...and now, if I don't title my LJ posts, the RSS feed on Tumblr will look crappy. Blerg.

Feb 02, 2008 23:29

Playing around with Tumblr. It's basically like if LJ, Vox, Pownce, and Facebook ran into each other at high speed and exploded in a giant ADHD sprawl of aesthetically pleasing fonts and rounded edges. But, since I am part of a generation of techno-narcissists whose every thought must be documented, I have installed the bookmarks bar link. It works pretty well. But, you know, I also used del.icio.us and Twitter and Pownce and Vox and MySpace and Friendster and pretty much every other web 2.0 ridiculousness that's come down the pike, so let's see if this holds up any better.

blogs, intarwebz

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