The Seduction of Scott, Supernatural, PG, Keeper!Verse

May 13, 2007 19:24

Part the First

(probably 4 -5  weeks after Intervention…senior year has started)

Dana sat slumped over the kitchen table, dejected, staring at her cheese and crackers as if they were the enemy.

“Lemme guess - you aren’t fretting over your A/P English test,” said Sam who was stirring something on the stove with Ari dutifully sitting at his feet, keeping a careful watch.

Dana lifted her head and blew on her bangs.  “I just don’t get it.  He practically looks right past me as if I’m not standing there.”

“And we would be talking about whom exactly?” Sam put down the spoon, stepped over Ari to cross to the table and sat down next to Dana.

She glanced at him.  “Don’t you dare play coy with me Sammy.  You were sick as a dog the day after I told you I’d joined the cross country team.  Yet you managed to follow me around to figure out what I was up to.”  She paused and shot him a meaningful look.  “You think you are SO clever.”

Sam smirked at her.  “I wasn’t trying to be subtle dear.  I was just being a good uncle and figuring out what the hell you were up to.  I worry about the ever-present threat of one of your schemes blowing up……literally.”

Dana looked at him, fake-horrified.  “How can you accuse me of scheming?”

Sam laughed, loud and long.  “You joined the team to get near Scott.  That isn’t a scheme, my dear?”

“Well, no…..ok, yes.  But it isn’t a BAD scheme.”

Dana stopped, realizing she was being dragged off topic.  She rectified that with, “Why doesn’t he pay attention to me?” in a loud whine as she beat her hands on the table.

Sam reached for a cracker and put some cheese on it, popped it into his mouth.  Ari squeezed her nose into his lap to try to get her share.

Dana saw the frown on his face.  “Sam, what’s wrong?  Scott is a great guy.”

“Yes honey, he is.  Smart, polite, great athlete, respectful.”

Dana was instantly crestfallen.  She said in a little girl voice, “You don’t think I’m good enough for him?”

Sam’s expression went instantly soft, tender.  He reached out to caress her face.  “Dana - there’s no one on this planet that is good enough for you.”

That was greeted with a vintage Dana mega-watt smile.  “Good answer Sammy.”

And then seconds later, “But WHY WON’T HE TALK TO ME?”  The food floated in the air in time with her words as she discharged a slew of psychic energy into the room.

“That. Right there.”  Sam waved his hands at the float-y food.

Dana retracted the power instantly. “I’d never use my power in front of him.”

“I know that,” Sam explained.  “It’s the Dana Life Force.  Sorta spills out.”

She felt dazed, “Huh?”

He tried to put it plainly.  “You’re coming on too strong darling.”

Sam stood up to return to the pot on the stove.  Dana declared her challenge to his back. “You only watched practice one day.  How do you know that?”

Sam stirred the pot and then turned to reply.  “I only let you see me watch one day.  I’ve been at every practice…….cleverer than you thought, huh?”

Sam reached for the table, grabbed some crackers and munched on one for emphasis.  Then reached down and passed a couple to the dog.

“Seriously….really seriously?”  She studied his face to make sure he wasn’t exaggerating.  Not that Sam was known for exaggerating things like that..  “You are good,” she admitted nodding her head.  “I had no idea.”

She chewed on some cheese pondering what he had said.  “So, I’m coming on too strong, yeah?”

“You practically vibrate when he’s around.”  Sam said with a chuckle.  “Just ask him something easy and straightforward so he has to answer.  Reign in the Dana Life Force and be as calm as you can muster,” Sam advised.

Dana contemplated this strategy.  Hell, she might as well try it since nothing else is working. “Ask Question.  Be Calm.  Sounds like a plan…… sounds like a plan……”

Part the Second

Dana froze when she saw him…which was entirely silly.  She’d come looking for him after all.  He just wasn’t where she expected him to be.  She knew he had a free period and she knew he was going to be in the library, because he had an English paper to work on.

But when she rounded the corner and found him leaning against the shelf of ghost stories and books on the paranormal, it startled her.  He had a book in his hands, his longish bangs in his eyes as he read from it.

Okay.  She could do this.  Just ask a simple question.  Straightforward. Be calm.  Cool.  Dial it back.

She could do this.

Dana straightened her shirt and brushed her bangs out of her face.  She approached slowly, as if she was looking for a book.  He looked up as she got close.  Was that panic on his face?  Dana looked away.  Calm.  Cool.  Easy.

“Oh, hi Scott.” She didn’t look at him, kept her eyes skimming over the book spines.

“Dana.”  He closed the book and kind of hid it.  She felt embarrassment roll over him, like he didn’t want her to know what he was reading.

Okay, put him at ease about the book.  “There’s this book I saw last week.”  Dana said, scrunching her nose as she moved a little closer.  “Has a picture of the Flying Dutchman on the cover.  But I can’t remember the name of it.”

“You read ghost stories?”

“Sometimes.”  It wasn’t a total lie.  It was good research, can’t put a ghost down if you don’t know the details.  “My dad got me into them.”

Scott held up the book in his hands.  “This it?”

She smiled, trying to remember to not smile quite so broadly…tone it down, pull it back.  “Yes, that’s it exactly.”  Most of the book was tripe, but there was a collection of white lady stories that her father had used the year before to hunt down and salt and burn 6 of them.  “Have you read it?”

Scott smiled himself and put it back on the shelf.  “Yeah, I was just checking a detail on a story.”

“Which one?”  This wasn’t so hard.

“The Blue Lady.”

Dana nodded.  “The one in Scotland?”

“Yeah…my mother grew up in the town where the ghost is.”

Dana frowned at him.  “Your mother’s Scottish?”

Scott grinned wide.  “Yeah.  She came over here to go to school when she was a teenager.”

“I guess I just imagined both of your parents were Chinese.”  He was mixed race, like her.  She felt a tinge of excitement bubble inside.

“Most people do.  I get a kick out of it…but it bugs Mom sometimes.”  He seemed to relax.  “What about you?  Where are your parents from?”

She glanced at him.  Okay, how did she answer that?  “I never knew my mother…she died when I was 6 months old.”

“Oh…shit, I’m sorry.”

She shook her head.  “No, it’s okay.  I mean, I didn’t know her.  My dad raised me.”

They were quiet for a minute, and Scott’s next question shocked her.  “Is it true…what they say about your dad?”

“That depends, what do they say about my dad?” She was on instant alert.  Rumors never did go to good places.

“Well, Jamie Anders said he was gay…that the Uncle who lives with you is his…boyfriend.”

Dana relaxed.  “Yeah, actually.  Sammy and Dad.  They’ve been together since I was a baby.  They’re partners.”  She hated the term ‘boyfriend’ for Sam, felt it trivialized his importance somehow.

“My older brother is gay…you’re the first person I’ve ever met who had a gay parent though.”  He crossed his arms and looked at her.  “So is it true what they say about you?”

She raised an eyebrow.  “I don’t know.  What do they say about me?”  Her heart was beating, she was expecting the worst.

“That you’re the smartest girl in school.”

Dana felt herself blush, embarrassment and relief.  “I don’t know about that.”

“And the fastest.”


He was suddenly very close to her.  “And the prettiest.”

Dana looked up at him and it was suddenly her turn to be overwhelmed. “I…um…I have…class.  I better go.”

She walked briskly from the library, her face red, her smile nearly hurting her cheeks.

Part the Third

Dean was relaxing in the sun room, enjoying what would probably be the last warm evening of the year, sipping a beer.  He was staring at the yard, contemplating the Sam Winchester Grand Rock Climbing Plan also known as Sam’s Done Lost His Mind.

In this great ‘conquer the Tetons’ extravaganza, Dean, Sam and Dana were supposed to train all winter at some club two towns over that had a wall and an instructor and a bunch of climbing nuts.  Then, they were supposed to conquer the Tetons next May after Dana’s graduation.

Dean didn’t know what to make of this exactly.  Oh, he knew what he thought of the climbing idea, utter and complete bullshit.  Carabineers, belay devices, harnesses, monolithic protection.   Hell, the only protection he needed in life was his Glock and maybe a nice dagger.  He was a hunter.  He hunted things.  He didn’t climb things to see the view from the top.

But…..Sam wanted this.  Spoke about it like it was a mission from god or some goddamn thing.  Promised sex at the top.  Which wasn’t going to happen ever since Dana got wind of the Plan and insisted on joining them.  So, no summit sex.  Just climbing with funny devices and a view.

Dean inwardly groaned.  He could bitch and moan all he wanted but he foresaw carabineers in his near future for fuck’s sake.

Sam cleared his throat from the doorway.  “Don’t hurt yourself there.  Ya know for a guy who claims not to think about shit you look like pretty deep in thought.”

“Just figuring if the neighbors would hear us if I fuck you right here.”  Dean smirked.

“Liar, so wasn’t a ‘I’m thinking about sex’ expression.  There wasn’t any drool.”

Sam passed Dean his plate of dinner and sat down on the couch, took a swig from Dean’s beer.

“Get your own beer Sam.” Dean snapped the beer bottle out of Sam’s hand.  “Where’s Dana?”

Sam leaned back, “Need to talk to you about Dana….”

Dean stopped and grimaced.  Nothing ever good came from a sentence starting with “Need to talk to you about Dana.”  He examined Sam’s face to see what level of worry this warranted.  Sam seemed pretty serious as he dug into his plate of pasta.

“So, you gonna make me guess or you gonna tell me?”  Dean set his plate down, preparing for a level 10 problem.

“She’s interested in a boy in her class.”

Dean laughed and let out an audible sigh.  “Shit.  From your tone I thought it was something,” he waved his hand, “She’s always rambling on about some boy or some cute tv star.  That girl crushes on a new guy every week.”

Dean picked up his dinner and dug in, relieved.

“This is different Dean.” Sam tone made Dean stop mid-chew.

Dean looked up, tomato sauce on his lips.  Through a mouthful of pasta, he said, “Different?”

“His name is Scott Wu.  He’s the reason for the track team.  And she is really interested.  They have a date on Saturday night, going to dinner and a movie.”

Sounded harmless so far to Dean but Sam seemed apprehensive so Dean asked, “What do you know about him?”

Sam tilted his head.  “I know everything about him, his mom, his dad, his dog. I know the damn kid’s SAT score, his blood type, and shoe size.”

Now Dean was puzzled.  “Why so much research Sam?  Dana gets bored of her crushes quickly.”

Sam exhaled.  “Because she has gone out of her way to get him to talk to her, to find mutual interests.  Because he’s smart so she doesn’t find him boring.  And because he likes ghost stories, a lot.”

Sam put down his plate and snagged Dean’s beer, finishing the bottle.

“Dean - get used to the idea of Scott Wu.”

Part the Four

“Dad!”  Dana’s voice was filled with exasperation from above and Dean buried his smirk before turning to see her all but hanging over the balcony.

“What, honey?”

“Put the guns away.”

“I’m just cleaning them.”

“Dad!  Scott will be here any minute.”

“And the guns need cleaning.”

“Saaaaam!”  Dana yelled, pulling curlers from her hair.  Sam appeared behind her from their bedroom, his thoughts caressing Dean.


“Make him stop.  He’s going to embarrass me.”

“He’s not going to embarrass you, Dana.  He’s aiming for mortify, I think.”

Go on and finish getting ready.  I’ll talk to him.

She made a sound that clearly indicated her disgust and disappeared back into her bedroom with the slamming of her door.  Dean looked up as Sam joined him.  “Aren’t the guns kind of overkill?”

Dean grinned and picked up the pieces of his second favorite gun.  “Just making an impression.”

Sam chuckled and moved to sit opposite him.  “An impression?”

“You know…the kind that says ‘if you hurt my daughter-‘”

“Tell me you aren’t serious.”  Dana’s voice floated from upstairs.

Before Dean could answer, the doorbell rang.  “He’s here.  Stall him.  Don’t embarrass me.  Shit.  I’ll be right down.”

Sam smirked at Dean and went to get the door.  Dean was only a half step behind him.  Sam opened the door and stepped back, leaving Dean standing framed in the doorway.  Scott Wu smiled, only a trifle nervously and held out the hand not holding a single red rose.  “Mr. Winchester?”

Dean’s eyes flicked from the hand to the car parked at the end of his driveway.  He quirked an eyebrow and slowly reached for the hand.  “Mr. Scott Wu, I presume?”

“Yes sir.  It’s pleasure to meet you.  Dana speaks very highly of you.”

“That your ride?”

“My brother’s actually.  He’s away at school and left me the keys.”

“Seventy five?”  The Camaro was fire-engine red with white stripes across the hood.  A real beauty.

Scott nodded.  “Yeah…fully restored…well, except for the back seat.  We’re going to do that next summer when he’s home.”

Dean was already modifying his image of the kid…an image built solely from Sam’s spying and Dana’s endless talking.  Sam cleared his throat and Dean shook his head.  “Oh. Yeah, this is Sam, my…um…”

“Partner, yeah.  Dana told me.  I think I’ve seen you around.”  Sam shook the kids hand and smiled.

“Nice to finally meet you, Scott.  Why don’t you come in?  Dana won’t be but a minute.”

Dean stepped away and Scott stepped into the living room, his eyes immediately snaking up the stairway, right to Dana’s door.

“I’m sure she’s just making last minute changes to everything.”  Sam said, amusement clear in his voice.

“So, what’re the plans tonight Scott?”

For the first time the boy had the grace to actually look nervous.  “Uh, well…dinner first.  I’ve got us reservations at Gracie’s on Dunleavy.  Then we’re planning on a movie.”

“Which movie?”

Scott licked his lips and looked to Sam, then back to Dean.  “We haven’t decided, sir.”  His eyes tracked to the kitchen table and the array of weaponry.  Dean watched him closely, expecting anything but the reaction he got.  “Is that a colt percussion revolver?”  Scott moved closer, keeping his hands safely away from the table.

“Yeah…it is.”  Dean frowned at Sam who had the nerve to laugh.  “You know guns?”

Scott shrugged.  “Not really.  My mother was an Olympic shooter.  Her father collects guns.  I was trying to buy him one for his birthday last year.  He’s always wanted a civil war era Colt. I found a couple, but none in as good a condition as that…and none in my price range.”

“I lucked into it a few years ago.  Not as trusty as my Glock, but a good gun, if it’s taken care of.”

Dean. Sam’s mental touch drew him away from the guns, turning him toward the stairs.

He looked up, and wouldn’t have believed his eyes if he couldn’t feel her anger sizzling across the room at them.  She’s wearing a dress, Sam.

And she was, a simple dress, black with a knee length skirt and stockings and…if his eyes weren’t deceiving him, sandals…all black straps and feminine.  She smiled at Scott, then glared at her father.  “Ready to go, Scott?”

“If we’re done with the posturing, yes.”

Sam’s hand tightened around Dean’s arm as Dana mentally stuck her tongue out at them both.  “Night Daddy.”  She kissed his cheek, then Sam’s.  Don’t wait up.

Dean followed them to the door.  “Midnight, Dana.  Not a minute later.”

She rolled her eyes.  “I mean it young lady.”  Scott closed the passenger door behind her and circled the car.

They both waved goodbye and Dean sagged against Sam.  “Our little girl…”

Part the Five

Dana stepped out of the car and smiled at Scott. She had butterflies in her stomach; she truly didn’t want to screw this up.  In a loop she kept repeating to herself, “stay casual.”

Her silent mantra was interrupted.  “Have you eaten here before?” he asked as he fell into step next to her, pulling on his jacket.  He looked great, long and tall, in his blue sports coat and tan slacks with a stray lock of hair falling into his left eye.

“Yeah, Sammy and I have been here a few times.  They have a killer pork chop dinner and, oh, this super yummy double-baked potato thingy.” Dana paused, Scott looked interested.  “It’s a funky, fun place.  The weird paintings on the wall have strange, hidden messages,” she added, waggling her eyebrows.

Scott laughed and opened the door for her.  They stepped inside and took in the dimly light room with its wild murals, candlelight and hip music.  The host welcomed and seated them.

“Did you request the table near the window?” Dana asked as she watched the ducks on the lawn outside.

“Yeah, the view of the park is nice from here, dontcha think?  I run here sometimes.”

Dana nodded in agreement.  It was nice.  Being here with Scott was nice.

There was something she wanted to say and now was as good of a time as ever.

“Scott,” she cleared her throat to push down her nerves.  “I really appreciate you asking me out.  So nice of you and I want you to know I’m really happy to share the cost.”

Scott gave her an odd look.  She rushed to add, “I don’t mean to be insulting or anything…but just because you’re male doesn’t mean you have to pay the tab.”

Her stomach flipped.  It didn’t sound exactly how she intended. Not romantic at all, either. “Or you could pay for dinner and I’ll pay for the movie.”

Scott smirked, “You’re a bundle of surprises.  Most girls expect the guy to buy.  This is refreshing, kinda cool even.”

She burst into her mega-watt smile.  He did understand.  “Well, Sam keeps me flush with cash so there’s no reason not to share cost.”

“Whenever you talk about Sam, you light up like a 1000 volt light bulb,” Scott observed.

Dana got serious, “Sam’s an amazing guy and not just because he spoils me rotten….which he does,” she admitted.  “He’s a lot more than just my father’s partner.”

“How did they meet?”  Dana was grateful for the interruption as the waitress came to take their orders.  She drank from her water glass thinking of the safest reply.

She gave him the basic of basics.  “Sam was at Stanford.  Dad was in Palo Alto on business and they met at a bar.  After Sam graduated, he joined Dad here.  How cliché is that?”  Dana laughed, acting casual.  Well, it was true if a bit light on actual facts.

Scott whistled, “Stanford?  Wow - I’m impressed.”

Dana nodded in agreement.  “Here’s the funny thing.  Sam is hell bent on my going to some prestige university.  Hell. Bent.  As long as it isn’t Stanford.”

“Stanford’s on my wish list but my math grades aren’t good.  I don’t think I can pull it off.  Their track coach is interested in me though and he’s a nice guy.  So I have this faint hope.’

Dana stared at Scott.  The butterflies were gone.  And she was comfortable, like talking to one of her girlfriends, except they didn’t make her tingle. He seemed to be at ease as well.  She could do this.

Scott asked, “What does your list look like?”

“Jayhawks.  Only one school on my list.” Dana stated adamantly.

Scott wrinkled his brow.  Dana thought he looked cute with the wrinkled brow. Of course he was also cute when he was lost in thought, or driving, or…She resisted the urge to reach over and touch it.

“Why?  You’re the smartest kid in our class and you said Sam wants you to go….Oh,” understanding dawning, “does your Dad want you local?”

Dana shook her head.  “Oh no, Dad wants me to stop arguing with Sam and apply wherever he tells me to.  Papa too.”  Dana hung her head, she was tired of the arguments.

“Dana - it makes no sense - you’ve got the grades.  I’m sure your SAT scores would make me green,” Scott paused then asked quietly, “Is it the money?”

“Not the money.  Sam’s been saving since I was one for college.  Wants me at Harvard,” she paused, sipped her water, pointed at herself.  “Scott - look at me - I’m not Harvard.”

“You might have some track recruiters looking at you - you’re fast Dana.”

Dana blushed.  She knew she was fast but Scott saying she was fast pleased her down to her toes. “Hey  - the Jayhawks have a great cross-country team…. I should use that in my next knock down with Sam,” Dana wondered if this would work.  She knew it really wouldn’t.  Sam had his mind made up.

Time to change the subject.

“I’m really enjoying the team.  I should’ve gone out for it earlier.  It’s fun.”

“Why didn’t you?  You are such a natural.”  Again with the compliment, Dana flushed.

“Dunno.”  Well, she couldn’t just blurt out that she only joined the team to chase his cute ass, could she?  No, probably not.

She had to give some reason.  She thought fast.  “Well, my friend Erin didn’t want to run alone.  I was keeping her company. You know Erin, bright, tall, clever, always telling nasty jokes.”

“Erin?  Isn’t she dating Dale?”

“No - they broke up.  She thought he was boring.”  Scott wrinkled his brow again.  “Oh dear - is Dale your friend? …. I’m sorry.”  Dana mentally kicked herself, think before you talk, girl.

“Don’t be.  He is boring.”  Scott said matter-of-factly, waved it off.

Scott asked carefully, “Are you afraid to move away from home?”  He rushed to add, “You don’t strike me as scared of much of anything.”

“No, that isn’t it… I grew up here and always wanted to go to the University of Kansas.”  She hoped that would work and close the conversation.  She didn’t give a crap about being a Jayhawk.  She didn’t want to go to college at all.  But she had pledged to Sam she would go to college and UofK is in Lawrence.  She could live at home with her guys and get an education too.  Win/Win.  Except Sam wouldn’t see it this way.

“Enough college talk…. What movie do you want to see?”

Dana looked across the table.  He was so cute, it made her tingle.  Hell, she was raised by two amazingly good-looking guys, she knew cute.

Scott was talking, laying out the pros and cons of each movie choice.  She resisted the urge to pop into his head to find out which one he is really wanted to see.  That was wrong, cheating.  She wanted him to like her fair and square.  No Tricks.  No Coercion.

She heard herself reply, “As long as there are no scenes with endless crying, I’m good with anything.  I hate that endless, pointless sobbing, ruins everything.”

Scott laughed.  “Ok - no chick flicks, got it.  I like you Dana Winchester.”

Over dinner, between praising the double-baked potatoes and further discussion of Erin and Dale and the ins and outs of the high school dating scene, they settled on “Monsters of the Realm” and agreed that Dana could pick up the movie and dessert tab.

As they left the restaurant, Scott reached for her hand.  She wrapped her fingers in his and smiled.

Part the Six

Dana resisted the urge to pan the movie.  She’d seen scarier monsters before she was even allowed to watch a movie like that. She let Scott capture her hand as they left the theater, holding back a little as the crowds oozed through the doors and into the street.

“Well…that sucked.”  Scott said when they were finally clear, and walking rather aimlessly in a direction opposite of where Scott had parked.

Dana laughed, relieved.  “I thought it was me.”

“They just can’t make good horror anymore.”

“If they ever could.”  Dana shook her head.  Her father had a fascination for monster movies that she had never understood.  “The computer graphics were good though.  But that director wouldn’t know a flesh-eating, demon-possessed hyena if it was gnawing on its leg.”

“Oh…I know…wasn’t that the worst thing you ever saw?”

“No…the worst thing I ever saw was that so called ‘white-witch’…like we’re supposed to believe she survived that shit because she was so flipping ‘pure’?  Dude, she weighed all of 85 pounds.  A strong wind would have beat her ass into the ground.”

“Okay so was she bad because she was small, or because she was pure?”

Dana snorted.  “Virginity and good looks don’t make you pure, Scott.”  Dana chuckled and shook her head.  “Purity isn’t about silly things like sex and stuff.  It’s about…”  She bit her lip and thought about it.  “Well…I don’t know…exactly…but it’s not as simple as that.”

Scott cocked his head and looked at her with an expression she didn’t quite get.   She rolled her eyes and waved it off.  “Sorry…didn’t mean to get all philosophical about it.”

“No…I think it’s cute.  Most girls wouldn’t have a thought about a movie like that…just go on and on about how bad it was…or icky or something.”

“Well, the demon goo was icky…and unrealistic.”

“Oh, so you know demon goo?”

Dana laughed and nodded as he swung their joined hands lightly.  “Oh yes, and it shouldn’t glow in the dark like that.”  Her eyes fell on the coffee shop across the street.  “Up for coffee?”

Scott nodded and they headed across the street.

“So, was there anything in the movie you did like?”  Scott teased as they settled into a cozy booth in the back of the coffee shop with a cappuccino a piece and a slice of coconut cream pie to share.

Dana laughed, leaning easily against him.  It was hard to believe she’d ever been nervous about this.  “I liked that in the end the truth came out…about the girl and her brother…and how the whole thing happened.”

“So, it’s about truth.”  Scott asked, sipping on his cappuccino.

Dana nodded.  “I can handle anything as long as I have the truth of it.”

Scott raised an eyebrow.  “Anything?”

She nodded confidently.  “Anything.”

“Like…if I were to tell you that I’ve dated 25 girls since I was fifteen?”

She squinted at him.  “You’re dating me now…so unless one of them is going to come and try to beat me up, I don’t care.”

“Okay…so what if I said I have a police record?”

There was a playful tone to his voice, but she couldn’t be sure.  She was tempted to just skim the surface, find out how much was him just feeling her out and how much was serious.  “I’d show you mine, if you show me yours.”  His eyes flared with amusement…or what she hoped was amusement.

“You know…I was kind of nervous about tonight.”  Scott said as he finished his coffee and they started for the door.

“You were?”

“I was.”  He threaded his fingers through hers.  “But you…you’re one special person Dana.”

She could feel her whole body flush and she pulled him to a stop beside a street lamp.  “Special?”

He nodded.  A thrill of electricity ran through her as his free hand brushed over her hair.  This was it.  The moment.  It took everything she had to contain the urge to read him, to make sure,…then she just closed her eyes and let it happen.

His lips met hers briefly.  There and then gone. She exhaled slowly and leaned in for more.  She knew how this was supposed to work.  It was a little more awkward than she expected, as they both tilted their heads the same way, then she put her hands on his face, smiling at him as she moved his head and his arms slid around her waist…and everything just clicked into place.

“You’re pretty special yourself, Scott.”  Dana said softly.  Pretty damn special indeed.

supernatural, keeper!verse

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