Long time no dig, bitches!!!

Oct 13, 2008 19:40

Stolen from Casye's facebook.


001: Real Name: Joanna Kay Smith
002. Nickname: Jody, Dizzle, Diz, etc.
003. Single or taken: Taken, BITCHES!!!
004. Zodiac Sign: Saggitarius
005. Male or Female: Female
006. Elementary School: Eugene Field
007. Favorite Color: Black and Green
008. How many buddies on your AIM?: I only have MSN, and...like, six, I think?
009. Screen name: Depends. I have phantasm_huzzah, bellanatrix, sheherezade
010. Hair Color: Brown
011. long or short: Medium
(12 & 13 do not exist)
014. Eye Color: Blue
015. Are you health freak?: HAH.
016. Height: 5' 9''
017. Do you have a crush on someone?: HahahahahTHIS QUESTION IS STILL FUNNY BUT FOR THE OPPOSITE REASON.
(18 & 19 do not exist)
020. Think you're awesome?: Sometimes.
021. Piercings: Ears
022. Tattoos: None
023. Righty or Lefty - Righty. I can do some stuff with my left, though.

Your 'Firsts'...

024. Surgery: Tonsilectomy
025. First piercing: Ears, when I was eleven
026. First best friend:Taylor St. John
027. First Award: Ummmm something at Kanakuk, I'm sure.
028. First Sport You Joined: Gymnastics. Seriously.
029. First pet: Ninja the Beta Fish
030. First vacation: Probably Disney World
031. First Concert: Linda Eder
032. First love: Tricky question. First person I was infatuated with? Nick Scroggins. First person I told I loved? Jon Braschler. First person I really truly without a doubt love and who loves me just as hard? Thurston Bridger. I like the last answer.
(33-48 do not exist)


049. Eating: Some sporadic popcorn.
050. I'm drinking: Aquafina
(51 does not exist)
052. I'm about to: Go get a chili dog.
053. Listening to: My parents talking to Robert Reed
(54 does not exist)
055. Waiting For: A call from T.
(56 does not exist)
057. Wearing: Jeans, awesome neon splatterpaint shoes, Joker shirt, sunglasses on head as usual.

Your Future...

058. Want Kids?: Uhhhhhhmaaaayyyyyybe...
059. Want to Get Married?: Probably.
060. Careers in Mind: Performer of some kind. Or novelist. Everything else is unacceptable.
(61-67 do not exist)

Which is better with the opposite sex?

068. Lips or Eyes : HARD DECISION. Eyes, most likely.
069. Hugs or Kisses: Kisses are wonderful, but you can get hugs from pretty much anyone, so kisses.  It's a close call though.
070. Shorter or Taller: Tallerplzkthx.
(71 does not exist)
072. Romantic, Spontaneous: As if these were opposites. Both. I refuse to decide because I have both.
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: Arms.
074. Sensitive or Loud: BOTH, my GOD. The definition is getting shouted at over the phone "I HOPE YOU KNOW I'M FUCKING CRYING, YOU GIFT TO HUMAN EXISTENCE."
075. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship.
(76 does not exist)
077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: Trouble maker!! Just don't do anything stupid.

Have you ever...

078. Kissed a Stranger: No.
079. Drank bubbles: Yes.
080. Lost glasses/contacts: I don't wear either, but if I did, I would be sure to lose them. (I'm just keeping Casye's answer on this one)
081. Ran Away From home: Once for like twelve hours. I just went to Paige's and didn't tell my parents where I was.
082. Broken any bones: My thumb when I was three.
(83 does not exist)
084. Broken Someone's Heart: I don't...well, I might've recently.
(85 does not exist)
086. Turned Someone Down: Yes.
087. Cried When Someone Died: Nope. Well, do you count fictional characters?
088. Cried at school: Yeah.

Do You Believe In...
089. Yourself: As in, my existence? Yes.Um, just kidding. Yeah, I do usually, when I don't feel too fat or annoying.
090. Miracles: Of course!
091. Love at first sight: I think so.
(92 & 93 do not exist)
094. Magic: Crucio.
095. Heaven: Of course!!
096. Santa Claus: Kind of, in a metaphysical sort of way.
097. Sex on the first date: If you knew the person before you started dating, then maybe. Otherwise, no.
098. Kissing on the First Date: Sure, why not.
099. Angels: Yes.

Answer Truthfully...

100. Are there 1 or more people You Want To be with right now?: Just one. <3

questions, life, quiz, thurston, meme

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