so that happened

Oct 29, 2011 18:31

Today they opened up a small section of town - about half a block of the pedestrian shopping road (like an outdoor mall I guess?). It's mostly expensive boutique shops, but it was huge. This is the closest most people have been to the central city in eight months so there were big crowds waiting to be let in.

I wasn't sure if I was going to go, honestly, because I knew it was going to be horrid and emotional and nerve-wracking and terrifying, so I was putting off making a decision until my mother and sister got ready to leave and were all "R U COME?" and I wanted to go into camp anyway so I went "O OK".

Then I only went into one shop because fuck that. It was so crowded. You could barely move, it was super hard to find the sections of books you might be interested in, there was a drip from the ceiling, and when I was waiting at the cashier the ground was constantly rumbling and rolling under my feet (I assume from the machinery working on adjacent sites and the containers not having shock absorbers) and there's also a ton of light aircraft today. Cue: this far from a panic attack by the time I got outside, so I took a sedative and we headed off down Colombo St to go to South City for soda and Subway instead. And a shit ton of depressing photos.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment there instead because LJ is a poo.

motherfucking earthquake, motherfucking aotearoa

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