
Apr 14, 2011 07:45

Halfway off the face of the planet... *shrug* Can't wait for new eps next week, kinda lame that way.

Being a shitty beta, cause i committed to it, then haven't gotten to the fic :/ i hate not meeting my commitments. Least the author is really busy and really cool, and more importantly, very patient. I feel terrible about it.

Also can't find a fic i used to love, damnit. Can't remember enough about it to narrow it down (then why find it?). One scene sticks out hardcore, R/Q messing around, keeping it on the DL, Q accidentally starts a rumor that Santana and Rachel had sex, R/Q end up doin the nasty at the mall in a photo booth with S/B right outside, unwitting. Haven't made it all the way through the R/Q find-a-fic thread, but i will.

Gotta go to work... luckily, i upgrade my phone so my LJ fix comes with me now!! ;)
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