Okay...here it is. Of course it will take some time to update, but this is where you can find links to everything I've ever posted here on
phantisma. For Crossovers, you'll find the stories listed in both fandoms and on the Crossover list.
The Supernatural Index The Jossverse (Buffy/Angel/Firefly) Index The Stargate (SG-1 & Atlantis) Index The
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I've been quietly working my way through your stories and enjoying them immensely.
Alas, now I can no longer access your RPS and some of the other stories and I'm gutted. Is there any chance that you could friend me back so that I may continue to enjoy them, they're a guilty pleasure that I simply don't want to miss or give up.
Also, may I just say that whoever sent the link to your fic to the celebrity is a shmuck! It's an unspoken, but well understood rule in fandom that what we write is for the fans consumption only.
Theses stories are fantasy, written for fun and no disrespect is intended towards the actors. We'd never condone any kind of mistreatment to them in RL- but in fiction it's kinda hot and totally harmless.
They know this stuff is out there, but we employ a don't ask don't tell policy, they don't ask about it and we don't tell them were to find it or how much we enjoy it.
It's a harmless past-time and it sucks that someone has spoiled that for you.
Anyhow, I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that you friend me back- I really want to continue reading those stories.
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