Dec 11, 2006 11:52
I know that I really should have been doing this on the day it happened and such but it is a busy world and I like everyone else is traped in this abstract concept of time.
Now during the summer I went to the AGO and saw the Andy Warhol exhibition. The title of the show was SUPERNOVA Stars, Deaths and Disasters 1962-1964, and I saw it on July 16,2006. The comentary was done by David Cronenberg which I thought was appropriate for each has a very strange way of looking at the world, espically if you look at Warhol's disaster images for they fill you with an uneasiness that I often feel when watching Cronenberg's movies. Images of death in various colours continuously repeating itself.
My favrotie of Warhol's work in his silk screens of people who aren't famous. Sure his images of Elvas are great and Jackie is always a crowd pleaser but I felt that his images of people just being themselves were best. None of that funny fakeness that you get from school photos, just the natural potrayal of ones personality.
I also enjoyed some of the videos. There were those that showed a little to much for me. His method of just leaving the camera on without any instruction achevied some very interesting results. The best I thought were the ones of the single person in where Warhol basicaly turned on the camera and left the room. They were fun, for the people just kind of went nuts. They got bored I guess and they had to find a way of entertaining themselves for this amount of time when the camera was on. The kind of thing one does in the back of the class room or like doodles come to life, a characture of the person.