
May 29, 2007 16:13

God if feels like it's been a long time since I've posted. Life has been a bit insane as of late, then again with so much to do and only 24 hours in a day what can you really get done?

Work is busy and nice I'm doing well I think and making sure things get done within a week I think. The wedding of my Former brother in law was nice. My former MIL was in total shock that we got along that weekend. Well if you're not an over bearing ogre I'm a nice person to be around. I think ...

Mom got her dog, the cat and Nana aren't thrilled about it but oh well. He's kinda cute, but I'm not too worried about it. I have to still pack up the basement for getting it re-done and Bunny is having a friend sleep over the night of her party. She's so looking forward to that. God she's 9 already?! Where the hell did the time go??

We did go to a specialist about her need for drugs. The specalist thought we had to take tests and see several other people. The reason why is she didn't listen to me at all at the doctor's office and had to be the star of attention. Oh she's going to be the star alright, I just hope she doesn't need medication.

I am still looking in the law about what happened on the IEP meeting. Oh boy so much to do and so little time .. well have to go
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