(no subject)

Sep 23, 2009 22:41

ok, 3/3 updates in a row, not bad

must be a new record,

5 things that annoy the living shit out of me:

ONE) ok there's no rule ever about this, anywhere, but it just makes sense: when you're in a hall, walk on the right side, everyone opposing you will also walk on the right side - and the lion sleeps tonight. PLEASE, do NOT walk on the right side and then proceed to open the LEFT door. jesus, there are TWO doors! and on that same note.. there are TWO doors! both directions always stop at a doorwell and will then only use one door for both ways, PAY ATTENTION! ARRRGGGH!

TWO) please learn to spell. Definately, ganna, tommorow, are all incorrect. However i will admit i am very hypocritical of this, as i often hit the enter key regardless if it sentence makes any sense, but you have a Degree in ENGLISH! OMFG!!

THREE)on a personal note, i talk extremely fast. I am not nervous, and i am not doing it on purpose. That's *just* how fast I talk. Please stop with the "S L O W W W W               D O W W W W N" bit. I want to stab you mid W, and someday i will. BLARRRRG!

FOUR) "being polite is about making people feel comfortable, but all it's ever done is make them feel uncomfortable". I stole that verbatim from kmont, but that is EXACTLY how i feel, too. *SIGH*

FIVE) The dance bar. I really don't like to dance, but the rare occasions that i've drank enough to go, i LOVE to dance. But jesus, all you see there are douchebags with popped collars giving handshake-hugs to other dudes. I don't get intimidated easily, but these guys are INTIMIDATING. They just stand there trying to look all cool giving you dirty looks while you dance with their girl - and by that i mean the girl they're been eyeing all night.

Back to being polite - walking up the stairs / down the hall in a bar? I'll be polite enough to move a bit out of the way, but fucking christ, don't push me down the stairs! PAY ATTENTION!

I just want to dance, not look awesome. Kthxbai.

BONUS) just one more, i promise. are you paying cash at a store? don't throw your money at the cashier, and don't put your money down on the desk/table/whatever it's called and expect them to pick it up. there are NO circumstances where this is acceptable. have the decency to hand the money DIRECTLY to the cashier. doing so just makes the teller think you're an ass and is likely to place your voodoo doll in the microwave. back in my retail days i would return their change on the table. justice. sadly, i did not feel any better.. AAAAAARRRRRGGH!

thank you.
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