May 05, 2007 23:27
You know, I feel like in the rush to show that they are cool and hip and totally down with the whole world wide interwebs/series of tubes thing, television networks are forgetting that not everyone has a totally state of the art Intel Xeon 8 core what-the-fuck-ever computer. I've complained about the Comedy Central website before. Now my beef is with NBC. Kudos to them for offering so much great multimedia material for Heroes. I think they really do get it, and they're trying to embrace a new paradigm and move away from their reputation as "The Retards who Took Lazy Sunday off of You Tube". However, I should be able to listen to a commentary on the last episode without the need to run two simultaneous flash videos, not to mention however many other crazy flash ads/frames/everything else on that site. It's just not going to happen on a 1.8ghz G5 iMac with a demonstrably inferior video card (something I have learned again and again at this point). So I'm reduced to listening to bits and pieces of Sendhil Ramamurthy's totally-non-British accent, overlapping itself, while two stupid videos play jerkily. No good. I want a new computer SO BAD.
tv: heroes,
tv: snl