(no subject)

Oct 04, 2001 23:58

abby said:

mags- i had a brief moment of pity for your train complaints, but then i realized hey! maggie has available convenient public transportation! so she doesn't have to drive all the way across town every day! and can read, or sleep, or do something productive with her commuting time! i, on the other hand, have my daily ritual of leaving the house at least ten minutes earlier than i think i need to, getting stuck in horrible traffic, flipping through the wretched condescending morning shows, becoming more and more frustrated with the inability of the cars around me to, like, Drive Forward on the road, and getting to school at least ten minutes later than i need to be there.

so basically- suck it up, cause shitty flawed public transporation is a whole bunch better than no public transportation at all.

sorry for the bitterness, i'm just sick of being in this stupid car-and-money-dependent city. when every girl in burger king has at least 3 inches of midriff showing (tanned and taut midriff at that), it must be time to move. when i can't stop at my local coffee shop in the morning to pick up my much-needed caffeine dosage without running into chris kattan (three days in a row! don't you have some silly SNL-derived movie to be filming?!), it must be time to move. when there are local cable ads for a local surgeon's botox + collagen discount combo bonus package, it must be time to move. i just wish someone would let my school know that it's time for me to move away so they can graduate me early and without having finished my course work... my plan is to skip all my afternoon classes, get takeout, and play hooky on the couch while watching kids in the hall reruns. whee!

that whole skipping class thing with takeout and KITH...that's how i managed to graduate from college in three years. wonder why it's not working for you with law school. oh well.

and as far as the convenient public transport thing is concerned, yes, i realize that it's a great blessing and honestly, it's one of my favorite things about new york. but at least when you're behind the wheel of your car, you know you're driving in the right direction. and you're sitting down in air conditioning with your pirated copy of the N*SYNC album playing -- i've been in your car, i know its secrets! i, on the other hand, am standing up trying to read the new york times with one hand, clutching a rickity metal loop with the other hand as the sadistic engineer jerks me back and forth so my knees actually bend in directions god never intended, crammed up against about a hundred other people doing the same thing but also babbling about "talibanians" like people who (no, really) never knew there was a repressive islamist regime in afghanistan until three weeks ago, and there's a really smelly homeless guy stretched out across all the actual seats in the car sleeping and drooling and i'm probably somehow headed to the bronx. wheeeee!

blogger, nyc, bureaucracy

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