bunneh :x

Jun 27, 2011 18:31

Yesterday when I was picking up Holly to give him a clean and brush I found an abscess on his hind leg. I managed to get him a vet appointment today, which was good, because when I checked him again after work it had opened up and was leaking pus (very slowly - rabbit pus is much, much thicker than dogs/cats/people, there's none of that transparent liquid stuff). So the vet cleaned it out and shaved away the fur from the area and gave him a shot, in decreasing order of rabbit-unhappiness. From now for the next few weeks I have to clean it twice a day and take him in for twice-weekly antibiotics shots. Which he's a dab hand at, this is the third time he's been prescribed twice-weekly shots! Poor wee bug.

Incidentally all the tweets kept bugging me so I started playing Echo Bazaar. >> So anyone who plays can invite me to stuff if they want, particularly persuasive or watchful stuff.

This entry was originally posted at http://keieeeye.dreamwidth.org/185305.html. Feel free to comment there instead because LJ is a poo.

motherfucking bunnies

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