The Seduction of Scott, Part 22 (Final Part -- The Prom), Supernatural, R, Keeper!Verse

Aug 04, 2007 15:33

Fandom: Supernatural, Keeper!Verse (all Keeper!Verse can be found here)
Title: The Seduction of Scott, Part 22
Characters/Pairings: Dana/Scott, Sam/Dean, John/Jamie
Rating: R
Word Count: 5792
Summary: At long last, the night had arrived. Scott and Dana are off to the prom. Dana wants the night to be perfect. She wants the fairytale...but, she is a Winchester and Winchester fairytales aren't just about princesses and knights in shining armor...

Warnings & A/Ns: Um...should I warn for zombies? Mild bdsm implied. And all the attendant bits of prom...just in case that's a problem for anyone.

OH! And the banner is from fallen_for_lost ...Isn't it prettiful?

Everything was perfect.

The dress was the exact same shade of green as her eyes. It flattered her, with enough flow in the skirt to not restrict her movement and enough fit in the bodice to make sure her assets were perfectly framed. The back was just high enough to hide the scars from her first hands on experience with the world that Sam came from.

The heels had cost nearly as much as the dress, strappy and pretty and it had taken three days of wearing to break them in, but now they fit as though they’d been made for her feet.

Her nails were a perfect French manicure, after much debate over the proper shade of red. Her hair swept up and pinned with sparkling jeweled clips, tiny tendrils of curl accenting her face.

Dana Winchester was ready for the prom.

The rest of the Winchester clan was ready to let her go. Or at least for the whole prom thing to be over. She’d kind of driven them crazy the last two weeks over the whole thing.

There had been family portraits, at Dana’s insistence, with her fathers dressed in suits, ties and all. Despite Dean’s grumbling she could feel Sam’s response to the whole picture her father presented once he got the tie on straight…and she could tell her father continued to grumble just to save face, because underneath it all, he felt the same way about Sam.

It was a low rumble lying underneath everything else while they waited for Scott and the limo that Sam had paid for to take them, plus Erin and her date, the unbelievably hot exchange student Raul, to the last major senior event before graduation.

There were more pictures, and Dean fussing over her while they waited. She even caught a hint of my little girl from her father before Sam managed to pull it all behind the wall to spare her…or to spare Dean from the knowledge that she’d overheard him getting emotional over it.

The only person pointedly missing in the whole thing was her Papa. Her father had said Papa had something to do, which as a Winchester was basically a euphemism for a hunt he needed to handle.

She wouldn’t begrudge him that. The hunt came first.

She was just beginning to think that Scott was never going to get there when the doorbell rang. Sam opened the door and Scott grinned at her. She grinned back. He was gorgeous in his rented tux, with the green vest that matched her dress. He kissed her cheek in greeting and offered her the corsage, three pale pink roses nestled in dark greens. “You are stunning.”

She blushed and took the flowers. “You’re pretty hot yourself.”

Dean cleared his throat and Dana rolled her eyes. “No drinking.” Dean said as he loosened his tie and popped the top on a beer. “I don’t care if you have a limo.”

Dana nodded. She had no desire to repeat the incident at the lake, even if she hadn’t been drinking that night. She’d determined that drugs and alcohol were just off limits for her if she wanted to keep control. “Don’t worry, Dad. It’s prom. Nothing is going to go wrong.” She kissed his cheek, then rubbed at the lipstick she’d left behind. “Don’t wait up.”

“Dana, wait.” Dean stopped her, grinning. He handed her a small box. “We got you a little something for the occasion.”

Dana looked at him funny, but reached out to take it. “A prom gift?” She tugged on the bow and it came loose, then she opened the box. Her face dropped when she saw what was nestled inside. “Dad!”

“We figured that they’d have metal detectors at the door, so it’s ceramic…and the sheath will clip to your garter.” Sam said softly, attempting to placate her already.

“It’s PROM, Sam.”

He kissed her forehead. “Yes, and you’re a Winchester. Take it. You’ll make us both feel better about sending you off alone.”

Scott cleared his throat and Sam chuckled. “Okay, so not entirely alone. You know what I mean.”

She pulled the knife from the box, then from its sheath, admiring its balance, even if she wouldn’t say anything. “You’re gonna have to get used to me going places alone if you’re going to make me go to that school.”

Dana re-sheathed the knife and looked at Scott. That wasn’t something she wanted to get into. “We better go. We still have to pick up Erin and Raul.” She grabbed her purse and led him to the door.

“Have fun.” Dean called, walking behind them as far as the porch. When the limo doors were closed and the car had pulled away from the curb, Dean sagged a little against Sam who had come out behind him. “I feel old.”

“That’s because you are old.” Sam said, his arms circled Dean’s waist and he pressed a kiss to the back of his head. “But you’re hot…you should wear suits more often…that tie’s got me thinking all kinds of nasty thoughts.”

Dean pressed back more, rubbing his ass against Sam suggestively. “Yeah?”

Sam’s hands tightened and pulled Dean closer. “I’m going to blindfold you and tie you to the bed.” Sam whispered in his ear. “Then I’m going to strip you and lick you and make you squirm. Make you beg.” Sam switched to his other ear. “Make you scream.”

Dean turned in the circle of his arms and kissed him. He caught Sam’s wrists and tugged until he got his arms behind him. “Maybe I’m the one who should do the tying up. Make you scream.”

Sam pulled one hand free and got Dean by the back of the neck, steering them into the house where the wrestling started in earnest. Suit jackets were the first casualties, tossed aside once wrested from bodies, forgotten in the heat of getting to skin…because the first to get a hand on bare skin got to be on top.

Dean broke free, laughing as he raced for the stairs, Sam hot on his heels.

The restaurant was cozy and quiet. Aside from their foursome, there was only one other prom-bound couple that Dana could see. Erin was draped over Raul, all but in his lap. Dana found it amusing, considering they’d only known each other a few weeks, and had only been dating for a little more than one, ever since Erin’s previous prom date had dumped her for Carolina Demore, the head cheerleader.

Raul was hot, she had to give Erin that. She may go through boyfriends like water, but she did seem to pick good looking ones fairly consistently. He was an exchange student staying with a family two doors down from Erin, and she had made it her business to get to know him, despite the fact that she was taking German, not Spanish.

Dana fidgeted while they waited for dinner, anxious to get to the prom, yet wanting the night to be perfect.

“You two have dated long time, yes?” Raul asked once Erin took her tongue out of his mouth.

“Sort of, I guess.” Dana answered. “For kids our age, anyway.”

“I have dated many women.” Raul said, sitting back in his seat.

“Well, Erin’s dated a lot of men, so you’re a good match.” Scott responded.

“She is experienced.” Raul said, his hand caressing her cheek. Erin was practically purring. “I like that. She makes me to feel very good.”

Dana rolled her eyes. “Can we please not talk about sex at the dinner table?”

“Dana’s just jealous.” Erin said, kissing Raul again.

Dana was saved from responding by the arrival of their food. Both Erin and Dana had ordered dinner salads, Erin’s topped with chicken, Dana’s with giant prawns. Scott and Raul both had steaks. Raul had to extricate himself from Erin to eat.

“So, this prom is a big thing, with the tuxedo and the gown?” Raul asked as he bit into his steak, then held up his hands to savor the flavor. “This is perhaps the best I have had since coming here to Kansas.”

Scott smiled. “They should be for the price.”

Dana kicked him under the table. “It’s the best in town. We brought my father here for his birthday.”

“Did you hear that Amber totally fucked up the band for tonight?” Erin asked.

“I heard that they were supposed to play two sets and provide recorded music between, but that they’re only playing the last set.” Dana had been so caught up in her own preparations for the night that she’d only heard about the things like music and refreshments and decorations the day before.

“That’s what happens when you hire someone you’re screwing, rather than hiring someone and then screwing them.”

Dana nearly choked on her prawn, “Amber’s dating a band guy?”

Erin shook her head, shaking her fork as well. “No, THE band guy. The lead singer. He’s like 21.”

“So what did they do for music for the rest of the night?” Scott asked.

“Hired a DJ. The band comes on at 10:30.” Erin pouted at Raul until he fed her a piece of his steak, then kissed her. “Until then we get some local radio guy I’ve never heard of…I guess he’s Tony Drake’s father…or uncle or something.”

“I heard he is a cousin.” Raul offered. Everyone looked at him and he shrugged. “I am friendly, people like to talk to me.”

Erin’s smile was positively predatory. “No, baby, they like to listen to you talk.”

“I talk all you want, my love. All night.”

“Let’s not go overboard.” Dana took Scott’s hand under the table, squeezing a little to try to ground herself. She was nervous, but wasn’t sure why, exactly. It was her first formal, and the last hurrah of senior year…the last stop before the god awful college move…which she promised herself she wasn’t going to think about…Scott leaned in to kiss her.

“You’re starting to make me nervous.” Scott whispered. “Is everything okay?”

She nodded and squeezed his hand. “Everything is perfect.”

Dana felt like a princess out of some fairytale as she took Scott’s arm getting out of the limo. She could forget that this was the same school she had spent the last four years in, willingly overlooking the way the streamers and balloons hid the familiar halls and transformed them into pathways to some ball.

Erin and Raul came behind them, Erin forgoing proper prom etiquette to wrap Raul’s arms around her. The boy was hot, Dana had to admit, and his accent was beautiful…and Erin wouldn’t shut up about how good he was in bed. Dana shook her head and focused on the moment.

They were nearly to the doors to the gym. It was going to be perfect.

And it was, for nearly five whole minutes.

That’s how long it took for them to get inside and look around. That’s how long it took for her to spot Ms. Lutz, in a beautiful blue gown, sparkling on the arm of John Winchester. Dana stopped hard and Erin nearly plowed into her. “Isn’t that your grandfather?” Erin asked.

Dana was practically vibrating. Seething. He was supposed to be out on a hunt. Not in a tux at her prom. Not laughing at something Ms. Lutz said. Not looking positively stunning in a tux.

She extricated her arm from Scott’s. “I’ll be right back.”


She did her best not to stomp. His eyes lit up when he saw her. “Dana, you look lovely.”

“Don’t.” Dana said, holding up a finger. “What are you doing here?”

“Chaperoning.” John said, smiling. “Ms. Lutz asked me to accompany her.”

“Like a date?”

John’s smile faded. “We agreed. I stay out of your love life, you stay out of mine.”

“Love life?” Dana’s voice practically squeaked. “I don’t care who you date, Papa…this is my Prom.”

“Dana, you’re overreacting.” Ms. Lutz said. “We’ll be practically invisible. You won’t even know we’re here.”

“Dana, come on.” Erin was there, pulling her away. “Bathroom…while the boys get us drinks.”

Dana pouted all the way into the girls room where she watched Erin touch up her outrageously red lipstick. “Relax.”

“He’s going to ruin everything.” Dana said, pouting at her reflection.

“Only if you let him.” Erin turned to look at her. “We have two of the hottest guys in this school. We have a limo. We even have hotel rooms booked.”

Dana scowled at her. “We have what?”

Erin shrugged. “It’s prom Dana. Do what comes naturally. Let go of the good girl and embrace the stereotype. I figured that since Sam paid for the limo and dinner, I would spring for the rooms. That way, you and Scott can finally go for it.”

“It.” Dana shook her head, chuckling a little. She turned back to the mirror to study her reflection. “If you’re referring to sex, you’re a few weeks too late.” She tried for casual, watching Erin’s reflection as she reacted.

“You…what? You didn’t tell me?” Erin grabbed her and turned her around. “How could you not tell me?”

Dana shook her head. “I don’t believe in broadcasting these things.”

“You have to tell me everything. When? Where? You did use protection, right?”

Dana grinned. “I’ll tell you everything. Just not tonight, okay? And yes. My father gave me condoms.”

Erin’s mouth dropped open. “Your father? Your father…knew?”

Dana rolled her eyes. “Come on, we better get back to the boys before that slut Georgina finds Scott alone and I have to bitch slap her.”

Dana fanned herself with the napkin from the table, watching Erin slow dance with Raul, if what they were doing could actually be called dancing. He had his hands down the back of her dress as they swayed almost in time to the music. Dana pointedly ignored her Papa and Ms. Lutz likewise lost in a haze of lust set to music on the other side of the floor.

“Here.” Scott set a glass of punch in front of her, followed by a bottle of water. “I think the punch is too sweet.” He pulled his chair close and sat, sipping at his own water. “How’re your feet?”

Dana knew his feet were killing him and he was fishing for sympathy. He was thinking so loud it was like yelling. “Fine. I broke my shoes in. Like I told you to do.”

“My mother says I have a problem listening.” Scott said with a chuckle. He leaned in to kiss her, then stiffened. She followed his eyes to her Papa and she sighed.

“Forget him.” She turned his face toward hers, then hid her grandfather from view with one hand, kissing Scott lightly. “Did you know Erin got us rooms at the Grandier?”

“That fancy ass place downtown?” Scott seemed as surprised as she had. “Why?”

Dana rolled her eyes and leaned so that she could whisper in his ear. “She was trying to facilitate our first sexual experience.”

He sat back, suddenly as red as Erin’s dress. “She…what?”

“Relax Scott. I told her she was too late.”

“You told her-why did you tell her that?”

Dana laughed. “Right, like you didn’t tell Mark or Dave?”

“Well…I…told Mark…but…” Scott shook his head. “Your grandfather would kill me.”

Dana started to say something, but a scuffle in the corner caught her attention. At first she thought it was a couple of guys bruising over a girl…but as someone screamed and fainted, she saw that it was a couple of guys fighting off what appeared to be…a dead body.

She shook her head, rubbed her eyes. She had to be seeing things. The damn things didn’t exist. “What the fuck?”

Scott turned to look, his expression one of growing alarm. “Dana?”

“I know.” Her eyes scanned the room. There were two more. People were screaming. Doors were slamming. They were about to be trapped in the gym with zombies.

God damn fucking zombies.

“This is so not fair.”

“Dana, we should do something.” Scott said, standing.

For starters, she needed Sam and her father. She didn’t know how to deal with zombies. Zombies weren’t supposed to be real. She reached out for Sam and met the solid wall that made it clear exactly what they were up to. “Figures.” She snuck in the emergency tendril just enough to make Sam realizes she needed him, then reached for her phone.

She dialed her phone as she saw her Papa attack one of the creatures. The noise in the gym was outrageous as people panicked and music blared. “Scott, do something. You know more about zombies than I do.”

“I know about movie zombies…not…”

One of them was getting close. Scott threw the glass of punch. It splashed against the skin of its face and they both made faces as the skin bubbled and peeled. “Cover me while I get some back up.” Dana said, getting back to back with him as the phone finally connected. It was nearly four rings before Sam picked up, breathless. “Sam.” It came out as something of a whine. “There’s fucking zombies at my prom.”

“Dana, I can hardly hear you.”

“I know. It’s the zombies. People screaming.”

“Honey, zombies aren’t real.”

“Tell that to Mrs. Hanson. One of them just bit her nose off.”

She felt his end of their connection open up and she sent the scene unfiltered through it. She felt him gasp and recoil. “Hold tight. Your father and I are on our way.”

Sam threw the phone and reached for the ties he’d used to tie Dean down once he’d won his way to skin first. “Trouble?” Dean asked and Sam nodded. He sent the images Dana had sent him. “Zombies?”




“Where are my pants?”

Sam threw Dean a pair of pants as he was pulling his own on. “What do we know about zombies?”

Dean snorted. “Other than the fact that they don’t exist?”

Sam breathed out, watching Dean wrestle his erection into his pants made him hard again himself. “Yeah, other than that.”

Dean shrugged and started buttoning his shirt that had never fully made it off. “Cut off their heads, I guess.”


“In the garage.”

Dana ducked around Scott, taking a swing at the nearest walking dead and connecting with rotting flesh. “Eww…if this gets on my dress-“

“Dana!” She ducked and came up with a folding chair, bashing at the creature until its head rolled off and under the next table. The body crumpled to the floor. Scott tugged on her arm and pulled her back. The three had multiplied, as their victims rose and began chomping.

“Check the doors. See if you can get any of them open. Find Erin.”

“What about you?”

She kissed his cheek. “I’ll be fine. I’m going to see if I can bring the population down a little.”

“Remember, take their heads. Anything else just pisses them off.”

Dana nodded and surveyed the room, spotting her grandfather and Ms. Lutz holding a small space with a circle of students to the right. To the left was a knot of the zombies. Four. Five, if you counted the nearly dead cheerleader who would no doubt be getting up in a few minutes ready to eat.

She wished she’d actually put the knife in her garter, rather than leaving it in the car. She almost wished she’d listened to Sam about the shoes. She wasn’t about to lose them though. “Zombies,” she muttered. “It couldn’t be vampires or the ghost of some dead prom queen?”

She heard a gunshot and turned. Leave it to her Papa to get a gun in past the metal detectors. She grabbed the punch bowl on her way past the table, throwing it, punch and all, at the nearest zombie. The punch ate away at its flesh and the heavy crystal bowl connected with its head, sending it over backward.

A flash of red caught her eye and she whirled to see Erin with two of them coming at her. Raul was no where to be seen. “Erin!” she shouted and Erin looked her way, then ran toward her. “Where’s Raul?”

Erin was shaking, her eyes wide. “We…we were dancing…and they…he…” She took a deep breath and pulled herself together. “He fainted.”

“Duck.” Erin got out of the way just in time for Dana to grab the arm that had nearly grabbed Erin, and use it to leverage one zombie into another, sending them stumbling backward. “This is so fucking gross,” she muttered as the arm came off in her hands. “Okay Erin, we’re going to work our way back toward the doors.” A quick glance showed Scott and his friend Mark and two other guys from the football team working on getting one door open.

“So, we’re just cutting heads off?” Dean asked as they pulled into the school amid the limos and other cars. They could hear the screaming even in the parking lot.

Sam pulled his nose out of a book. “Unless we know who conjured the first one. Says here that if we can break the talisman it should end the zombies created by it.”

“You think who ever did it is waiting around to be caught?”

Sam shrugged. “I think whoever did it probably hates enough to want to see how it turns out.”

“Hates who? I mean…it’s prom Sam.”

“I turned a bunch of baby Harriers loose at mine.” Sam said. “And I had less reason than most to hate the whole thing.”

Dean shook his head. “Okay. You hunt for whoever did this. I’ll try to get inside the gym…find Dana and Scott.”

“Take her one of the blades. That little bitty knife isn’t much of a match for zombies.” Sam reached out to her. We’re here. Dean’s coming to you with weapons.

He felt her pushing Erin, using something to batter at the head of an approaching zombie. Gym door nearest the cafeteria. Scott’s getting it open.

“Gym door by the cafeteria.” Sam said as Dean got out of the SUV and opened the door to the back seat where Sam had piled the two machetes, an ax, and two swords. “I’ll take one of the swords and the ax.” Any idea who I’m looking for? Anyone who despises the student body? Anyone who hates someone enough to do this?

She sent him half a dozen images, then stopped. It’s got to be Lupe. The words came with an image of a small, Hispanic girl with big glasses and an unfamiliar symbol on a chain around her neck. She’s from South America, reads books on voodoo. Hates the social structure here. Ranted about the popularity culture.

“Got an idea who’s behind it.” Sam said. They headed toward the school at a jog, then peeled off while Sam went to find Lupe and Dean went to find Dana. Dean rounded the corner. He could hear bodies pounding against the door. There was a flag pole shoved through the handles. Dean set down his armful of weapons and pulled it out. The doors burst open, students pouring through them and Dean caught Scott, pulling him aside before bending down and putting the machete in Scott’s hands. You guard this door. Only the living get out.”

“Yes sir.” Scott took the blade, tested its weight and nodded. “Dana’s inside. She was trying to take down the ones she could and get the students to the door.”

“Right. I’m going in to help her. We’ll send the living to you.”

The immediate flow of students stopped and Dean picked up the two swords and stepped into the gym. Balloons and streamers were all over the floor. Music still blared out of the speakers on the stage. He heard a gunshot and looked, surprised to find his father working a group of about fifteen students toward the open door. His shot hit one of the things in the face.

Zombies. Dana hadn’t been joking. There were about six of them that he could see. No…more. They were getting up off the floor. “Dad!” He whirled. Dana had Erin and…what looked like an arm that she was using to keep the zombie at bay. He held up the sword and she nodded, dropping the arm and catching the sword, hacking immediately at it. The head came off and soared into the lap of one of them just sitting up.

Dean made a face as the zombie in a pretty skanky dress gave up getting up and just lifted the head and started eating. Zombies were fairly disgusting. Dana and Erin came running. “Erin, go to Scott.” Dana said. Erin looked traumatized, but she obeyed. Dana was panting, her hands covered in…yuck. “We should help Papa.”

Dean turned. John still held his small group, but they must look like a moveable buffet to the zombies in the room as one by one they started toward them. Dean swung his sword and nodded. Together, father and daughter moved in, swinging their blades. Dana took the first, a kid in a tux that must have been a student early in the evening. His head flew, hitting one of the speakers.

They reached John and Ms. Lutz and the students and John started them running for the door. The three Winchesters spread out to protect them as the remaining zombies in the room realized their dinner was leaving and started after the escaping students.

Sam had an idea of a place that was perfect for casting, and headed toward it. He knew the high school campus better than any of its faculty and most of its students. Although he suspected Dana might know a few of its secrets that he didn’t.

He threw open the doors that led to the interior courtyard, off limits to students. It served as a sort of teacher’s lounge, where they came to smoke and bitch about students. It was circular, lined with trees that protected it from prying eyes by blocking all of the windows.

She was smaller than he imagined…just a girl…maybe fifteen at the outside. She looked up at him, her hand closed around the amulet. “Stay back.”

“Did you do this, Lupe?” Sam asked, his voice as gentle as he could make it, considering that she had let loose a mass of killers.

“No…I mean…I do this…but they were not…” Her voice was heavily accented. “One, I made one…I thought for the ones who make fun of me.”

“You didn’t realize that they can create more?” Sam asked, moving closer.

“My mother told me stories…gave me her books.”

“I have books too Lupe. Mine says I have to break the talisman to stop them. They’re killing people Lupe. Innocent people.”

That was the wrong thing to say. Her face hardened and she stepped back. “They are not innocent. All of them have vanity and pretty, treat me like nothing. In my country I am the top. Others look up to me.”

“I’m sure that not everyone in there has been mean to you. Give me the talisman. Let me end this.”

Her hand closed tighter over the necklace. “I can call them. You would die.”

“I don’t want to have to hurt you Lupe. But I can’t let this continue.”

Sam stepped closer. There was real fear in her eyes, and it gave him pause. He really didn’t want to hurt her. She backed up, closer to the impromptu altar she’d set up. “Just give me the talisman, Lupe. I can end it and you can go home. It will all be over.”

He judged the distance between them. Two steps and he could have her. Two fast steps before she reached the knife on the altar. He moved swiftly, his hand closing around hers around the talisman and pulling. As the chain broke, her knees gave way and she sank to the ground. He pried her fingers open and throw the talisman on the nearest stone and brought the axe down on it.

It took two blows, and he felt the magic flee as it broke.

“Mrs. Hanson.” Dana said, pointing with her sword at the zombie with no nose that was coming at them. Beside her, John was out of ammo and was making due with a broken table leg. Ms. Lutz was pushing students toward Scott at the door.

The dead were getting up faster than they were putting the undead down. Pretty soon they were going to be over run. Someone had finally silenced the sound system. She thought she heard sirens in the distance. Like that was what they needed.

“Georgina?” The black dress with red trim was a dead give away, but Dana still stepped back, hesitated. John on the other hand didn’t, he hacked at her with his table leg until she stumbled backward, her head hanging.

Then, without warning, they all stopped. As one they collapsed to the floor. Dana looked to her father, but before she could say anything she felt Sam brush against her, letting her know he’d found Lupe. We’re okay.

“Sam got her.” Dana said breathlessly.

“We should lose the weapons before the police get here.” Dean said, handing off his sword to his father.

“Right, because no one saw us hacking heads off of dead kids.” Dana said, though she likewise gave her sword to her Papa.

“People are funny Dana. You’ll be surprised how few of them mention us at all.”

“I can’t wait to see how they explain this.” John said. “What do you think? Virus? Drugs?”

Dean shrugged and pulled Dana into a crushing hug. “Hard to say.”

Scott came rushing over, his machete dripping with gore. “Is everyone okay?”

Dana switched from her father’s arms to Scott’s. “We’re fine, Scott. You?”

He nodded, kissing her forehead. “That was insane.” John gestured at him for the machete and Scott surrendered it, just as Sam joined them, dragging Lupe. John ducked away to ditch the blades.

“I cleaned up her mess out there.” Sam said.

“What do we do with her?” Dean asked, looking her over.

“We send her home.” Dana said forcefully. “She isn’t happy here.” Dana met Sam’s eyes, sending her intent as she stepped away from Scott and reached for Lupe’s arm. Sam nodded minutely and followed, watching as she invaded the girl’s mind and stripped it of the memories of the ritual and choice parts of the previous weeks and filled the spaces left behind with a feeling of being homesick and lonely. When she was done, she stepped away and Lupe opened her eyes. “I’m sure we can make sure she gets to leave right away.”

“Really?” Lupe’s eyes lit up. “I miss my Papa.”

Dana’s Papa rejoined them then, dusting his hands. “Police are here.”

Sam put a hand on her shoulder. “Dean and I can give you a ride to your foster family’s home and explain things.”

Dean kissed Dana on the cheek. “That’s my cue. See you at home.”

“I better go check on Jamie and start organizing the survivors.” John said. “You did good tonight Dana.” He glanced at Scott and added begrudgingly, “You too.”

“There’s a ringing endorsement.” Scott joked when he was out of earshot.

Dana snuggled into him, her head on his shoulder. “Some prom.”

“Oh, yeah…one for the record books.” Scott put his arms around her.

“That hotel room is sounding better and better.” She yawned, then lifted her head. “Where are Erin and Raul?”

“Erin is waiting in the hallway with Andy and Drew. I haven’t seen Raul.”

“I should go check on her.” She pulled away reluctantly.

“I’ll see if I can find the Latin Lover.”

It was well after midnight when Sam and Dean pulled back into the house. Sam yawned and reached for Dean’s hand. “Our little girl was amazing tonight.” Dean said with a sleepy smile.

“You were pretty amazing yourself.” Sam responded.

“Do you think she’ll be okay?”

“Lupe? Dana erased her memory of raising the thing, but even she can’t change who a person is. It’s hard to say.”

Dean raised an eyebrow at his choice of words. “I know something else that’s hard.”

Sam leaned over the seat to whisper in his ear. “That’s because you’re a slut.”

“No, I think it’s because you left me hanging.” Dean countered. “And, I think it’s my turn.”

“I beat you once tonight. Do I have to do it again?”

Dean’s smile was wicked as he reached for Sam, fisting a hand in his t-shirt before he yanked, tearing the material enough that Dean’s hand could cup his nipple. “No fighting. I win. Get in the house and get naked.”

What had started as the perfect evening ended with the perfect dress covered in zombie bits and blood, the perfect hairstyle a mess of half fallen masses of hair and somehow, Dana couldn’t be bothered with being upset about any of it.

She emerged from the bathroom of the hotel room after a steaming hot shower, wrapped in a hotel bathrobe to find Scott in nothing but his boxers, sipping on soda from the vending machine down the hall. The remains of their room service meal still littered the corner table.

He grinned at her. “Erin dropped off a bag. Clothes for you for tomorrow I guess.”

“Was she okay?”

He nodded. “Yeah, she said Raul never lets her sleep anyway, so maybe it’s a good thing she kicked him out of the limo.” He gestured at the television. “It’s all over the news. They’re saying it was drugs…that someone spiked the punch…and they just went crazy. There’s more than twenty dead.”

She sighed and collapsed onto the bed. Scott joined her, drawing her up toward the pillows with gentle hands and tender kisses. “You okay?”

She nodded, surrendering to his kiss, one hand stroking down over his bare chest. “It’s over.” She was suddenly so tired and sad.

“What’s over?” Scott asked, his voice a whisper.

“Everything. In two weeks we graduate, and then…you’ll be gone to Stanford and I’ll be at Dartmouth and…it will all be over.”

Scott kissed her deep and slow. “It isn’t over, Dana…it’s only just beginning.”

She wanted to believe that. She really, really did…but somewhere in the back of her mind a half-thought whispered through her and she shivered. She clung to Scott and closed her mind to everything but the moment. He was warm and holding her, and it felt good, especially when his hands found their way into the robe and rubbed her breasts. For now she could have this…a perfect ending for a perfectly Winchester prom.

supernatural, keeper!verse

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