please help my bunnies

Nov 14, 2011 21:20

If this was for me, I would never do this, and I still wasn't going to until I started adding up costs and looking at exchange rates. To give you an idea, Holly's vet treatment came to NZ$400 ($250 deposit + $149.70 when I took him home), cremation will be NZ$155, then I'll have to find the perfect box to put his ashes in. I can handle this and the materials to make my memorial cushion.

Then, I need to bring Nellie inside. I am going to demand it, basically. I have finally located somewhere to get the wire cubes that my American friends use to make condos - it's an Australian place that will make a condo for me. The quote I have from her is AUD$200 and she thinks shipping might be AUD$50 or more. In NZD that (including $50 shipping) comes to $330. (If anyone in Australia can find somewhere that might be able to do this or similar cheaper, please let me know! For the record if you're asking people for shipping quotes I live in Christchurch, New Zealand, postcode 8022)

I'm happy to provide screenshots of emails, photographs of receipts from the after hours vet and for the cremation, etc, and of course I have a long history of online presence in one place or another. If there is something I'm asked to provide to show that this is genuine, and I can provide it, I will, or hopefully at least something similar. Some people may be willing to vouch for me, also.

So. I don't like money for free so I've been wracking my brains for things I could offer in exchange for donations. So far I've come up with:

Non-locals, fandom people:
A drabble of your request, longer for bigger amounts.
Mini-scavenger hunt photographs (1-3 things that I'll search for in my fucked up city and get pictures of).
Beaded keyring if it's enough that I could easily take postage out of it.
Signed and decorated thank you note (as above).

Locals (this may extend to all of New Zealand but I'm not sure of the practicality of shipping):
A woven putiputi (flax flower)
Beaded keyring
Signed and decorated thank you note.
A delicious cupcake

For Kiwis and particularly locals I should also be coming up with a list of things like books and DVDs to sell outright - small things eg cds I'd be able to ship internationally. If I'm lucky I might even be able to find some completed cross-stitch designs decent enough to see the light of day. :P

Additional information:
My regular vet is At The Vets, previously St Martins Vet. The rabbit vet there is Heather Remnant.
The after-hours vet is this one which doesn't seem to have its own website. The pin's in a sort of misleading place - going north on Antigua Street it's on the right, on the southern side of Disraeli Street, next to some kind of garage.
The cremation service is Fond Farewells which doesn't have a website either, my vet deals directly with them.
This is the place in Australia that makes condos.

ETA: Ahh silly copy-paste apparently I'm incompetent at the moment. Also!
sylumgator is awesome and says,

Also, I do some artwork/drawings. If anyone would donate $25 US (not sure exchange rate?) I will draw a picture of their animal from a photo they provide. They will get an HQ scan and I will ship them the original. for some samples. approx 5x7, pencil, unframed/unmatted. Your bunny gets money! They get a great christmas gift.
I would say for out-of-US shipping, I should hear from people before this weekend.
No people drawing, pets only. 1 pet per picture.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment there instead because LJ is a poo.

motherfucking bunnies

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