
May 27, 2005 22:12

Christian, you may see me only as a drunken, vice-ridden gnome whose friends are just pimps and girls from the brothels. But I know about art and love, if only because I long for it with every fiber of my being.
- Tolouse, Moulin Rouge

Today was way fun. School was pretty much as boring as ever, but then after we got out Kees came over. We goofed off and played with temporary tatoos (it's fun, so sue us) and stuff, and then we went to Folklife with my parents. We had so much fun, just wandering around and talking and stuff. Soaking each other in the fountain. Having ice cream issues and running into each other. Watching the hippies (they're funny) and my parents try to swing dance (funnier). Discussing the dangers of seagulls. And the one dude's dancing (awesome). Then we got henna tatoos (they're way cool). They're really pretty, though the only time I think people will actually be able to see them is when we're wearing bathing suits (they're on the small of our backs). Oh well, it was all good. And the weather was so nice today, man. It rocked... even when we left at like 10, it was like 80 out.

*hiccup* (yeah, only Kees will get that)
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