please tv

Jul 04, 2012 20:03

I got around to watching the first three episodes of Grimm and basically can't shake the feeling that it's Lost Girl with all the good characters replaced with bland, generic men. Why do writers think interesting, diverse characters means manpain, being an arrogant asshole and throwing in a black guy? It pretty much guarantees that I'll be spending most of my time trying to tell the main characters apart because they're all the same and my faceblindiness is particularly bad when it comes to white guys, which is what every writer in tv wants to write for some reason, and women are restricted to "mysterious blonde, possibly evil" and "main character's love interest".



What can I watch?

Here is stuff I watch:
Dr Who
White Collar
Once Upon a Time
Covert Affairs
Lost Girl
Downton Abbey
Note how all of this has (usually) several fierce women

Here is stuff I watch despite hating the supposed main character/s:
The Mentalist
Criminal Minds

Here is stuff I found tedious:
I don't know whatever other stuff I forgot because it sucked
Note how all of this is about nothing but guys

Please tell me what I will like, excluding anything that has a cast that's mostly guys because almost any show that resorts to a cast of mostly guys is hiding an extreme lack of being able to write people who aren't boring as fuck and also, as stated, I can't tell them apart.

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