(no subject)

Feb 27, 2008 16:52

Wow. I ended up giving a lot of partial credit on this one, only somewhat arbitrarily.

1) And where were you twenty years ago? Ten years ago? Where were you when I was new? When I was one of those innocent young maidens you always come to? How dare you! How dare you come to me now, when I am this!

Molly Grue, The Last Unicorn. Two points to tenar and ak_blackcap, one and a quarter points to talamasca, and one point to shivabee ("that woman" is not sufficient; "that woman who joins the wizard in his travels, who was part of a band of thieves before then" gets a tiny bit of credit.)

2) What an incredible smell you've discovered!

Han Solo, Star Wars. Two points to clafount, talamasca, rainherder, ak_blackcap, and bugboy3001; one point to rationalpassion (New Hope, not Empire)

3) Character 1: I think you'll be okay here, they have a thin candy shell. 'Surprised you didn't know that.
Character 2: I think your brain has a thick candy shell.
Character 1: Your... Your brain has the shell on it.
Character 2: Are you talking?

Tommy and Richard, Tommy Boy. Three points to shivabee; two and a half points to polarbear; one point to ak_blackcap

4) And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were merry...

Milton Waddams, Office Space. This actually kinda sucks, but _katiekins, you didn't actually say the name of the character OR the movie, although it's obvious you know what I'm quoting from. To be fair, I'm going to give you a point and a quarter. Sorry, I'm a harsh taskmaster. 1.25 points also go to clafount for "that stapler guy who was in Newsradio" and magpiegirl for "that guy obsessed with his stapler". Two points to tenar, polarbear, shivabee, miz_anneliese, and bugboy3001; point and a half to rainherder for getting Stephen Root's name right; one point to bamzerlime, basbleugrrl and ak_blackcap

5) This bush league psyche-out stuff. Laughable, man - ha ha! I would have fucked you in the ass Saturday. I fuck you in the ass next Wednesday instead. Wooo!

Jesus Quintana, The Big Lebowski. Two points to polarbear and clafount

6)Character 1: Haven't you ever seen a bra before?
Character 2: Not with the BOOB MEAT in it!

Frylock and Master Shake, Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters. Two points to polarbear

7) You've got a program featuring America's favorite old fart. Reading a book in front of a fireplace. Now, I have to kill all of you.

Frank Cross, Scrooged. One point to ak_blackcap for the movie, but it was Bill Murray's character, not Bobcat's.

8) "Empire" had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All "Jedi" had was a bunch of Muppets.

Dante, Clerks. Two points to polarbear and shivabee, one point to tenar and notemily, quarter of a point to clafount, ak_blackcap, and talamasca for identifying Kevin Smith's distinctive geeky ramblings.

9) First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.

Brother Maynard, Monty Python and the Holy Grail. To be honest, I didn't know the character's full name, so I'm accepting polarbear's answer of "the priest" as a reasonable full-credit answer and giving talamasca, rainherder, and ak_blackcap an extra quarter point for pulling out "Brother Maynard" because I couldn't have done it. However, "some christiany dude" only wins miz_anneliese a quarter of a point, and it was Michael Palin and not Eric Idle, so magpiegirl gets that point but bugboy3001 does not. tenar and notemily get half a point for "Monty Python" since they didn't identify the specific movie. So, final tally:

Two and a quarter points to talamasca, rainherder, and ak_blackcap
Two points to polarbear
One and a half points to magpiegirl
One and a quarter points to miz_anneliese
One point to bugboy3001 and basbleugrrl
Half a point to tenar and notemily

10) Hold her to you, for she is part of you, as we all are part of each other.

The Historian, The Dark Crystal. Point to ak_blackcap

11) Character 1: What are you giving him drugs for? What the hell are Pirin tablets?
Character 2: It's aspirin with the "A" and the "S" scraped off.

Armand and Agador (Spartacus), The Birdcage. This movie is so eminently quotable, I had trouble picking just one. "Are you afraid of my Guatemalan-ness?" LOVE it. Anyway, two and a half points to magpiegirl, point and a half to polarbear and _katiekins, and a point to basbleugrrl

12) What are you looking at? Wipe that face off your head, bitch.

Darla, Dazed and Confused. Two points for shivabee, point and a half for this_monograph

13) It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black.

Nigel Tufnel, This is Spinal Tap. Two points to ak_blackcap, one point to bugboy3001

14) I prayed for the death of [redacted] many times and I felt bad everytime I did it but I kept doing it anyway. Now I know you understood everything. Praise Jesus, Hallelujah.

Heather Duke, Heathers. Two points to _katiekins, shivabee, point and three quarters to ak_blackcap for "Heather #3".

15) Character 1: So, uh, what do you wanna do tonight?
Character 2: I dunno. Get a pizza, watch "Degrassi Jr. High".
Character 1: You got a weird thing for Canadian melodrama.
Character 2: I got a weird thing for girls who say, "Aboot."

Holden and Banky, Chasing Amy. Three points to _katiekins

Final Score:

tenar: 5.5 points
polarbear: 14 points
_katiekins: 8.25 points
this_monograph: 1.5 points
clafount: 5.5 points
bamzerlime: 1 point
shivabee: 12 points
talamasca: 5.5 points
rainherder: 5.5 points
ak_blackcap: 13 points
miz_anneliese: 3.25 points
notemily: 1.5 points
bugboy3001: 6 points
basbleugrrl: 3 points
rationalpassion: 1 point
magpiegirl: 5.25 points

I think I added all of that right! So, first place goes to MtPB -- you win the knowledge that you have wasted far too much of your life watching silly movies. And I win the satisfaction of having written this whole post in HTML and not fucking up any coding on the first runthrough! Whee! The sun has now gone down. Collapse.

meme, movies

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