So, yeah not a whole lot i didnt really go to school today except for 1st and 3rd, was here working on my repeort for anyways everyone has some sort of like survey thingy type thing! hah that was anyways fill mine out people
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2. Do you want to?: maybe :)
3. What would you like our relationship to be?: however u desire!lol
4. Have we dated?:no we havet
5. Did you like it?:yeah..It be good
6. Do you want to date?:???
7. Are we close friends?:not so much
8. Would you be here if I needed you?:ofcourse always
9. Are you attracted to me?: your a cutie!
10. Mentally, sexually, or both?:I'll keep that to myself
11. Do you love me?:no...
Do you like my-
12. Face?:yes
13. Eyes?:yes their cute
14. Lips?: nice!
15. Body?: yea...TALL
16. Arms?:yeah
17. Legs?:havent seen them
18. Clothes?:have a good style
19. Ass?:its cute and little
20. Hands?:havent seen them
21. Hair?:its cute
Do think I'm-
22. Sexy?:yea!
23. Beautiful?:sure!
24. Hot?:yess
25. Cute?:yess........
Do you think I'm-
26. Crazy?:hmmm... no
27. Nice?:VERY VERY nice
28. Fun to be around?:yea!
29. Funny?:i think so
30. Annoying?:NOT AT ALL
Would you..
31. Share chocolate with me?:of course
32. Spend a weekend with me?:yea!
34. Hook up with me?:maybe.....
36. Care if I ran away?: OMG! YEA!
37. Care if I died?:YES!!!. not even a question
38. Miss me if I left?:very much!
39. Hang out with me?:sure!
What would you do if..
40. I kissed you?: kiss u back
41. You found out I was missing?:look for u and worry
42. You found out I was in the hospital?: take u flowers, visit and make u smile
43. You found out I was dead?:cry!
44. I cried?: cry with you and ask what was wrong
45. I asked you for help?: id help u the best i could
46. I told you I loved you?:think about it
47. I told you I hated you?: ask u why!
48. Someone told you I wanted you to kiss me?:think about it
49. Someone told you I had a crush on you?: talk to u! :)
50. Repost this so i can reply back to you?:
GOSH.. that was long! haha
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