Limited Checkouts on Library eBooks aka I have feelings

May 04, 2011 09:31

There's a petition on that isn't about human or animal rights. Which means it might seem a little frivolous to some, but it's kind of not. See, I have books that have been read more than twenty six times. They're in near perfect condition. If I was forced to buy them again after twenty six reads, I probably wouldn't - it would be a ridiculous waste of money, and I need to spend that money on other things.

When it comes to libraries, the other things they need to spend money on are services for the public. Libraries are important. They don't only offer reading material for people who can't afford to buy books, or who aren't sure where to buy them because there are no decent bookstores nearby. They also offer internet access, which is used for everything from job hunting to grocery delivery to research to keeping up with relevant news which doesn't get much focus in the regular print newspaper. They also advertise things the local community will be interested in - where to find laundromats (for those countries where such things are common), what social groups are open to new members, helping people find jobs, making them aware of all sorts of things that can make their lives easier. And, well, the books. If you have access to books, you have access to knowledge. It is severely underrated.

Library budgets are already usually too low for what they need, and increasing the costs of providing ebooks is likely to just result in very limited selections of ebooks - or none at all. For people who can't get to the library for whatever reason (working during open hours, disability, distance, lack of public transport, price of fuel, relying on others to take them places) ebooks can be a godsend. They also have the ability to increase font sizes for the vision impaired, and don't require you to turn delicate, thin pages for those with poor motor control. If your living situation is chaotic, you don't risk damaging them. If you have an ereader you can carry them with you without having to make room for a book, or several books.

Modern life is being increasingly run by powerful corporations that operate just out of sight. (Don't ask how I feel about this. It's not pretty.) They almost never act in ways that improve the lives of their customers. They're concerned only with their profits, and they need to be held accountable. Knowledge should never be held ransom for the sake of someone's bottom line.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment there instead because LJ is a poo.

motherfucking books

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