So it appears that I myself have been spirited away. Poetic justice has quite the odd way of working, does it not? Those that often greet 'new feathers' - is that the correct usage, if I may inquire? - may rest at ease; I have already located the
guide that has been set up by a helpful citizen here and spent most of the night perusing it
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I cannot imagine any variety of toxicodendron being pleasant to look at in any person's imagination... I would liken them, instead, to ranunculus ficaria. Just as suffocating, but at least they are pretty enough if you have the brains of an ice fairy.
Quite the contrary, providing the scenery and atmosphere have been set and the toxicodendron is presented in the correct light, such as below the shadow of a human's chin.
Ah, once again you forget the simplest rule, Kazami. Treat them with veiled hostility and they will seek to harm you. Treat them with obfuscating warmth and they will come back for more. The best defense your garden could have is very possibly a shikigami - someone else with which to push the rabble away.
I assure you, when I do decide to squander my time amongst the human populous I am not so direct with my approach at all times. A shikigami might be an interesting investment, a shame I have found no one here fitting for such a position. If only Elly were here to disperse the daily hoi polloi.
There is certainly potential that I have seen even in this very post. The question, now, is more 'could I still create an effective shikigami contract with my reduced abilities'.
I would see no harm in at least trying to form such a contract, lest not for yourself. And who exactly has taken your fancy? Should it not bother you that I visit this individual first, I would like to meet them. After all, anyone found interesting by the gap youkai could always come and frequent the flowers.
Ah, flattery is very much not your style, you realize. You and I have different qualities we find interesting. After all, I'm certain that you would not extend that same hospitality to the Hakurei miko. Regardless, you appear to have met this individual already.
Flattery, perhaps not. But when has socialising of any form ever been within my style? And in my time here I have met many individuals. I would ask for a hint, though I doubt you of all people would grant me such a thing.
You seem to be socializing just fine here. I see nary a pitchfork nor a youkai exterminator... and certainly no row of human heads on pikes. It appears survival instincts allow even you to do things that would otherwise make you sick.
Of all worlds I could have been taken away to, I ended up landed in a place where I can pass nary a day without being hassled by some wretch. Were I to dispose of one bothersome human, the rest would retaliate in droves. Sadly, the humans here are a great deal more boisterous than what I am used to. For now, I shall guise my actions under the excuse of 'biding my time'.
Perhaps this world has its advantages. There are lessons I believe need to be taught, after all.
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