exhaustion setting in

Jul 22, 2011 21:51

This morning, my alarm clock woke me. I cannot remember the last time this happened - I imagine it would have been some time when I had my alarm set in the middle of the night for some reason. Then I came out and looked at Twitter to see I'd slept right through a 5.1. Admittedly it was on the Darfield fault, further away from me, but it's still very unusual for me to sleep through something like that. I really wanted to just crawl back into bed, but alas, you cannot do such things when you have a fancy grown up job that you have to be on time for and everything. Luckily most of my calls were pretty good - I just had one 42 minute saga of a guy who would barely let me get a word in. He wasn't even really saying much, just clarifying things over and over - I deal with the same content in under five minutes most of the time, but with him I still don't feel I actually got to get what I was trying to say across because he kept talking over me.

But then while walking to the bus stop, I saw a sign for an outlet sale at a shirtmaker. So exciting! I decided to duck down to have a look and they had a few other things as well as shirts and the staff were super nice, I ended up discussing the merits of 100% cotton with one while I was ogling the Savile Row. By the time I left I had a coat, three shirts and a waistcoat for $140 - I would have liked the white Savile Row as well which had black contrast buttons and stitching on the SR on the pocket, but didn't want to spend that much more money, so I stuck with the dark dark blue and then two other shirts in poly/cotton blend, though one was pretty high on the cotton side. (I also did not get ma'amed, while several women who seemed to be shopping for other people did; I can never tell whether this is a coincidence or not in men's clothing stores.)

Then I had to take Holly to the vet and I made mum drive me because I could not face going and catching another bus. He spent the car ride attacking the towel in the carrier, though he had temporarily beaten it into submission when we got to the vet and left it alone while they had a look at him and gave him his shot. The nurse was stroking him and cooing over him. XD I'll take him in on Monday evening when Heather is there so she can confirm that everything looks fine, but I'm pretty sure this was his last shot now. And I cleaned out the hutch and put new hay in while I had the momentum to do it.

I decided to leave the Molten Front dailies alone in WoW. They're burning me out too much - they take forever, they're tedious as fuck, and it's getting to the point where I look at the character screen and then go and find a lowbie to play on because I can't bear to do them. So that should give me more time to do randoms and collect valor points and gear up for new content that way.

Fandom people, random question - in Ianto's flashback in Fragments, in the final scenes, is he wearing a waistcoat with the suit or just jacket/shirt/tie? I only have the episode on my other computer, which is turned off in my room and it's really cold in there. :(

This entry was originally posted at http://keieeeye.dreamwidth.org/187413.html. Feel free to comment there instead because LJ is a poo.

motherfucking red cross, motherfucking wow, motherfucking bunnies

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