Title: Kill the Rock
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Pairing/Characters: Axel/Roxas
Rating: R
Total length: 604 words
Warnings: More domesticity. Singing in showers.
Summary: "Kill the Rock has been on no less than thirty two times since yesterday. Can you really blame me?"
Authors Note: This is totally in the same universe as
The Discovery of Space. It can be
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Comments 7
I had a lot of fun reading. The ending is absolutely great. : 3
Axel grinning at him through the glass, "you're wicked gay but then today I think I'll be hardco-" and then "oh shit."
P.S. Song recs. steal~~~~.
Again, thank you- I loved writing this prompt even if it gave me a headache at first because I can't actually picture Roxas ACTUALLY singing real songs. (Which is weird because I've read him as a singer/pop diva star several times.)
Steal away. I'm warning you now though, if it's your first time listening to Tight you are going to be astounded by how much it sounds like Jimmy's having an orgasm.
(Ahaha, I don't do it as much but Al does it ALL the TIME. Like, I swear, half the stuff included in here is stuff that she would sing on a daily basis. But then, I base my Roxas off her quite a bit, so that makes sense.) ROCK OPERAS ARE AWESOME. ♥
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