I stumbled into a new fandom (as i am wont to do about every 3-5wks) the usual way.. which is by saying "wtf why not" and reading a fic i normally wouldn't (because it's not a fandom i'm familiar with) just because it's written by an author i really like... i then do a minimal amount of canon research/lookup just to understand references and backstory and *poof* i end up obsessive. Trufax, it's happened with almost every other fandom i claim.
so that's what happened, reading thru
fanfiction index due to her wonderful GG/GG-RPF, and decided, "why not" (because if you've ever read her stuff it's fucking brilliant and will draw you in) and figured i'd try out one of her Skins Naomily fics. That proved to be awesome so i moved to the Skins RPFs, then somehow (thru comments, i think?) made it to
fanfiction index, which led me (i'm sure this time it was comments, someone else's about how awesome it was that there were two epic updates in one day) to
andthiswire's page and there i was slain and fell promptly in love and lust (and any other L-word you can think of) with her
Transatlanticism series.
OMFG i'm in love. With Naomily already, thanks to the gettin my toe in the water, and with Effily thanks to the days i've devoted to savoring every bit of Trans (which, btw, you can't NOT savor, it's *that* awesome. jeezus.). So now i'm hooked. But i feel like a bad person... these girls are *KIDS*... like 8-10yrs younger than me. Perv-o. *sigh* it doesn't make it go away, tho, wtf.
And even beyond feeling like a bit of a pedo (*squick*), add on feeling kind of like a serial monogamist because i flit from fandom to fandom. I don't replace them, proper, but i do fall madly for the new one... i've done it at least 4x over, now, that i can think of off the top of my head.
Started with Birds Of Prey, months and months ago... because darkenedkarma (who wrote Xena uber fic i was into haha) had written
a long BoP fic that i thought was brilliant. Next thing ya know, i'm all about BoP. Then i find
fembuck's BoP stuff, read some of her other fics (i.e. Hollows, Popular) and i'm all about Popular for 2-3wks.
I actually break down and read
a Hermione femslash because i *really* dig how fembuck writes. Then i read it's
two .
sequels .
Somewhere in there (couldn't even tell you where, tbh) i tack on Law & Order (because
aolurker writes sooooo fucking hot, with emotion thrown in like whoa for good measure).
Tack on Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, because i actually saw Imagine Me & You on tv and fell hard for Lena Headey, then read through the T:SCC works of authors like
shyath - drabbles (see
Kissing Sarah Connor,
Give Me A Kiss (and More),
Kissing Cameron and
Just The Two Of Us for examples) - fic that in fewer words than it seems possible can pull your heart out and make you .FEEL.Things. and
inspectorboxer -
More Than A Mission LOVED this one. Not to mention
4kennedy and
Tack on House because that show rocks (i actually had ONE that i watched the show and THEN found the fandom, what a fucking concept), and you can't beat Olvia Wilde (see
mountainox or
thewildefoxes for unimaginable hotness of Megan Fox + Olivia Wilde).
In all that i fell completely in love with
bleighton_squee which made me start reading Gossip Girl fic... thank you
bizarro_bluth, and
pirateygoodness (who, btw, doesn't even know me but made me start watching Disney just for the Selena/Demi thing... see above for commentary on feeling like a pedo).
And now Skins. Thanks guys. Thanks. haha No, really, thanks for sharing your gifts. I looooove to read, and fandom makes that easy. It still amazes me to this day how many really talented authors write fanfic of all things, when they have the talent/skill to get PAID for what they do for fun. *sigh*
Squee over, thanks for watching ;) Hopefully you get some good recs out of it.