º |- °o° º •. WTF?! AM I GREEN? .• º ºoº -| º

Oct 14, 2004 16:07

*totally faints*
did all these guys just now fucking notice I exist!? (I figured out how to spell that ^^) Okay, it is to wierd. According to Drew V. and Justin Corwin, I am a hot little pixie. That convo went like so...
"Doesn't she (me) remind you of one of those fairy things...no not fairy, like a..."
"Like those hot little pixie things...so yes."
(Me)-> "Pixies are green (that is a known fact! ><)"
"Yeah...wait really?"
"Yeah, pixies are like so hot, like you know the little hot and whoa and stuff" (I swear Drew is high(that is a known fact...))
"Yeah" (so is Justin)
Then they like eyeballed me and started talking about stuff I REALLY don't wanna put down here...
Now Drew always says Hi to me in the hallway and touches my hand and freaky shit.
Marshall (EW!) patted my head on the bus when he got off, creepy.
Kyle I. and Cory H. gave me hugs for no apparent reason. That was fun....HRMMMM :d Kyle...
This stupid Mike guy that's a Sophmore, I swear, likes me, but that's another story.
For current ROB status, look down...there.

Nikky (kissofbliss101) is SO wierd. Stupid dumbass Drew kid was totally flirty with her in Gym (Marks in that class) It's really funneh cuz he was pissed and his eyebrown kinda went with his eyes and it was all black. Scareh! Anyway, Lauren was like, why are you flirty with her, blah blah blah, she has a boyfriend. And he made up some stupid excuse and Nikky goes, this is awkward. And turns around. For no reason, just turns around and stops walking. Quite funny. Then Steven Bouwman had silk leopard print boxers on, and, I forget who, said 'Nice boxers Steve!' and Nikky looked down and was like "SSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEE" .___0

OMFG! OMFG OMFG! Today Rob was really gay, (cuz he wore my pink necklace and curled the ribbons in my hair w/ scissors) but in science we put together 2 chairs and all 3 of us (Me, Rob, & Becca) sit on it like a couch or something, and Tyler Dewey was like, "Frannie likes you" just totally out of the blue .___0 I didn't say anything, cuz what was I gunna say!? Anyways Becca was like 'YOU DO!?' I was like Nrrraaa. heh. But I just ignored them. I just sat next to Rob, but I think it was after lunch, we were sitting back in the chairs and Rob was REALLY REALLY close to me. Cuz I sit between them on the crack of the chairs. His hand was kinda by my leg, but partly into the movie we got even closer and he touched my leg!!!! It wasn't all out touching my leg, but he kinda put his hand by it and slowly moved it closer and closer and RAWR! XDD I was gonna touch his hand too, but 1) he has a gf 2) I didn't know if he was meaning to do it, it was for real, or he was just being a bastard-ass and 3) I was shocked, I couldn't of processed it through my brain if I wanted to. But at the end of the movie, Becca looked down and saw it, and I swear her eyes got HUGE. I was like oh, shit. I know she has some secret thing with Rob, she totally loves him, even though she's going 'out' with RobBob and making out w/ Nick. That's, again, another story.

Going to Britt's PARTAY!! Halloween party. It's not gonna be great, no ... stuff. >.> Just dancing and hanging out w/ our homeschooled asses of friends. We love them. I'm gonna be a purty purty princess! PH34R M3! XD But yeah, gotta go get ready.
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