RIATHIR STILL LIVES. just, barely.
Ok ok i saw alot of ground and if it wasn`t for magical healing, bodybuilding potion and earth spells i would be greeting Jimasro. The special was a deathtrap. We were late and it was completly dark when we ic. It went something like this. Time In! 3,2,1. arrows, a lot of them and shooting to kill. We (3 renegades) just made it to the inn and were lucky that the rest of gargoyle was holed up there and let us in quickly. 10 seconds in the special, my swordarm was worthless, and our healer was down. Thank you npc`s. The rest of the evening was spent guarding and barricading the door, not letting anybody in and dealing with a level 4 plague. Fun.
During the day everything except for a few animals was calm. The champion tests were held. The circle of treachery was fun. One square, the champion candidates in it, last man standing and anything goes. Except there maybe no outside help during combat. So i boosted a fighter before the combat. He lost, a well. can`t win them all.
2 championcandidats remain to be chosen at the moots.
At night we establish a perimeter with torches and guards. But it was chosen to go to a grave and hold a ritual. It failed, huge. It scattered the faction. And several rescue`s were done. I led one to free the sergeant mayor. It was a very bloody affair the whole night.
http://home-1.tiscali.nl/~kolossos/Larpsite/GGweekend2004/Seraphbloederig2.jpgThe sergeant and the sergeant mayor died. And we later during the succesful ritual, killed again while they were zombies.
The next morning we went searching for the now open portal. And we took the bodies of our officers with us.(i carried a big treebranch together with a someone as psyrep for a brancard with bodies.) And shoved them personally through the portal while a battle was going with undead who didn`t want us to leave. Deathtotal 5 gargoylians dead.
I`m preparing for the ICburial. and for the drowmeet saturday.
It has been a good weekend.
Signing off
Riathir a.k.a Onno