The Seduction of Scott, Part 14, Supernatural, PG-13, Keeper!Verse

Jul 03, 2007 12:18

Fandom: Supernatural, Keeper!Verse (all Keeper!Verse can be found here)
Title: The Seduction of Scott, Part 14
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean, Dana/Scott, OCs
Rating: PG-13 for language
Word Count: 2953
Summary: Dana and Scott have their first tiff when she leaves a date to go help her father and Sam...but Scott follows her...and learns something new.

Warnings & A/Ns: We slowly progress toward the Prom. Between shotofjack and myself, we've got most of Dana's senior year and summer planned. Not all is fun and games, as one might very well imagine, given the verse. Established incestuous relationship, though sex.

Dana skipped down the stairs of the library, tucking the last of her books into her bag and waving to Erin and Scott who were waiting for her. It was Friday night, her research was done and she had the whole weekend to get her paper written…and she’d agreed to go to some horrific zombie movie with Scott and Erin.

At least with zombies she could just relax and not spend the whole night cataloguing the flaws in the movie’s premise. She had to admit, the whole idea of zombies…and how much Scott loved them, was kind of disturbing. It was even bigger than his werewolf fixation, which she’d been amused by until she realized how romanticized the fiction was. The reality was so sad.

But zombies were just not real. Not the Hollywood kind anyway. There were cases of reanimation, of course, but no brain sucking, or limbs decaying off the body, or mindless shuffling.

“Hey, you ready?” Scott asked as she stopped next to them and kissed his cheek.

“Yeah, just let me check in at home.” She wasn’t worried exactly…but her boys were hunting close to home tonight, a poltergeist in a bowling alley, and her father was still nursing that ankle. She dialed her father’s phone, and got no answer. “Hey Dad, just checking in. On my way to the movies with Scott and Erin. Call if you need anything.” She hung up the phone and pocketed it, then slipped her arm through Scott’s. “All yours hot stuff.”

“Why do you do that?”

Dana scowled at him, not sure what he meant. “Do what?”

“You always say, ‘Call if you need anything’…and then when they do call, you run off.”

“I don’t run off.” Dana said, shaking her head. On her other side, Erin was nodding.

“You actually do, Dana. Anytime they call.”

“They’re big boys, Dana. Don’t need you babying them.”

She pulled her arm free and stared at Scott. “I don’t baby them. I take care of them. We’re family.”

Scott held up his hands, gentling her anger. “I know. I know, but sometimes…it feels like you’d rather be with them, than with me.

Dana shook her head. “No…I mean…I’m sorry if it feels like that. They’re…they’ve always been first in my life, and I know that’s hard for you two to understand.”

“Hey!” They all turned as Alex trotted up. “Sorry I’m late. My step mother made me finish cleaning the garage before I could leave.” He kissed Erin’s cheek, then looked at them all. “Am I interrupting something?”

“No, you’re just in time, Alex. Why don’t we go get our tickets and let Dana and Scott catch up when they’re done with their conversation?”

Dana watched them leave and turned back to Scott. “Scott-“

“No. Just forget it.”

“Are you going to pout now?”

“I’m not pouting. And I’m serious. We’re gonna be late.” He started to walk away, looking over his shoulder to see if she was coming.

Dana looked down at her phone, flicked it open and put it on vibrate. “I won’t answer it.” She put it in her pocket. “See. I’m all yours. You and me and the zombies.” She suppressed a shiver. “I can’t believe you talked me into this ‘Zombie Homecoming…what is it? Four?”

He stopped and turned, his face pinched and pissed. “We don’t have to see it at all Dana. I could just take you home. Then you can spend all night with them.”

“Them? I thought you wanted to forget it.”

“I do. I want to go to the movies with my girlfriend and eat popcorn and hang out with my friends…all without your father or his partner or your grandfather being involved in any way. But that doesn’t seem to happen anymore.”

“Okay. You’re pissed. I get it. I do. I’m not sure I understand why exactly…I mean I do, in principle…but-never mind.” He’d never been angry at her before. She wasn’t sure how to react…what to do to stop the way it made her stomach tighten into a worry knot. “You’re angry and I don’t want you to be angry. I want to do those things you want to do. I want to go watch zombies destroy homecoming for the fourth time, and eat popcorn with you…no Dad, no Sam, and certainly no Papa.”

She was still not happy with him. Not after the whole thing with Ms. Lutz. She took a deep breath and threaded her arm through his. “Okay?”

“Yeah, okay.” He still looked pissed, but they started walking again.

The feeling of something being not right built as they crossed the street to the theater and Dana couldn’t help glancing toward the bowling alley a block away. She bit her lip and cast out to Sam, just for reassurance. He pushed her away and she got a sense of Not now.

She didn’t like it. Her pocket started to vibrate before they got to the ticket window. She chewed on her lip, looking at Scott. It stopped and she counted to five before it started again. It meant trouble. It meant they needed help. She pulled the phone out and answered it, turning away from Scott’s pissed face.

“Where? Yeah. Hold on.” She closed the phone and turned to find he had followed her out of line. “I’m really sorry Scott. It’s a family emergency. I-I have to go.”

“Dana, I swear-“

“Go see the movie. I’ll catch up when I’ve dealt with this.”

“Dealt with what?” Scott called after her as she took off at a dead run down the street. He watched her back, then glanced at the theater. “Not this time, Dana. Not this time.”

He set off after her, hanging back. He wanted to see what it was that was so all fired important that she had to run out on him. Again. He watched in disbelief as she jogged up to the bowling alley. It had been closed since a guy got killed the week before, some accident involving an equipment malfunction. He didn’t know the details, but Dana had been highly interested at the time.

Scott watched her duck inside, surprised that the door was unlocked. He slipped up, giving her time to clear the door before he was easing it open and moving into the dark of the alley. The only lights in the place came from the neon along the lanes and dancing flashlights. He could just make out Dana’s form, moving toward one of the lights.

“What the fuck?” Dana ducked something, and Scott angled to get a better position to see.

“Help Sam.” That was Dean’s voice. Scott squinted and could just make out Dana’s father beside her, holding the flashlight.

“Sam?” Dana called out and moved away from her father. Scott watched her dark silhouette move slowly away from where Dean was limping. “Fuck.” Dana kicked and a dark shape went flying over the lanes, hitting the far wall with a sick thud. “Are these…?”

“Not a poltergeist.” Dean said.

“I can see.” Dana replied, still moving.

Poltergeist. Scott shook his head. He had to be hearing wrong. Dana’s cautious steps had taken her nearly out of his eye sight. He moved, picking his way through shadows.

“Dana!” Dean yelled, but before he could do more than lurch toward her, he was knocked off balance and went flying into the nearest wall, slumping down and landing on the floor, eyes closed.

“Dad?” She reappeared, then her father’s flashlight flew across the floor and into her hand. Scott rubbed his eyes and shook his head. Something small darted through the beam of light in her hands. Scott started and sat down hard when his foot slipped under him. The light moved in his direction and he froze, grateful for the ball rack hiding him.

He missed what happened next, but suddenly he heard Sam’s voice. “Dana, behind you.” Dana’s head whipped around and suddenly there were three of the little…things…floating, feet kicking, teeth gnashing…and the hissing and growling was unbelievable. Her head moved again and the three…things…things because his brain couldn’t accept any other word…flew across the alley, there was another sickening thud and slide and Scott lost sight of Dana as her flashlight died and she yelled.

“Uuugh! Sam, get Dad.”

There was a horrid screeching, then a flash of light and Sam was stumbling into the wall beside Dean. “Sorry!” Dana called. “I’m gonna make sure I got them all.”

From his hiding place, Scott could tell Dean was bleeding from a head wound, and Sam was favoring his bad side as he moved to check on him. There was muffled cursing as Dana disappeared down the side of the alley and into the back. “Fucking gremlins.” Dean muttered as Sam helped him up.

Gremlins. Scott shook his head. He was starting to wonder what Erin put in his slushy while they were waiting for Dana. He’d seen enough…or not nearly enough…but more than he’d been prepared to deal with. Not that he knew what exactly he’d been prepared for. He just knew it wasn’t this.

Scott shook his head and made his way back to the front door. Gremlins. Fucking gremlins. He had to be wrong. Because gremlins didn’t exist. Little creatures with sharp pointy teeth didn’t exist. Just like zombies and vampires and werewolves.

Scott found a bench near the theater and sat down hard. Didn’t exist. Except that he had a girlfriend who apparently fought them. With her father. Scott rubbed his face and tried to wrap his head around that, but his brain just sort of stopped.

Dana blasted the bowling alley with light, dropping the gremlins around her. She felt Sam’s surprise and the sharp pain as his right shoulder connected with the wall. “Sorry! I’m gonna make sure I got them all.”

There’s a big one in the back. Wounded her, but couldn’t finish.

Dana knelt and retrieved the small gun from the holster hidden by her sock. She had almost left it home. Her father thought she wore it whenever she went out, but lately, with Scott…the last thing she needed when they were making out was him finding a gun on her. Of course, the likelihood of them ever making out again was pretty slim at this point.

She shook it off and rounded the corner. She didn’t need to be distracted. Especially if Sam was right and this was a female. A hatching mother. She could blast more light through the place, but there were too many nooks and crannies and dark holes she could hide in.

Coming up the other side. Sam sent and she could feel him coming.


He’ll have a headache, but he’s fine

Her eyes scanned over the equipment closest to her. Where was she?

She could see Sam now, moving toward her. He gestured with his head further back…away from the lanes. She nodded and moved slowly. A bowling ball rolled toward her and she side stepped it, directly into the path of another that was hurtling through the air. She ducked and caught it with a thought, and whipped it back in the direction it had come from. There was a squeal, then the bowling ball hit a wall and cracked.

Oh…she is not happy. Dana licked her lips and raised the gun. Sam was nearly beside her. They moved in tandem, easing down the hall. It was a good place for a gremlin to hatch. Lots of equipment to mess with, near enough other businesses to give them somewhere to cut their teeth…Sam. Dana lifted her chin. It was an equipment locker and there was slime oozing out of it. He nodded. She lifted her gun while he reached for the handle.

Three shots rang out before she fired and she felt one of them whiz past her leg just before she felt teeth sink into her leg, ripping the denim. She yelled and shook the damn thing off, raising her gun to empty it into the growling mother sitting on top an oozing pile of eggs in the locker. Other shots rang out as more of the damn things attacked, defending their mother. When it was done, Dana stood in the midst of dead gremlins, bleeding and covered in slime and gremlin guts. Her father was breathing heavily, his gun smoking, the clip empty.

Sam was leaning against an old pin changer, catching his breath. “Is that all of them?”

Dana nodded. “I think so. Ugh.” She tried to pull some of the slime off her jeans. “I can’t go back to Scott like this. He’s never gonna talk to me again.”

“I’m sure it will be fine Dana.” Dean said, leaning a little to the side. “You okay to drive?” He gestured at her bleeding leg.

“Yeah…I can get us home.”

An hour later, Dana sat with her leg up, letting Sam bandage the wound on her calf, hissing when his fingers brushed over the deepest puncture wound. “You’re lucky it was a baby and not one of the bigger ones.” Dean said as he joined them, an ice pack held to his head.

“You’re lucky I agreed to go to that damn zombie movie with Scott and Erin. If I’d been any further away, you two would have been in trouble.”

“We weren’t packing for gremlins.” Her father made a face and relaxed against the corner of the couch. “It read like a poltergeist.”

“Still say we should have torched the place to make sure.” Dana said, pulling her leg away from Sam and pulling her pant leg down to cover the bandages. She stood, testing the injury. “Good job Sammy.” She kissed his cheek. “Now how about you?”

“I’m good, baby. Just some bruises.” He lifted his shirt to show where the skin on the shoulder was bruised.


“I’m good. Just the head.” He held up the ice. It could have been worse. A lot worse.

“Want me to re-wrap the ankle?”

Dean shook his head. “Sam did it after my shower.”

“I should call Scott and apologize for running off. Again.” She played with her phone, but didn’t dial. “He was angry. Really angry. Told me it seemed like I wanted to be with you guys more than him. I didn’t want to leave him like that.”

Sam ran a hand down her arm. “If he loves you as much as we think he does, Dana, he’ll get over it.”

“You didn’t see his face. He’s never been angry with me before. It made my stomach hurt.”

“Call him. Invite him over for dinner tomorrow. We’ll make up a good story to tell him.” Dean said, sitting up.

“I can’t keep lying to him, Dad. I don’t like lying. Especially not to him.”

“What are you suggesting? That you tell him the truth?”

Dana chewed on the inside of her cheek. “Would that be so bad?”

Dean and Sam stared at her. “Dana…I know you like him…love him even…but you know you can’t tell him about your powers.”

She shrugged and levitated the phone. “No…I know…but, I’m thinking maybe the other stuff…you know? Ghosts and vampires…he’s already a huge ghost story buff. I bet he’d take it in stride…then I wouldn’t have to lie.” She smiled hopefully at her father and he shook his head.

“Let’s talk about this when we’re not all beat up, okay?”

Dana opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by the sound of knocking. She grabbed her phone out of the air. Sam was the only one standing so he crossed to the door, opening it to reveal Scott, and a bouquet of flowers.


“Can I…come in?”

“Of course.”

Scott seemed…different. The anger was gone…replaced by something else. Something she couldn’t quite figure without reading him. He held out the flowers as he crossed the room. “I owe you an apology. I was out of line.”

She took the flowers and smiled as he sat beside her. “No, not completely. You were right. I do run off. A lot.”

“It was our fault, Scott.” Dean said. “Sam and I. We-“

“We had a bit of an accident. Dana came to get us.”

“Are you all right?” Scott asked. There was something in how he asked the question that made Dana really want to read him…even more than after that whole alcohol incident. He saw something…or knew something…or…

“Yeah, we’re fine.”

Scott nodded. “So…if you’re not too angry with me, and you don’t mind going without Erin and Alex, I got us tickets for the next show.”

Dana smiled and nodded. “I’d like that.”

“What movie?” Dean asked as Sam came to sit beside him.

“Zombie Homecoming 4.” Scott said, a brilliant smile on his face. “You gotta love the zombies.”

Dean shuddered and took Sam’s hand. “Zombies? Never liked zombie movies…too creepy.”

Dana laughed and got up to kiss her father’s cheek. She knew he didn’t like them because there was nothing he could dispute in them. Scott raised an eyebrow and stood, taking Dana’s hand. “I’ll have her home by one.”

“See that you do.” Dean said, though his tough guy cred had diminished a little with the zombies and head injury.

“I’m sorry too.” Dana said as they got into Scott’s car.

“I know.” Scott responded, leaning over to kiss her. “I know enough Dana…to know that you wouldn’t just run away and leave me without good reason. I was just feeling…greedy. Want to keep you all to myself.”

“I’m all yours now.” Dana smiled. He wasn’t angry anymore…and that was enough for the moment. She’d worry about the rest later.

supernatural, keeper!verse

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