Wincon Gifting - A Call for Artists and Graphics Manipulators and Such

Jun 08, 2007 07:24

Okay...last post on the subject for now, I promise.

I am looking for a few good naked men men people with artistic inclination.

What I need: Cover art and illustration art for stuff. I'm probably going to end up with five different stories that I want to do.

What I am doing? Well. I want to make books of a sort, that I can give away at Wincon. Books of my SPN stories, particularly the long ones. I want to put pretty pictures of pretty boys on the covers and inside.

What do you get? Credit, of course, on the copies (however you wish to be credited, real name, LJ name, whatever...links can be listed...etc) and a signed copy of whatever book I end up using your stuff. I'm even happy to write something specifically for you. Anything at all. Anyone who gives me art gets a story.

If there's someone out there who wants to put together fan mixes of music for each story, I'd burn those to CD to include in the book.

See where I'm going with this? I want this to be special. A nifty gifty to take home from Wincon. I probably won't make a huge number of them, since I'm flying down, and need to leave room in the suitcase for clothes, but...I want to do this.

I just need YOUR HELP!


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