Don't Think We're in Kansas - Ch. 3, Supernatural/Stargate Atlantis, NC-17

May 24, 2007 13:09

Fandom: Stargate Atlantis/Supernatural Crossover
Title: Don't Think We're in Kansas, Chapter 3 ( Chapter 1, Chapter 2)
Pairings/Characters: (this chapter) Sam/Dean, John/Ronon, Sam/Dean/John/Ronon, Weir, Beckett,
Word Count: 4543(this chapter)
Rating: NC-17 (here comes the porn! Giggle...yes, I'm twelve)

Summary: Sam and Dean try to adjust to this new life, and John and Ronon try to help. There is sex involved...and Sam has a confession for his brother.

A/Ns & Warnings: This is a bunny "given" to me by denyce. I don't know if she knew what she was getting into. Um. So...warnings. This is a slave fic. This is Dean slave fic...nothing like the OTHER slave!Dean fic. This is new and different. This will involve dubious con, and kinky, kinky sex. Yeah. Here. *points*

“I think we have everything we need, and I’m sure the three of them will be more comfortable with a little privacy.” Carson said aside to Elizabeth. “The tests will take a few days, and we can call them back if we need anything.”

Elizabeth watched John playing a card game with Dean while Sam watched. “You’re sure they’re okay?”

Carson sighed. “Well, Sam’s the worse for wear, I’d say. But he’s a tough lad if the number of scars on his body is any indication. He’s a little worn down, slightly anemic. Neither of them are particularly well fed. But, we’ve put a cast on the arm and given him something for the pain.”

“And the…collars?”

Again, Carson sighed. “I don’t know. They…we have to learn a lot more before I can make a determination.”

“Okay, release them, but I’m putting John on restricted duty until we know more.”

“Aye, I was going to suggest that. It seems the connection between them requires a certain proximity.”

Elizabeth turned to look at him, her eyebrow arching. “Oh? And you’re just now mentioning this?”

Carson rubbed his forehead. “I’m sorry, Elizabeth. I thought Colonel Sheppard said something. Dean is linked to Colonel Sheppard and the link seems to be dependent on distance and duration. Sam is likewise, linked to Dean.”

“So all three have to be together?”

“Aye. There’s some indication that it is also a tool of the acclimation period, like the voices. Today the distance permitted before Dean passed out is significantly improved over yesterday.”

“Any progress on the voices?”

Carson shook his head. “Sam seems to be more capable of expressing himself without his voice, and adapting fairly quickly.”

“Yes, but adapting to what, exactly?” Elizabeth said, moving closer to the window.

Ronon was silent, nearly forgotten. He’d taken up station at the door when John went into the next room with Carson and Elizabeth, part to protect Sam and Dean from the already curious people in the hallways outside the protected space, and part because he needed to know something.

Without John in the room the two of them seemed more inclined to what Ronon had to believe was more normal interaction. Dean was still not happy, and expressed his discontent fairly well to Sam, even without words. Sam, on the other hand…Sam seemed…like Dean was his entire world.

John had brought them clothes, scavenged from expedition members. Except that Sam was taller than just about anyone on Atlantis, and every pair of pants John found were too short, so he was wearing a pair of Ronon’s pants, heavily belted to keep them up. He stood beside Dean’s bed, the broken arm in a sling across his chest, his left hand on Dean’s shoulder.

Alien technology or not, Sam was absolutely devoted. And, alien technology or not, Dean loved him too. Ronon had no doubt about that. It might make this whole messed up thing actually work.

Maybe. If Sheppard could get past his denial. It was obvious, at least to him, that the devices were doing a lot more than transferring John’s desire, because Ronon had never seen him lose control the way he had twice now …and if the way Dean passed out when the proximity barrier was crossed was any indication, not obeying the amped up sexuality for any length of time might actually be more harmful than giving in to it, at least in the short term.

“Okay, so I was going to get you both your own rooms, but with the whole passing out thing, I figured we’d be safer if you just bunked with me for a few days.” John said as he led Sam and Dean toward his room. “I had an extra bed brought in, and this will give us some time to get to know one another.”

“You mean fuck.” Ronon’s voice said from behind them and all three whirled.

John shook his head. “No, Ronon. I don’t. I mean, work on getting their voices back, figure out ways around this…situation.”

The door closed behind Ronon and he leaned down to John’s ear. “And fuck.” John’s cock stirred and he rolled his eyes as Dean threw up his hands.


It wasn’t his fault that he couldn’t stop thinking about it. At least, that’s what he told himself. “Don’t listen to him. It’s not my reason.”

Sam held his hands up, placating John and Dean both. Dean paced away and Sam went with him, both going to the wide picture windows. John couldn’t even get excited about showing them Atlantis, because all he could think about was the way, Sam’s hand soothed over Dean’s back, wanting it to follow the curve of his ass.

He licked his lips when Sam’s hand did just that, and Ronon’s hand was waving in front of his face. He blinked and looked up. “What?”

Ronon chuckled. “Yeah. That’s what I thought.”

John sighed and turned his back on Sam and Dean. “Cut me some slack here.”

Ronon crossed his arms and looked down at him. “I’m not the one fighting this, you are.”


Ronon turned him back around to look at Sam and Dean. “Right now, you’re the only thing they have going for them. They’re alone. They have alien devices in their bodies that make them want to…do things that you’re thinking about. You’re going to make them crazy. I can’t help but think that maybe it would be easier on them, and you, if you …let nature take its course.”

“It isn’t nature, Ronon.” John said shaking his head.

Ronon conceded the point, watching Sam’s good arm slide around Dean’s hip and pull him closer. “Doesn’t change the fact that those devices give them a purpose…and a need to fulfill that purpose. What if…they have to?”

“What?” John scowled at him. “No. It’s out of the question.”

“Is it? Are you sure?” Ronon lifted an eyebrow. “Try something for me.”

John crossed his arms. “What?”

“Think of Dean, without thinking about sex…think about how upset he is, how worried.”

“What? Why?”

“Just trust me. I want you to see something.”

But he was already there, thinking about the terror that had rolled off Dean in the jumper. Sam moved behind Dean, arms around his waist, sighing a little as he put his head on Dean’s shoulder. John felt Ronon’s arms slide around his waist in an obvious echo.

“See…natural as can be.” Dean hadn’t moved to shake him off, hadn’t even turned. “They love one another John…and maybe they never had this sexual component to it before, but doesn’t most Ancient technology work with what’s already there?”

Sam was kissing the back of Dean’s neck, and Ronon followed suit, kissing over John’s neck.

“Yeah…but we don’t even know if it is Ancient.”

“Shh.” Ronon whispered in his ear. “You’re thinking to much.” He sucked a little on the side of his neck, just as Sam did the same…and John wasn’t’ sure who was mimicking who anymore, but it was hot and the idea of matching pairs, licking and sucking was beginning to make him crazy. He turned in the circle of Ronon’s arms and out of the corner of his eye, saw Dean do the same.

“You know what I’m thinking now?” John asked, looking up at Ronon.

Ronon’s eyes flicked to Dean, who was melting into a scorching kiss. “I’ve got a pretty good idea.” Ronon’s lips settled over John’s.

John closed his eyes, imagining Sam undressing Dean, savoring the taste of Ronon’s tongue running over his…then feeling hands unzipping his jacket and pushing it to the floor. He heard a matching sound nearer the windows, but didn’t look…just held the thought in his head…Sam, kissing over Dean’s bare shoulders, licking at each tiny mark and scar.

Ronon groaned and John felt him move around behind him, still mimicking every move Sam made. “You should open your eyes.” Ronon whispered and John let them slowly open.

John’s cock was hard instantly at the sight. Dean was shirtless, facing him. Sam was behind him, his mouth pressed to skin…absolutely lost in the task of worshipping Dean’s skin. Dean’s eyes opened and rose to meet John’s. The green was shot through with lust and anger and need.

Sam’s hands came around from behind, running up Dean’s torso, until they covered Dean’s nipples, rubbing in soft circles. Naked…John was overwhelmed by the desire to see Dean as he’d been when he was brought to them, naked and gleaming and perfect…sex on legs….Ronon’s hands were on his hips, matching Sam’s…then down to his fly…and his pants were puddled at his feet.

Dean’s hardness matched his own, and John couldn’t resist moving forward, crossing the room, even as Dean moved to meet him. They crashed together, the four of them. John’s hands cupped around Dean’s face as they kissed, all hard lips and teeth. John tasted blood and couldn’t tell if it was his own or Dean’s. Their cocks danced against each other as Ronon and Sam worked open mouths down their spines, then tongues were circling their asses and John moaned for both of them.

John’s cock was dripping pre-come and he wasn’t going to be able to hold on for long, not with the pictures in his head…not with the burning touch of Dean’s skin under his, or the smoldering heat in Sam’s eyes. As John met those eyes he was filled with a sense of what Sam wanted…a desire he’d never expressed…John reached over Dean’s shoulder for Sam, dragging his head close enough to kiss him. A sense of surprise rippled through Sam, but his mouth opened under John’s and the image got stronger.

“Bed.” John said, holding that image as the four of them moved toward the nearer of the two beds, though they had to disentangle to make it work. Then, Sam and Ronon were pulling off their clothes and Sam was the first one on the bed, kneeling and bent over, his naked ass in Dean’s hands.

Ronon fetched a bottle of lube before he joined him, handing the lube off to John, before he climbed up, mirroring Sam’s position, filling John with a wonder he didn’t want to contemplate too much. Ronon seldom offered himself up like that…Kiss.

Sam’s hand was on Ronon’s face…Ronon’s hand was in Sam’s hair, then their mouths met in a bruising kiss. John groaned and opened the bottle of lube, pouring some out onto his fingers before passing it to Dean. Those green eyes were darker now, the desire stronger, his cock red and hard.

John sensed some resistance, but it fell away as Dean’s hands touched Sam and Sam shivered with anticipation. John licked his lips as Dean’s fingers touched Sam’s ass, moving closer to his hole, shimmering with lube. Sam gasped without sound as Dean’s finger penetrated, and Ronon captured his mouth again as John did the same.

John froze as Dean moved, caught watching as Sam arched his back in response to the fingers now moving inside him. Ronon pushed back at him, anxious for similar treatment, but John could scarcely breath as Dean’s fingers slipped out of Sam and his cock, slick now and leaking steadily, lined up. Dean’s eyes were on Sam. Only Sam. He bit his lip as he started to sink into him.

Ronon pushed at him again and John remembered what he’d been doing, scissoring the two fingers he had inside Ronon to open him, up before shifting his feet and rising on the balls of his feet to follow Dean’s lead. “Fuck.” Ronon was tight…hot…incredible. John ran his hand up his back, over scars and into the tangle of dreadlocks he found incredibly hot.

He fisted his hand there and held on as Ronon’s head turned, his mouth opening to claim Sam’s again. It was messy…wet, tongues, teeth…Ronon growled as Sam’s teeth caught on his lip and Sam responded by sucking that lip into his mouth. John pulled on Ronon’s shoulder, pulling him from Sam, pulling him back onto his cock. It took scarcely a thought to get Sam’s hand on Ronon’s cock…and Ronon echoed the motion just as quickly…and John was ready to completely short circuit.

Sam’s face was slack, open, wanton. Behind him Dean’s was all concentration, eyes focused on Sam’s neck, his hands on Sam’s hips. The smell of sweat filled the air and when Ronon’s head fell back on his shoulder, John lost his control, shooting hot into Ronon, then reaching around to help Sam bring Ronon along.

Sam was next, his mouth open, as he came all over Ronon’s hand. He dropped his face forward and tilted his hips. Dean grimaced, then stiffened…and fell forward onto Sam, panting.

Ronon was the first to move, crawling up toward pillows and pulling John with him. After only a slight hesitation, Sam followed, bringing Dean along. John got a very definite sense of satisfaction from Sam as they settled into a tangled pile of naked limbs and torsos. Sated, John let sleep come, not sure whose hand was where, and not entirely sure he cared.

Sam woke to the very urgent need of his bladder. Memory of the night before rushed in as he tried to identify the weight against him, and he blushed from his toes up. He opened his eyes slowly. Most of the weight was Dean, draped half way across Sam’s body. Sam flushed with a different sort of warmth as he realized they were both still naked…and that sticky ache in his ass was his brother’s come. Because his brother had come in his ass.

Sam moved his head, which was pillowed on Ronon’s shoulder. Somehow he doubted Ronon was any more of a cuddler than Dean was. The hand on his hip came from up over Ronon’s hip. Any lower and his morning erection would be sitting in Sheppard’s hand.

He still had to pee though. Down the bed, that was likely the easiest way. Sam gently moved John’s hand onto Ronon’s stomach, then looked to see how best to get free of Dean. It took some delicate maneuvering, but Sam managed, shimmying down the bed to the end.

Sheppard hadn’t gotten around to showing them where stuff was, what with the frantic fucking…and middle of the night blow jobs…and wet dreams…Sam shook his head and tried to get his bearings in the half light of a very early morning. He stood, surprised at the ache in his body, the burn in his ass.

He stumbled around the suite for a bit before he found the bathroom. He wanted a shower…but pee was becoming even more urgent than it was when he woke.

He groaned as he relieved himself, then froze. “What the-“

His voice. His voice was back. His wonder was lost to the need to finish and the sudden screaming pain as something decidedly not liquid forced its way out and fell with a small thunk into the toilet. A tiny green light blinked up at him, and his hand flew to his neck. The gadget that had kept his voice at bay was gone.

Sam squinted at himself in the mirror. Of course, he’d gotten what he wanted…what he’d wanted for a long time, but had never dreamed could ever happen. Of course, his body had accepted its new role. And the technology had done as the Emir person had said it would.

He bit his lip. Dean was going to freak. The only thing keeping him from going ape shit already was Sheppard and his…thoughts. Sam was going to have to work to make Dean realize the truth. Sam rolled his eyes. The truth that Sam really did want…him.

He could hear movement in the next room, could feel a rush of panic. Dean was awake. Sam stepped out into the main room, where Dean could see him. Relief washed over him, then Sam was beckoning Dean, and Dean looked grouchy and stiff as he pulled himself up and out of the bed.

Sam waited until Dean was in the room and the door was closed. He held up his hands and Dean mouthed, “What?”

Sam wasn’t sure where to start. “Okay…don’t freak out.”

Dean’s eyes bugged and his hands grabbed at Sam, turning his head to look for the light under his skin that indicated the device. There was a mix of emotions flowing off of Dean, so fast Sam couldn’t keep track of them all. “Stop, Dean. I can’t…I can’t follow it all.”

Dean fixed that. He poked Sam in the shoulder, hard. His face was even harder, angry. Okay angry. Sam expected that. “I don’t know. It just…came out.”

But he knew what it meant, they both did. Sam had accepted this fucked up new reality. Accepted that his brother was a sex toy for some Air Force Colonel and Sam was his…groomer. Accepted that his job was to help his brother serve his master. Accepted that his brother had fucked his ass…Sam met his eyes. A wave of memory passed through Dean and Sam blushed.

Dean liked it…the sight of Sam and Ronon together, kissing…tongues and teeth and…

Dean shook his head, turning away to take care of his own morning piss. Sam could see him mouthing the same word over and over. “No.”

“Okay…look…there’s something I should have told you.” Sam said. Dean finished with no thunk. The little green light was still firmly in place under the skin. “I never…it was just…” He sighed in frustration with himself. “I’ve wanted that for a long time Dean.”

Dean shook his head, denying the very idea. Sam nodded. He grabbed his brother’s hand. His heart was thundering in his chest. He’d never have admitted this, never…because he knew Dean would never have understood. “I never said anything. I knew…it’s wrong, and I get that. Okay? I just…god, Dean.” Sam stepped closer, his hand rising to touch Dean, but he slapped it away.

Dean turned so his back was to Sam, still shaking his head, his fists clenched at his sides. He was furious…Sam shrank back and thought about leaving Dean to cool off…He shouldn’t have said anything. It only made things worse. “I’m sorry.”

The tone of the anger changed and Dean turned back, making a face at him. Sam flushed and tried to reach for him again. Again, Dean pushed the hand away. Sam knew that face, Dean was blaming himself. Somehow he did this.

Sam tried again. On the fourth try, his hand connected with Dean’s cheek. Sam took a deep breath and leaned in to kiss him, hoping his desire was reaching his brother. Dean stiffened, but didn’t entirely pull away.

“I love you Dean. More than I should…I…I used to lay in bed at night and listen to you…wanted to tell you…wanted to wrap my hand around you…” Sam kissed him again, a little more urgently, his tongue begging entrance Dean wasn’t giving him. “It’s always been you…ever since I can remember. You were my first crush Dean…the only one I’ve ever thought about when I masturbate.”

Dean pushed on him, forcing him back a step. He pointed forcefully at Sam’s neck, where the collar was. Images flashed at him, the collar, Sheppard…Sam shook his head. “No. Dean. No. I was sixteen the first time. Remember that hunt, the poltergeist knocked me down the stairs? I was busy watching your ass and thinking about sucking on your cock.”

Dean tried to turn away again, but Sam reached out for him. “I got myself off in the bathroom while you and Dad fought about my being on the hunt at all. All I could think about was the way you called my name when you came running.”

Dean pushed again, and Sam dropped his gaze. Sam was filled with a sadness at the rejection, crossing his arms as hot tears filled his eyes. He wasn’t going to cry. Dean would never understand. “Don’t be mad.”

Dean’s hand closed around the back of his neck and pulled him into a hug that clearly said “Not mad” and Sam felt a little relief. When Dean let him go he didn’t look any less disturbed however. Sam bit his lower lip and wondered if Dean was ever going to let go enough to get his voice back.

“Okay. Look, Dean. I know it’s hard…and this is…fucked up. But…we’re together, right? And Sheppard seems like a nice enough guy. He’s trying. He really is.”

The look on Dean’s face was pissed and he shook his head indicating he wasn’t so sure Sheppard was trying all that hard. Sam smiled softly and cupped his good hand to his brother’s cheek. “Well, it’s gotta be hard on him. I mean look at you…so…perfect…so pretty….even I can’t stop thinking about you.” Sam slipped in closer, kissing Dean softly and for a long moment, Dean let him, sagging lightly into him.

“We can handle this Dean…we can do this…and be okay…they never have to know…” Sam kissed his way back to Dean’s ear. “I can feel you, you know that? I can feel what my touch does to you.”

Dean shuddered and pulled away, but that only enforced Sam’s point, as his cock was already hardening. “See?” Sam whispered and pulled him in close again. This time he didn’t accept Dean’s denial, pushing his tongue past his lips and kissing him urgently.

In the next room there were murmurings, soft voices that indicated Sheppard and Ronon were awake. Sam felt a rush of arousal flow through Dean, and a rush of images from the night before…as Sheppard had seen them. Dean moaned soundlessly into Sam’s mouth as the images echoed…intensified…and morphed to others…no longer memories…just desires. “He wants you.” Sam whispered a few seconds later. “Wants to fuck you. He dreamed about it all night…”

“Hey, you two okay in there?” Sheppard called and Sam felt Dean shiver at the sound of his voice. Whether or not Dean wanted to admit it, there was attraction there that had little to do with the collar…or at least that’s what Sam told himself as he opened the door.

“We’re fine.” Sam said, without thinking. Sheppard’s eyes got big…and then he grinned broadly.

“You got your voice back.”

Sam shrugged. “Apparently.”

“That’s great. Dean?”

Dean was behind Sam now, and he could feel him glowering at Sheppard. “Not so much.”

Sheppard nodded. “Oh…well…”

Sam’s eyes were drawn to John’s cock…hard with morning wood, and he felt an echo from Dean…a sudden urge to kneel and suck it in. John moaned and Sam felt Dean square his shoulders, pushing his way out of the doorway and away from the two of them.

“I…was going to get cleaned up.” Sam said. Across the room, Sam could feel his brother almost physically fighting the needs coming from John, then sighed when he the images of what John wanted, if not the desire itself, stopped. The look on John’s face was sour, focused. It was almost painful. “I could…” Sam gestured at John’s cock and John blushed.

“No…” He cleared his throat, crossed his arms, then uncrossed them and covered his dick instead. “No…you…go get cleaned up. I’m good.”

Ronon sighed explosively and Sam looked at him. He’d nearly forgotten the big guy was there. The look on his face said that he knew John was anything but good.

“When you’re done, Ronon and I thought we’d all go have breakfast and then show you around Atlantis, maybe round up a little more in the way of clothing.”

“What about…” Sam pointed at his neck and made a face.

John nodded. “Rodney and Teyla are headed back to talk to the Sagare today to question them some more on the technology. Carson will let us know when he finds anything.”

“Okay.” Sam’s eyes tracked Dean across the room, pulling on his borrowed clothing and keeping his back to the others in the room. “Dean…he just needs…time. He’s not used to being…” Sam looked for the word and didn’t really find it. “He’s a hunter, a fighter. This is hard.”

John looked over his shoulder at Dean and nodded. “I get that. But…” He looked back at Sam. “I’m not wrong about the two of you, right?”

Sam swallowed hard. “What do you mean?”

“Well…you’re more than just friends, right? I’m not…I didn’t…”

Sam shook his head, a little relieved. “Yeah…more than friends. Though, to be honest, I’ve never crossed that line before now.” That much was truthful. They were more than friends, and they had never…Sam shook his head. He knew what John was getting at. “You didn’t force anything on us.”

John didn’t look entirely relieved but he nodded. “Okay…you get cleaned up then, we’ll get some food when you’re done.”

Dean let himself out onto the balcony overlooking the ocean. He had to admit it was an impressive sight. He just wasn’t in the frame of mind to appreciate it. Not when Sam…was beyond okay with what had happened.

Dean hung his head and looked down at the water below him. He had fucked his baby brother. He had wanted to fuck his baby brother. Once the image had come from Sheppard, he couldn’t get it out of his head.

Of course it was the damn collars. It had to be, no matter what Sam tried to tell him…because it was wrong. It was beyond wrong. It wasn’t even that he’d never had the thought…because…if he was honest, all those years on the road, all those years being crammed together…it was inevitable…and Sam was a good looking guy…and he had a smile that could melt the sun….

Dean swallowed and shook off the sudden desire to feel Sam’s hands on his back, around his waist. He stood up and looked at the sky…looking up into that vast expanse, it was hard to believe they weren’t on earth.

Dr. Weir had said they could find a way to get them home. Home. Like that meant anything. He turned, leaning against the rail to watch Sam emerge from the bathroom. Maybe this place wasn’t ideal…and maybe this situation was fucked up…but Dean had to wonder if maybe Sam was finally safe here.

Maybe they could finally give up hunting and Sam could have…Dean shook his head. He couldn’t say normal…because this wasn’t normal.

Inside the room, Sam smiled at something Ronon was saying as he pulled a shirt on over his bare chest. He hadn’t seen an honest smile in so long…since before their father…Dean lowered his eyes and sighed. John Winchester left a burden on Dean’s shoulders. A burden that he’d shouldered without saying anything to Sam.

Now though…the yellow eyed demon was in another galaxy. With his plans and his war…and Sam was here. Free.

Well, aside from the whole slave thing. He felt eyes on him and looked up. Sam’s smile was gone, his face serious and concerned. Shit. Sam could feel everything…he breathed out and buried the fear, the words their father had whispered in his ear…all of the crap from back home. Because it didn’t matter now. Dean offered Sam a brief smile, and nodded. Sam was happy. That should mean something.

Dean hoped it would.

sga/spn, not kansas, not in kansas, kansas

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