
Aug 05, 2011 15:12

[ Player Name ] :Qui Yue
[ Personal LJ ] : firewater-fairy
[ Age ] : 19
[ Timezone ] :Eastern standard Time
[ Other Characters ] :n/a

[ Character's Name ] : Terra Branford
[ Character's Age ] :18
[ Series ] : Final Fantasy 6
[ Canon Point ] :Taken after coming in contact with the frozen esper, for the second time.

[ History ] :
[ Personality ] : Terra did not know who she was, from an early age she had her very right to choice taken from her and was made into the mindless killing machine the empire created her to be. Once freed Terra was like a lost soul trying to find her place in the world, she could not grasp on how her actions and words would impact others. Over time Terra begins to realize she was simply groomed to be a biological weapon, and was not given the chance to develop as individual.

Most people see her as immature and inexperience. Usually, Terra appears to be confused about her own feelings and often questions herself on why she is unable to connect to others. Terra seems mentally wounded by her experiences with the empire, although she is now surrounded by kind people; Terra knows they want her mainly for her abilities. She cannot bring herself to trust them no matter the kindness they show her. She was used and manipulated, and cannot trust anyone with a similar agenda. Even before finding out she was not even entirely human, Terra knew there was just something different about her, not just because of her special abilities, but in how she is unable to relate to others.

Although she is a very strong woman physically, she often wavers mentally and for most part has a very harsh opinion of herself. She often doubts herself and feels unsure whether; she is a capable fighter or is able to accomplish set goals. Terra often rushes to a conclusion before thinking through the issue and lets it gets the best of her. Terra also appears to be very naive; almost everything is a new experience for her. Most of all she wishes to experience love despite believing that this is out of reach for her. In a conversation with General Leo, she asked him whether her heritage would prevent her from loving another human being. He reassures that she is just young and inexperienced and in time she will understand, Terra still have doubts however.
Terra is now facing the possibility of a future, being surrounded by caring people. She is moving away from her dark past and is looking towards a new future.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
Strengths Terra possesses powerful magic due to being half-esper, unlike most of her follow party members; she is able to learn magic naturally. Terra is also a skilled sword-woman and is capable of operating Magitek armor. Trained in the art of war from an early age, she also possesses surprising physical strength.
Weakness Terra is very easy to manipulate despite being unable to trust others.
Some of her memories were lost because of the influence of the slave crown; she can only remember some aspect of her life, which often leaves her very vulnerable to the world around her.
She is only capable of staying as an esper for a limited amount of time; depending on the amount of AP received in battle.

[ Other Important Facts ] :
Cure- Restores HP.
Fire- Attacks with fire.
Poisona- Removes poison status from the target.
Drain- Absorbs HP from the target.
Raise- Revives a KO'd target.
Fira- Attacks with fire.
Cura- Restores HP.
Dispel- Removes all magical effects on the target.
Firaga- Attacks with fire.
Arise- Revives and fully restores the HP of a KO'd target.
Holy- Attacks with holy energy.
Break- Inflicts petrifaction on the target.
Graviga- Reduces the target's HP by ¾.
Meltdown- Envelops all enemies and allies in ultra-hot flame.
Ultima- Attacks all enemies with powerful, lost magic.

[ Sample ] :
[Terra awakes feeling weary, what made it even worse she found herself in an environment, which was strange to her. Terra had no idea how she even got in such a bizarre place, however as she tries to recall, her head begins to hurt.]

Hello….anyone there? [Terra cries out as she begins to explore the area. However as echoes of her cry fades, Terra realizes she was alone and has only her instincts to guide her. This does not imitated her however having been a former imperial solider, she knows how to carry herself and how to take care of herself.]

What-[Terra whispered, she had come across something, it was a video camera, she leaned forward to pick it up, the video flicks on as Terra shifts the device towards her face as her facial expression clearly shows how really frighten she is.]

My name is Terra...And I am looking for two people who were with me; their names are Locke Cole and Celes Chere…If anybody receives this message… [Terra pretty much hopes that somebody somewhere is listening.] Please ensure that they acquire it.
[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] :n/a


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