see you have accepted my gift.”
Jared made a face that might have passed for a smile and moved to the small table with the basin of water. He pulled a cloth from under it and began washing himself. “I do what is expected of me.”
Jeffrey ran a hand down Jared’s bare back. “Yes, one of the things I admire about you.” One of many. “He has grown.”
“He works hard.” Jared said. “But you didn’t come down here on the day of a fight to talk about Astin.”
“No, I didn’t. I came to make sure you were well and motivated.”
Jared turned, his eyes sparkling. “We are in agreement, that when I win, I may spend the night with the courtesan of my choosing?”
Jeffrey nodded. “As promised. However, there is a complication.”
Jared turned to look at him and Jeffrey’s eyes strayed to his cock, large even in its limp state. “What complication?”
Jeffrey sighed. “You must win at all costs today Jared, If you do not, I fear the cost may be losing Jensen forever.”
Jared’s face paled. “What do you mean?”
“Prince Fallon, Curnurn’s sponsor, will be here for the fight. He will get Jensen if you do not win. If he even lays eyes on him, he will want him for his own. Fallon will take him away, to the capital, to serve in his own court.”
Jared nodded once. “Then I will defeat this Curnurn and leave him bloody and broken on the sand.”
Jeffrey exhaled and smiled. “Good. I have seen to it that your morning meal is complimented with meat for strength.”
“Thank you, my Lord.”
“Win for me today Jared. And it is I who will be thanking you.”
Jensen was waiting for him in his chambers when he returned from the arena. He stood near the windows, the drapes pulled back, watching the world outside. The morning light was flattering against his skin, making the gold and red in his hair sparkle and shining off the jewelry.
He was dressed as if for court, red silk encrusted with gold embroidery open to expose his beautiful cock.
Jensen turned as Jeffrey paused in the doorway. “My Lord, I was told you wished to see me.”
Jeffrey nodded. Jensen wasn’t going to like what he had to say. However, Jeffrey was determined to protect him, even if he didn’t like it. He decided to start with something easier though. “I brought you something, had it made special.”
Jensen blushed a little and moved toward him. “You are far too generous, my lord. Your gifts are plentiful.”
Jeffrey grinned and took Jensen’s hand, drawing him into the center of the room. His hand slid down to Jensen’s cock, coaxing it more fully hard. When he was satisfied, Jeffrey withdrew to the stand beside his bed, coming back with a soft leather pouch. Inside it was an exquisite piece of jewelry, crafted of purest gold and set with a ruby to match the other jewelry Jensen wore.
Along with the pouch, he brought the small tub of lubricant, handing it off to Jensen. “Use a little here.” He pointed to the slit at the head of Jensen’s cock. Jensen looked at him strangely but did as he was told.
Jeffrey slid the gold out of the pouch and held it up. Seeing it did little to help Jensen understand at first, then Jeffrey dipped the long thin rod of metal into the lube and Jensen’s eyes showed understanding.
“This might hurt.” Jeffrey watched as Jensen relaxed his body.
“I am ready, my Lord.”
Jeffrey exhaled and set the tip of the rod at the tiny hole. He went slowly, easing the item into Jensen’s cock, stopping whenever Jensen tensed and continuing when he had relaxed again. The end of the rod was a half inch disk of gold set with one ruby in the center and a series of smaller rubies around it. Tiny gold chains joined the disk to a gold ring that Jeffrey guided back over Jensen’s cock until it was snug and held the whole thing in place.
Jensen’s face was unreadable when Jeffrey looked up. There was pain, pleasure…and as he licked his lips, Jeffrey had to adjust himself. He didn’t have time to take his pleasure with Jensen. He only had a short time until he had to head to the Great Hall to meet the prince.
“Thank you, my Lord. It is a most generous gift.” Jensen said finally, his eyes fluttering open.
“I’m afraid it is all I have for you today, Jensen. You will not be accompanying me to the arena this afternoon.”
Jensen looked as though Jeffrey had just kicked him in the balls. “My Lord?”
Jeffrey took a deep breath. “You have duties to attend. You will be given your first extended engagement starting tonight. Mistress Ella will assign you quarters. You will spend the afternoon in preparation.”
Jensen swallowed and Jeffrey could see him battling to accept the command. “May I ask who, my Lord?”
“That depends entirely on our gladiator.” Jeffrey said, inhaling deeply. “Pray he finds victory today, Jensen.