Jun 24, 2008 23:38
I really need to stop binge eating. It's hurting my tummy.
I also need to stop spending all my money, clean my room, and have some serious cuddle time.
The lightning storm today was really gorgeous. All the ones that have happened this year before today were sort of distant and rumbly. I missed the explosive crackle and the blinding flashes that you can only see in the heart of the storm.
I took a nap once it started to calm down a little and fell asleep to the sound of the thunder. I can't remember the last time I did that. It made me miss Douglas, and my old room, and the woods... I definitely took my back yard and my garden for granted when I was younger.
Sometimes I feel like, despite the fact that I feel like I'm where I want to be, the city puts me out of my element. Sure, I fit in just fine at the salon and I love the lifestyle that goes with it. I also love my city. I just think a small part of me will always need the forest, pure silence, and solitude.
That's the one part about today's storm that was missing. The sound of the raindrops on the maple leaves.
Let's go on a fucking camping trip.
Kathleen's hair show is at some bar on Saturday night. I might go with Dominique since we both have to be out before 10:00. Legal drinking age be damned.
I can't decide how I feel romantically anymore. I want him and he doesn't want me and as soon as he starts wanting other people I'm probably going to cry a lot. Why does this sort of thing always happen to me?
Being around him is better than being alone, I guess. Just the fact that he doesn't mind my company is good enough for me.
I miss all the people I know outside this city. Also, I already miss Mel who just left this morning.
Visit me and prove to me that you're okay <3.