Aug 18, 2007 10:00
So this is where I will talk about what I think of the article that I just posted. I guess I should have included it with the article but I had to go to work.(please forgive the spelling)
Anyway Tom Hodgson seems like the typical influential male artist, always with a different woman. And of course the second wife is much younger then him and most often a very attentive admirrare. What was different was that even though he wasn't the best father no one said anything bad about him. No one hated him or the way he treated other people, he was socialy loved and respected.
I do like that he was a nudest and a crazy party thrower. It brings a smile to my face and makes most people offer up a little chuckle. It must have been some sight to see this popular teacher and well known artist running around with no clothes on. I can only imagiane.
Now the Painters Eleven was the group of artists that pushed Canada into the abstract movement that at the time was in full swing in the states. Canada always seems to be one step behind the US in the art scene. Anyway when people hear of the Painters Eleven or Group Eleven they almost always say "Those Canadian artists sure do like to work in groups." The reason for the groups is that it is much easyer to gain regonition if there is more then one person doing something different. And don't just think it was Canadians that worked in groups most artistic movements start because a bunch of people start doing work in the same new style.